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Free template from ,Chapter 1 General View of International Business,1.1 WTO,Free template from ,Chapter 1 General View of International Business 国际贸易概要 1.1 WTO 世贸组织 1.2 Globalization 全球化 Chapter 2 International Business Law 国际商法 2.1 Elements of International Contract 国际合约的要素 2.2 International Trade Regulation 国际贸易规则,Free template from ,1.1 WTO 1. The beginning of GATT and WTO 关贸总协定和世贸组织的源起 2. WTO agreements 世贸组织协定 2.2 International Trade Regulation (P.34) 1. World trading system 世界贸易体系 2. GATT principles 关贸总协定原则 3. The WTO agreements 世贸组织协定 4. Antidumping procedures 反倾销程序,Free template from ,I. The beginning of GATT and WTO,1. The purposes of WTO 2. The origin history of WTO 3. About GATT 4. The general agreement on tariffs and trade 5. North-south Dialogue,Free template from ,1. The purposes of WTO to help trade flow, to settle trade disputes, to organize trade negotiations,Free template from ,有助于贸易流通在以减少商品与服务的进出口限制为准则的体系内尽可能畅通无阻 解决政府间的贸易争端 通过促进合作、共同决策和寻求一致意见等方式来组织贸易谈判,Free template from ,tariffs 关税 quotas 配额 embargo 禁运 boycotts 联合抵制 barrier 壁垒 joint decision-making 共同决策 consensus 一致意见 body 机构 secretariat 秘书处,Free template from ,2. the origin history of WTO Bretton Woods conference (1944) International trade organization (ITO) the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (1947) “Uruguay Round” (1994) WTO (1995),Free template from ,Bretton Woods conference 布雷顿森林会议 International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 International trade organization (ITO) 国际贸易组织 ratification 批准 the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 关贸总协定 provisional 临时的 “Uruguay Round” 乌拉圭回合,Free template from ,3. About GATT the function of GATT GATT the development of GATT (the institution) & GATT (the agreement) intellectual property 知识产权,Free template from ,4. The general agreement on tariffs and trade after Havana Charter 1948 (哈瓦那章程),Free template from ,signatory 签署国 abolition of quotas 取消配额 most favored nation 最惠国 trading privilege 贸易特权 system of preferences 特惠系统 Commonwealth Preference 英联邦特惠制 trading blocs 贸易集团 common-market agreements 共同市场 EC (European Community) 欧共体 EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 欧洲自由贸易联盟 “Kennedy Round” 肯尼迪回合,Free template from ,5. North-south Dialogue What? the condition of poor countries,Free template from ,UNCTAD 联合国贸易与发展会议 primary commodities 初级商品 protectionist policy 贸易保护主义政策,Free template from ,Can you summarize what contents do we learn in this part?,Free template from ,II. WTO Agreements,1. The nature and main objectives of WTO & WTO agreements 2. Dispute Settlement 3. Retaliation: antidumping & countervailing measures (抵销性措施) 4. WTOs Principles 5. Membership of WTO,Free template from ,1. the nature and main objectives of WTO & WTO agreements the nature of WTO the nature of WTO agreements the main objectives of WTO agreements WTOs main objectives,Free template from , the nature of WTO International rules; multi-national organization,Free template from ,世界贸易组织是:1)管理对外贸易的国际规则的扩展,不但包括全球商品交易,还包括服务、资本、知识产权和技术等方面。2)按一系列规则运作的多国组织,能够寻找途径解决贸易争端,开发更多影响国际贸易新发展和应对未来挑战的规则。,Free template from ,ground-rules 基本原则 side effects 副作用 protectionism 贸易保护主义 factory closure 工厂倒闭,Free template from , The main objectives of WTO agreements trade flow; trade negotiation; trade disputes - WTOs main purposes,Free template from , WTOs main objectives Reduce protectionism; serve as a forum for trade negotiations; dispute settlement.,Free template from ,2. Dispute Settlement five stages three-step process,Free template from ,1)争端各方和有利害关系的第三方之间进行协商,2)成立委员会调查并报告涉嫌违反世贸组织协定的行为,3)由七人组成的上诉委员会对报告进行上诉复审,4)采纳委员会和争端解决机构的上诉决议,5)执行所采纳的决议,包括逐步升级的三个步骤,Free template from ,“Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes”解决争端规则和程序的谅解 dispute settlement body 解决争端机构 appellate review 上诉复审 appellate body 上诉机构 voluntary conformity 自愿一致 the violating member/party 侵害方 the injured member/party 被侵害方 retaliation 诉讼、反击、报复 arbitration 仲裁,Free template from ,Is the five-step the only process to settle dispute? No. Arbitration of dispute is also allowed as an alternative to the five-step process.,Free template from ,3. Retaliation: antidumping & countervailing measures dumping “subsidy” or “bounty”(津贴 、补贴),Free template from ,established industry 已有工业 member country 成员国 antidumping duty 反倾销税 emerging industries 新兴工业 countervailing duty 抵销性关税、反补贴税、反倾销税,Free template from ,4. WTOs Principles What are the fundamental principles of a multi-lateral trading system according to WTOs agreements?,Free template from ,discrimination 歧视 discriminate between 区别对待 most-favoured-nation (MFN) status 最惠国地位 national treatment 国民待遇 export subsidies 出口补贴 at below cost 低于成本价 market share 市场份额,Free template from ,5. Membership of WTO cut tariff rates 降低关税率 intellectual property piracy 侵犯知识产权的行为,Free template from ,Summary,Part I WTO 1. The beginning of GATT and WTO 2. WTO agreements,Free template from ,1. The beginning of GATT and WTO the purposes of WTO the origin history of
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