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促织教学设计(朱勇)(The teaching design of Cricket (Zhu Yong))The teaching design of Cricket (Zhu Yong)Type: collect resources to join time: May 30, 2006 17:20-Cricket teaching designXinjin middle school Zhu Yonginstructional objective1, the appreciation of the novel style, unique artistic charm, ups and downs, P story, delicate psychological description.2, in-depth excavation of the connotation of the works.3, the classical induction phenomenon, study and grasp the law of classical Chinese words.The idea of teaching1. according to the actual text and the characteristics of senior high school students, the teaching focus of this article can be placed on the plot development, analysis of the ideological connotation and psychological description of characters of comments.2, the long story of varied twists and turns, but the language is simple, can let the student through the text, notes, dictionary, read the text, sort out, write the plot outline.3, in order to make students learn interesting, based on familiar content, cited a similar to its unofficial comparison, to enable students to understand the purpose of the same variant article, and further grasp the theme of cricket.At the end of 4, Cricket, has always been controversial, through discussion, to obtain a more consistent view.Section AAn import.Mr. Guo Moruo wrote an antithetical couplet: painting painted ghost (ghost written demon) thorn corrupt thorn child penetrating a cut above others. This is a cultural celebrity in Qing Dynasty wrote, you guess who it is? (Pu Songling) is his masterpiece? Strange Tales from Liaozhai is a what kind of book?Strange Tales from Liaozhai consists of twelve volumes, four hundred and eighty-eight, through the demon ghost story, the people, and all the mixed art picture, exposing the dark feudal society and officialdom evil, corruption and abuse the irony of the imperial examination system, in praise of the young men and women of pure love, the marriage system of criticizing the unreasonable. Works inherit and carry forward the Six Dynasties Novels and Tang Chuanqis novel artistic tradition, not only has a strong romantic color, and give a person the sense of realism to the. Unique, fancy twists and turns, and changeable, depicts delicate, succinct style. The ideological and artistic achievements, marking Chinas classical Chinese short story creation reached a new peak, occupy a high position in the history of literature China. Liaozhai a large collection of folk myths and legends, most with Fox ghosts, flower as the theme in the book of protamine, used to satirize reality, their indignation. As the books preface said: forget the continued track record, Fubaizaibi, only into the indignant book. Hope so, also is sad.Cricket is the most famous in Liaozhai, the author wrote a famous family was forced to pay the government that go bankrupt, but finally rich story, which exposes the feudal corvee cruel, sarcastic one up, Xian and chicken dog farce, has a profound social significance.Read the two:The request:A look at the text preview tips, draw the key sentences.The control segment notes read the text, draw the do not understand the words in sentences.The students to retell the textC. thinking: what is the author of the paper? (a plot outline)Cricket as the clue, clear, and tortuous touching. It can be summarized as follows: - to find insects, worms syndrome insect - insect - insect, insect - pest insect - xian. The syndrome - find worm worm can be regarded as the beginning of the story, for insect - insects is the development of the story, the loss of insect - insect - insects is the climax of the story, Xian bug is the end of the story.The teacher added that:This story is beginning of the second paragraph of the text. The first paragraph is not involved in famous story, just explain the story of social background, it and the end of a talk, they do not belong to the category of the plot. A Cricket storyline, students pointed out that the crickets demand and not, and suddenly lost, lost and found,This is right. But it should also pay attention to the inner emotional clues from sadness to joy, the joy turned to sorrow, sorrow extremely complex Xi, revealing the theme, this is mainly depend on the intrinsic emotional cues. Start, indicates that the nature of the plot of the middle stage; three said three details; the last two words, pointing out the clues to reveal the characteristics of the total content. The outline of language should be extremely concise, as far as possible to invoke the text words.Three assignments.With the help of notes, read the text interpretation again, and then pick out about 10 words, paragraphs, to prepare for the next class of common analytical.Section BTeach
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