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Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years课题Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. Section A (3a-4c)课型新授课教学目标教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握一些新单词和短语:clear,clear out,bedroom,no longer own,railway,certain,honest,truthful,to be honest,part,part with,while . 2. 能从阅读中获得个人物品的相关信息。3. 灵活运用How long have you had that bike over there? Ive had it for three years.二、过程与方法训练法,熟能生巧法,通过练习巩固复习所学知识。三、情感态度与价值观正确处理并充分利用自己的废旧物品。教师引导,学生自主探究,小组合作。自主探究与小组合作相结合。重点1. 掌握一些新单词和短语。2. 能从阅读中获得个人物品的相关信息。难点灵活运用How long have you had that bike over there? Ive had it for three years.教学用具多媒体教学环节说 明二次备课复习Have a dictation新课导入Free talk课 程 讲 授Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 New wordsStep 3 Fast reading 3a Read the article written by a father for a newspaper. What is his family going to sell at the yard sale?Check the answers.Step 4 Careful reading根据短文内容教师设置如一些问题,让学生回答。Step 5 Language points Then help the students deal with the difficult points and show the following on the blackboard.1. We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms. clear v. 清理;清除 clear out 清理;丢掉 e.g. Ill clear out that closet for you. 我要替你把那个小衣橱清理出来。2. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use. no longer 意为“不再;不复”,有时可用 not any longer 或not anymore 替换。e.g. He no longer lives here. (= He doesnt live here anymore/any longer.) 他不再住这儿了。3. My daughter was more understanding,although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.1) certain adj. 意为“某种;某事;某人”。e.g. He decided to sell his certain books. 他决定卖掉他的某些书籍。2)part with 放弃、交出,part v. 离开,分开e.g. Dont part with your dream. 不要放弃你的梦想。4. As for me,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but,to be honest,I have not played for a while now.1) as for 至于,关于e.g. And as for us,we are fortunate. 可对我们来说,我们是幸运的。2) to be honest意为“说实在的,说实话”,经常单独使用,作插入语,用逗号与句子隔开。类似的表达还有to tell the truth “老实说,说实话”。e.g. To be honest,she is not an honest girl. 说实话,她不是一个诚实的女孩。honest为形容词,意为“诚实的;老实的”。反义词为dishonest “不诚实的”。Then give the students a few minutes to read the passage again.Step 6 Grammar Focus出示下面的典型例句,让学生们先自己观察句子结构,对比现在完成时和一般过去时的不同。1. -How long have you had that bike over there? 那边的那辆自行车你买了多长时间了? -Ive had it for three years. 我买了三年了。2. -How long has his son owned the train and railway set? 他的儿子拥有这套轨道火车多长时间了?-Hes owned it since his fourth birthday. 自他四岁生日起,他就拥有了它。3. -Have you ever played football? 你曾经踢过足球吗?-Yes,I did when I was little,but I havent played for a while now. 是的,当我很小时就踢过,但是现在我有好长一段时间没有踢了。教师精讲点拨:现在完成时表示从过去已经开始持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示“从过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间状语”连用,如“for + 时间段”、“since + 过去时间点”、“since + 过去时的从句”、“since + 一段时间 + ago”。且for与since引导的时间状语可以相互转换。e.g. My uncle has worked at this factory for ten years.= My uncle has worked at this factory since ten year ago. 我叔叔在这家工厂工作十年了。Ivelivedheresince1990自从1990年以来我就住在这里。Ihaventseenhimforthreeyears.我三年没有看见他了。Shesbeenatthisschoolsincefiveyearsago. 自从五年前以来她就在这个学校。提醒学生必须注意动词应该用“延续性动词”,并让学生注意延续性动词和非延续性动词的转换。Step 7 4a Rewrite the sentences using for or since1. Jim is in Japan. He arrived there three years ago.Jim has been in Japan for three years.2. They are very hungry. Their last meal was ten hours ago.They have been hungry for ten hours/since ten hours ago.3. I have a camera. I bought it in 2009.I have had a camera since 2009.4. I know Ann. I first met her three years ago.I have known Ann for three years/since three years ago.5. Linda is ill. She became ill on Monday.Linda has been ill since Monday.Step 8 4b Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the verbs in brackets.Let the students go through the sentences and then finish the tasks.Check the answers.(提醒学生在做题时一定要注意时间状语)Then use the same way to finish the task in 4b.小结 本课通过一系列的听说活动,进一步提高了听说能力并掌握了一些重点单词,初步了解了for+时间段,since和现在完成时连用的基本句型。 作业布置Homework Review what they have learned in this classFinish the exercise book板书设计Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. 1.words: 2. phrases:3.Sentences:课后反思史书记载,结束了三国分裂局面的晋武帝司马炎共有儿子26人,但太子司马衷却天生痴愚。晋武帝想废太子,另择继承人,皇后劝说:“立嫡以长不以贤,岂可动乎!”于是晋武帝没有更换太子。由此可见,晋武帝选太子是依据3
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