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Unit 1,The Education I Received,学位(Degrees)学士学位 Bachelor 硕士学位 Master 博士学位 DoctorBA (Bachelor of Arts) 文学学士BS (Bachelor of Science)理学学士MA (Master of Arts) 文学硕士MS (Master of Science) 理学硕士MED (Master of Education) 教育学硕士MBA (Master of Business Administration) 工商管理硕士,Famous Universities in America,Harvard University,University of Boston,United States Military Academy,University of California,New York University,Florida State University,Famous Universities in the U.S.,When people talk about famous colleges or universities such as Stanford, they need only use one word. For example, Harvard(哈佛大学), Cornell(康奈尔大学), Princeton(普林斯顿大学), Yale(耶鲁大学), Columbia(哥伦比亚大学) Everyone in the U.S. knows these are schools, and so the word college and university can be dropped.,Yale University,Yale University is a private university in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 as the Collegiate School, Yale is the third-oldest American institution of higher education. The University has graduated numerous Nobel Prize laureates and U.S. Presidents, including William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.,Yale University(耶鲁大学) :是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为长青藤联盟的成员之一。 它和哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学齐名, 历年来共同角逐美国大学和研究生院前三名的位置。,该校最强的学科是社会科学、人文科学以及生命科学。前总统克林顿与他的夫人希拉里就是在耶鲁的图书馆里认识的。,Language Points,1. college /university:在美国college可指单科学校,如a medical college ;而university则指综合大学,综合大学下设的学院也称college. 英国英语中college 还可以表示综合大学下设的分校。2. I did an MA in philosophy. 我读的是哲学硕士。did为“学习,研究学问”He does an MBA at Yale University.他在耶鲁大学攻读工商管理硕士。,E-C Translation Skills,I. 根据词在句中的搭配关系、联系上下文正确地选择 词义。英语单词的词义比较灵活,一个词可以具有 几种不同的含义。如何选择词义是英译汉时经常面 临的问题。一个词的含义往往取决于与它搭配、组 合的词对它的制约。例如,动词have在下列词组中 具有不同的含义: have a lot of money 有很多钱 have a letter 收到一封信 have breakfast 吃早饭 have a cold 患感冒 have a bath 洗个澡 have a try 试一下 have a good time 玩得开心 have a coat on 穿着大衣 have to do with 和有交往,与有关,有时候,一个词的意思很难仅仅依靠该词在行文中的搭配、 组合关系来判断,还必须联系上下文,统观全句或全段才能确定这个词所具有的含义。 例如下列句子中work所表示的意义: 1. Ken is working at the B.B.C. 肯目前在英国广播公司工作。 2. The bell is not working. 铃不响了。 3. Your idea wont work in practice. 你的想法实际上行不通。 4. You are working hard! 你真用功啊!(你真卖力啊!) 5. My mother worked a sweater for me. 妈妈为我织了一件毛衣。 6. Do you know how to work this machine? 你知道怎么使用这台机器吗?,7. He worked his way through college. 他靠做工挣钱 读完了大学。8. This dress is my own work. 这件连衣裙是我自己做的。9. The students finished their work in class. 学生当堂把作业做完了。10. Professor Liu is at work on a new book. 刘教授正在写一本新书。 英语单词在句子中的搭配关系以及上下文是辨析词义的重要依据,英译汉时必须充分注意这两个方面才能对单词的词义作出正确的选择。,3. She enjoyed solving problems.她喜欢解题。有些动词 avoid, finish, stop, mind, cant help, require, admit, miss, delay后面的宾语如果是动词,则该动词用动名词形式。She enjoys listening to pop music.她喜欢听流行音乐。Tom enjoys eating but not cooking. 汤姆喜欢吃但不喜欢做。,4. receive education 接受教育How long?多久?take a course 学习课程 ,参加课程give a course 教授课程,讲授课程Li Hua take an English course in an evening school to improve her English. 为提高英语水平,李华在一所夜校学英语。,5. education (n.) educate (v.) 教育Parents should pay attention to their childrens education.父母应该重视子女的教育。Adult education is very important.成人教育十分重要。It is a difficult thing to educate children.教育孩子不是一件容易的事。educational (a.) 教育的 educational experience教育经历,6. graduate: v. 毕业 n. 毕业生 graduate from 毕业于She graduated from Oxford with a first degree in physics. 她毕业于牛津大学,获得了物理学学士学位。What university did you graduate from? 你毕业于哪所大学?graduation (n.) 毕业,Dialogue B,1. would you like to do sth.? 你愿意?2. how old ?多大 how many? 多少?3. over=more than 超过4. graduate students 毕业生5. on the campus 在校园6. serve meals 提供食物7. enjoy ones time 过的愉快,Passage A,1. favorite:a. 最喜欢的 She is her mothers favorite daughter. What is your favorite sport? Is it football?2. math= mathematics 数学3. method n. 方式,方法 There are a lot of methods to learn English.学习英语的方法很多。 Do this in your own way.用自己的方式做这件事。,4. tend to do:倾向做 People under stress tend to feel tired and nervous.处于压力下的人容易感到疲倦和紧张。5. useless 无用的 (less表示否定) careless 粗心的 不小心的 6. go on strike 罢工 7. protest again /about 抗议 The residents protested against the noise and dust from the construction site. 居民抗议建筑工地的噪音和尘土。,8. private: 私人的 private house /car /school 私人住宅/私人车/私立学校 public公共的 public places 公共场所 personal 个人的 personal letter 私人信件9. pass examination 通过考试10. patient a. 有耐心的(with) n. 病人 patience n. 耐心 impatient a. 没耐心的 Be patient with your old mother she is going deaf. 对你老妈耐心点,她有点儿耳背。,11. refuse :拒绝 accept 接受 Their application for visas was refused.他们的签证申请没有获得批准。 More and more people are ready to accept new things.越来越多人愿意接受新事物。12. sympathy n. (for) 同情 Thank you for your kind sympathy.十分感谢你的同情。,
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