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TOEFL SPEAKING Lecture 1 人物地点物事件、活动A family memberA roomA hobbyAn opportunityA teacherA house/buildingA famous sayingA sportA coachA schoolA skill/abilityA festival/holidayA friendTwo citiesA giftA study habitA boss/leaderA place for tripA book A decisionA neighborA countryTransportationAn event in historyOccupationA celebration思路(15s):确定main idea;确定supporting idea;对想法根据重要性排序开头句(中心句):回答问题(抛出2个概念)第一个概念补充说明(e.g.)额外延伸(explanation)第二个概念补充说明额外延伸结尾(可选)注意:一般为两个概念,其中一个举例,一个解释说明。也可以一边倒,但是要论证充分。THINGKING PROCESSSTEP 1: Give topic sentence: answer the question (1 sentence = 5-10s)STEP 2: Propose Concept 1 + S1: extend you concept (2-3 sentences = 15-25s)STEP 3: Propose Concept 2 + S2: extend you concept (2-3 sentences = 15-25s)FINAL STEP (optional): Summary (1 sentence = 5s, fexible)Total: 6-10 sentences, 80-120 (45s)QUESTIONS01. A knowledgeable person02. A successful person = actor03. A place where you want to go04. A school you have attended05. Your favorite music type06. A hobby=skill=lesson=club=school activity=job=subject07. A challenging experience=important decision=positive experience with another person=teamwork08. The advantages and disadvantages of online shopping=social change=important technology=news09. A community service = planting trees10. A toy=pet=special gift=animal11. Your favorite book=movie12. A celebration13. A good eating habit14. Transportation: subway = news15. Event in the history=monument16. Compare two cities you have been to 17. Compare two schools which have attended18. Compare two singers19. A good study habit=a friend fails in exam, advice?20. A traditional food to your foreign friends21. Describe an equipment that you use every day 22. A, B, C, which is good for enhance friendship? (camping, climbing)1. A knowledgeable personteacher/ BOSS/ grandparents/ parents/ supervisor/ a man youd like to talk with/neighbor/ an important quality of a good teacher/ colleague/ among all the following factors, which is the most important for a good working environment: a good boss, a good colleague, salary?经典开场白:Given this question, personally, Id like to talk about XXXIn terms of/ When it comes to/ concerning/ regarding XXX, Id like to talk about XXXSpeaking for XXX, Id like to talk about XX.To be honest/ frank(坦白的), in terms of XXX(在方面), the first one flashes/ comes up in my mind is XXXAs for this question, I would like to talk aboutWell, this remind me ofConcept 1: He has got a high diploma/ degree.To explain it/ Specifically/ Exactly/ To be specific,1. graduate from XXX University and majored in XXX,2. and now he becomes XXXConcept 2: He has much/ abundant/ rich life experienceundergo=underwent=undergone (经历、经受、忍受)1. I mean/ Well/ You know/ Actually, he underwent ups and downs a lot through his life time/ in the past decades. Sagacious(有远见的) and wise.2. has been around, such as A, B and C.As a result, he knows the different customs and histories in many countries. In his spare time/ class, he often teaches/ informs us of some interesting anecdotes(奇闻) or funny stories along his journey to make fun. (He teaches us by integrating(整合) theories into practice, which is really amazing!)Concept 3: like= really into/ keen on/ crazy about= a big fan of readingActually, he has read so many books, such as= ranging from= including= involving= covering A, B and C (physics, chemistry and biology; geology and literature; typology, theology, astrology).So, whenever I have/ raise any kind of questions, I can always count on(依靠) him= he can always help me= give/ lend me a favor.Concept 4: He can fix every knotty(棘手的) problem in his daily life. For example, he could repair a clog, fix TV and sew a piece of pet clothes He is really awesome/ gorgeous/ freak!Concept 5: achievementsActually, he published plentiful papers and researches in many world-class(世界级的) journals(学术期刊) and thus received many awards and much applause from the public.Summary:To conclude/ All in all, because of him, I broaden horizon/ extend outlook/ widen vision. I respect him very much cuz(因为) he is really awesome, just like a walking dictionary= encyclopedia(百科全书)!2. A successful person = actoractor/ singer/ movie star/ famous model figure/ someone youd like to be in your childhood/ a famous saying/ a successful person/ a man youd like to talk with =(monument)Stephen Chou, Mr. Beans (Rowan Atkinson), Eason Chen, Mayday, Jay Chou, EXO, Super Junior, TF BOYS, Michael Jackson, Girls Generation, Yang Mi, F4, Liu Yifei, Jacky Chen, Huang Bo, Xu Zhen, Huang Lei, Andy LiuConcept 1: hardworking/ persistent(坚持的)Stephen Chou once said: I will persist until I succeed.A man without dream is just like a salted fish without water.A man has to pay dearly for immortality(不朽).A man has to die for several times
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