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,希望英语 (第二版) 综合教程 1,Unit 5 Entertainment,希望英语 (第二版) 综合教程 2,外语教学与研究出版社,希望英语(第二版)综合教程 2 Unit 5 Entertainment,Speaking,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Look at the pictures on page 66 and list words or phrases about them. Then share your work with others.,Speaking Task 1,Suggested Words: bar nightlife music entertainment dancing enjoy fun excitement passive lonely lazy outdoor activities,Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to talk about the pictures on Page 66. A. Some while others B. Unlike ,Speaking Task 2,Sample Sentences: Some people like spending some time in a bar while others prefer watching TV at home. Unlike outdoor activities, watching TV provides passive entertainment.,Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the following questions and make notes. Organize your notes and report to the class using the given paragraph as a model.,Speaking Task 3,Is age an important factor in the entertainment choices? Why or why not? What do you usually do for fun? What are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor entertainment?,Model Report Toms grandpa is 70, but he is still looking for active entertainment. Unlike most people his age who spend most of their time watching TV, he loves all kinds of outdoor activities, from looking around in a crowded shopping mall to cheering for his favorite football team in the stadium, and from fishing by the lake to taking a walk in the woods with his dog. He simply cannot stop moving about. Recently, he has found something more excitingdancing, which he has never been good at all his life.,Reading A,Task 2,Task 3,Task 1,Text,Language Points,Task 4,Task 6,Task 7,Task 8,Task 5,Reading A Task 1,Give brief answers to the following questions. Then ask your partner about his/her answers and take notes. 1. How long do you watch TV every day when at home? 2. Why do you watch TV? 3. What else do you do with a TV set besides watching programs?,(Open.),Because I can learn a lot of things from TV programs. Because TV provides good entertainment for us.,I do nothing else. I play video games, too. I watch DVDs/VCDs on a TV set.,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,Couch Potato If I had the ability to change one thing about American society, my decision would not be a difficult one. I would ban television.,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,I grew up a couch potato. I owned several couch potato manuals, and can still clearly recall some suggestions outlined within. I mention these because, looking back, it seems I hardly read anything else at allI watched TV almost seven hours a day.,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,There are so many good reasons for you to be a couch potato. Television is good before-breakfast entertainment. Television is good after-school entertainment. Television is good before-bed entertainment. Everybody watches it, so you have to watch it too in order to talk about it with friends. Otherwise you cannot say a word, which makes you look like an idiot.,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,But when I stopped watching television completely several months ago, I found that I had become a more reflective person, simply because I had more time to think. Television had stopped stuffing its ideas into my head. I was pondering my childhood, and to my dismay, I found that it could be summed up adequately in one sentence: “I watched a lot of TV.” And I wasted too much of my youth that I cannot have back. I will never be more imaginative, vigorous than I was in my childhood.,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,One of my older brothers, Andrew, hasnt owned a television since he entered college four years ago. I always thought this was ridiculous. How boring life would be without a TV! He always suggested that I quit watching, but I declined, explaining I watched just four hours a day.,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,Last summer I enrolled in the university and studied Japanese. I had no television in my apartment, so I spent my leisure time reading, doing homework, or working in a mall as a cashier. The most amazing thing I found was the world did not end . Nothing changed. I didnt miss out any news items. If anything, I was more relaxed .,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,Late in my stay, I got a roommate. John had driven from Minnesota to Alaska for a job in Denali National Park. When he got there he found it was not as desirable as he expected. He applied for another job as a waiter at a local restaurant. When it fell through again, he became frustrated and an out-and-out couch potato. Most often he found TV programs boring, but he would keep changing channels. When I returned from my job, I would see him watching television for hours on end . I wanted to shout at him “Get out of here and do something!”,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,I know I couldnt talk him into stopping being a couch potato. There are so many of them. I realized I had some reasons of my own to do research on the subject of television.,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音
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