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Lessons 115 -116 Knock, knock! 一.知识点:1、Isnt there anyone at home? (There be句型) 复合不定代词 anyone 看作单数,用在疑问句和否定句中。2、Ill knock again. knock at/on the door 敲门。 3、Everythings very quiet. 复合不定代词 everything 看作单数,用在肯定句中。 4、Im sure theres no one at home. 宾语从句。= There isnt anyone at home. 复合不定代词 no one看作单数,本身表否定。 5、But thats impossible. 【广告】Nothing is impossible. Anything is possible. 6、Carol and Tom invited us to lunch. invite sb. to sth./do sth. 邀请某人参加某项活动或做某事例句:Ive invited Peter to our party. They invited me to give a talk. 7、Look through the window. through 透过,穿过(纵穿) 横穿 across 8、Can you see anything? 复合不定代词 anything 看作单数,用在疑问句和否定句中。9、Nothing at all. = I can see nothing at all. = I cant see anything at all. 复合不定代词 nothing看作单数,本身表否定。at all 表强调语气。 10、Lets try the back door. Lets祈使句。 try to do sth. 尝试做某事。try sth. 尝试某物。 例句:Try this chocolate. Try these shoes. the back door 后门;the front door 前门。 11、Look! Everyones in the garden. Look! 引起注意,通常后面用现在进行时或一般现在时。 复合不定代词 everyone 看作单数,用在肯定句中。 12、Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden. 复合不定代词 everybody 看作单数,用在肯定句中。want to do sth. 想要做某事。 13、Its nice and warm out here. 这里的nice用于形容词之前表加强语气,译为“挺的”。 例如:It was nice and cool in the woods. Everybody arrived nice and early. It feels nice and soft.这东西摸起来挺软。The bus is running nice and fast.这辆公交车跑得挺快。14、Come and have something to drink v. = Help yourself to some drink n. 修饰复合不定代词的词或词组通常放在其后。anything to eat. something beautiful. 15、May I have a glass of bear please? May I.? Could I.? Can I.? 客气的说法。a glass of. 一杯 16、Theres none left. = Theres no beer left. = There isnt any beer left. none = no + n. = not any + n. 没有什么东西(通常指代不可数名词) 这里的left是leave的过去分词,有形容词的含义“剩下的”。 例句:There are one week left before we go. Is there any coffee left? 17、Dont believe her. 否定祈使句。 believe 相信。believe in = trust 信任。 18、Shes only joking (= kidding). 【搞笑】-Are you kidding? -No, Im serious. 与some与any的用法一样:somebody/someone/ something/ somewhere一般用于肯定句anybody/anyone/anything/ anywhere用于疑问句与否定句nothing/nobody/no one/ nowhere相当于 not anything/anybody/anyone/anywhere二.单词。任何人_ 邀请_ 敲打_ 任何东西_什么也没有_一切事物_ 安静的_ 柠檬水_开玩笑_ 不可能的_ 睡觉,睡着(作表语)_眼镜_三.单项填空。1.-The story is so amazing!Its the most interesting story.Ive ever heard.-But,Im afraid not _ will like it .A.everybody B.some body C.anybody D.nobody2.-Doctor,is there anything wrong with my eyes? -No._ is OK.A.something B.nothing C.Everything D.Anything 3.-What did you buy for your daughter at the supermarket?-I bought _, because I didnt find _ she likes.A.something,anything B.anything,somethingC.nothing,anything D.something,nothing 4.-Is _here?-No,John and Bob have asked for leave(请假)A.nobody B.anybody C.some body D.everybody 5.I am going to _him to dinner.A.ask B.invite C.afford D.please四.用所给动词的正确形式填空。1.Summer is the _the _ of four seasons.(hot)2.She made _mistakes than Sandy did in the exam.(good)3.I dont think that magazine is as _as that one.(interesting)4.His newly bought house is _than mine.(big)5.I have_ this refrigerator on installments.(buy)五. 默写课文Lesson 115 Knock, knock!海 伦:家里没有人吗?吉 姆:海伦,我再敲一次。毫无动静,肯定家里没有人。海 伦:但这是不可能的。卡罗尔和汤姆请我们来吃午饭。从窗子往里看看。海 伦:你能看见什么吗?吉 姆:什么也看不见。海 伦:让我们到后门去试试。吉 姆:瞧!大家都在花园里。卡罗尔:你好,海伦。你好,吉姆。汤 姆:大家都想在花园里吃午饭。 这外面挺暖和。卡罗尔:来喝点什么。汤 姆:谢谢,卡罗尔。给我一杯啤酒好吗?卡罗尔:啤酒?一点都不剩了。 你可以喝点柠檬水。吉 姆:柠檬水!汤 姆:吉姆,别信她的。她只是在开玩笑。 喝点啤酒吧! 3
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