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一、名词解释Reaction bonding A ceramic processing technique, by which a shape is made using one material that is later converted into a ceramic material by chemical reaction and sintering.反应烧结:一种陶瓷加工技术,是用一种材料经过化学反应和烧结而转变成陶瓷材料的成型方法。Materials science and engineering is an interdisciplinary field concerned with inventing new materials and improving previously known materials by developing a deeper understanding of the microstructure-composition-synthesis-processing relationships.材料科学与工程:是一个关于开明新材料和通过对“微观结构组成合成加工”关系加深理解而提高已有材料的跨学科领域Structure means a description of the arrangements of atoms or ions in a material结构:是对材料中原子或离子排列方式的描述Compositionmeans the chemical make-up of a material.组成:表示材料的化学组成Trans-granular (晶内的,穿晶的) Fracturefracture in which cracks would go through the grains.穿晶断裂:沿着纹理断裂的断裂Ductile Fracture In metals that have good ductility and toughness, ductile fracture normally occurs in a trans-granular method.Often, a considerable amount of deformation-including necking is observed in the failed component韧性断裂:金属有很好的延性和韧性,韧性断裂常常发生在穿晶断裂中。通常,可以在失效部件中看到可观的包括变细在内的变形。Glass Intermediates Oxides that, when added to a glass, help to extend the glassy network; although the oxides normally do not form a glass themselves.网络中间体:加入玻璃中,有助于延伸玻璃网状结构的氧化物,但他们通常不能独自形成玻璃。shot peening A process in which metal spheres are shot at a component.This leads to a residual compressive stress at the surface of a component and this enhances fatigue life.喷丸硬化:把金属球喷入部件中的过程,导致部件表面产生残余压缩应力,这提高疲劳寿命。Flexural modulus The modulus of elasticity calculated from the results of a bend test, giving the slope of the stress-deflection(偏转) curve弯曲模量:是从弯曲试验结果中计算出来的弹性模量,等于应力偏转曲线的斜率。TemperingA low temperature heat treatment used to reduce the hardness of martensite (马氏体)by permitting the martensite to begin to decompose to the equilibrium phase.回火:一种通过让马氏体分解成平衡相而减小马氏体硬度的低温热处理方法StressForce or load per unit area of cross-section (横界面) over which the force or load is acting应力:在力或负荷作用下单位横截面积的力或负荷Strain Elongation (延长) change in dimension per unit length.应变:在单位尺寸长度中改变的伸长度Youngs modulus The slope (斜率) of the linear (线性的) part of the stress-strain curve in the elastic (弹性 的) region (区域的), same as modulus of elasticity (弹性 系数).杨氏模量:在应力应变曲线的弹性区域中线性部分的斜率,和弹性模量相同。Synthesisis the process by which materials are made from naturally occurring or other chemical reaction合成:通过自然生成或其他化学反应而制成材料的过程Processing means different ways for shaping materials into useful components or changing their properties.加工:用不同的方法把材料成型成有用的部件或者改变他们的性能。Aspect ratioThe length of a fiber divided by its diameter.纵横比:纤维的长度除以它的直径Delamination Separation of individual plies of a fiber-reinforced composite.分层:在纤维增强复合材料中独特板层的分隔Ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT)The temperature below which a material behaves in a brittle manner in an impact test韧脆转变温度:在此温度下材料在冲击试验中表现脆性Creep rateThe rate at which a material deforms when a stress is applied at a high temperature蠕变速率:材料在高温时应力作用下的变形速率。Rupture time The time required for a specimen to fail by creep at a particular temperature and stress断裂时间:在一定温度和应力下,样本因蠕变而失效所需的时间Fatigue life The number of cycles permitted at a particular stress before a material fails by fatigue疲劳寿命:在一定应力下,材料在疲劳失效前所允许的循环使用次数Endurance limitAn older concept that defined a stress below which a material will not fail in a fatigue test.疲劳极限:这是一个很老的概念,定义为一个应力,它低于材料在疲劳测试中永不会失效的临界应力Tape castingA process for making thin sheets of ceramics using a ceramic slurry consisting of binders (粘结剂), plasticizers(可塑剂), etc. The slurry is cast with the help of a blade(刀片) onto a plastic substrate.流延成型:用粘结剂和可塑剂等组成的陶瓷浆料制造陶瓷薄片的过程,陶瓷浆料在刀片帮助下浇铸到塑料基板上。True stress The load divided by the actual cross-sectional area of the specimen at that load.真实应力:样本的负荷除以在该负荷下的实际横截面积 Fatigue strengthThe stress required to cause failure by fatigue in a given number of cycles疲劳强度:在给定循环次数下导致材料疲劳失效所需的应力Notch sensitivity Measures the effect of a notch, scratch (剐擦敏感度)-, or other imperfection(不完整性, 非理想性)on a materials properties, such as toughness or fatigue life缺口灵敏度:衡量缺口、擦痕或其他不完整结构对材料性能的影响,比如对韧性和疲劳寿命的影响Linear polymer Any polymer in which molecules are in the form of spaghetti-like chains(类似与意大利细面条).线状聚合物:分子以类似意大利细面条的链的形式存在的所有聚合物Brittle stress-rupture failures usually show little necking and occur more often at smaller creep rates and high temperatures.脆性应力断裂失效:常常展现比较小的颈缩,通常在很小的蠕变速率和高温下发生Creep a time dependent, permanent deformation at high temperature, occurring at constant load or constant stress蠕变:在高温下,加载恒定载荷或者恒定应力时发生的随时间变化的永久变形Stress-corrosionA phenomenon in which materials react with corrosive chemicals in the environment leading to the formation of cracks and lowering of strength应力腐蚀:材料和环境中有腐蚀性的化学物质反应而导致裂纹形成和强度降低的一种现象Rule of mixtures The statement that
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