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5#r张 捷, 徐子松(桐乡市自来水公司, 浙江 桐乡 314500)K 1: 重点介绍了桐乡市自来水公司果园桥水厂活性炭滤池的炭选型a填充及运行维护情况b通过对不同活性炭滤池的运行情况进行跟踪分析,摸索出了活性炭滤池的运行维护管理经验,可为类似工程的设计和运行管理提供借鉴b1oM: 活性炭; 活性炭滤池; 运行维护ms|: TU991. 2 DSM: C cI|: 1000- 4602(2005)10- 0099- 03Type Selection ofActivated Carbon and Operation andMaintenanceof Activated Carbon FilterZHANG Jie, XU Z-isong(Tongxiang Water Supply Co. Ltd. , Tongxiang 314500, China)Abstract: Key introductionwasgiven to the typeselection anddosingofactivated carbon and theoperation andmaintenanceof activated carbon filter. Aftermaking tracking analysis on theoperation ofvarious activated carbon filters, theexperienceswith operation, maintenanceandmanagement ofactiva-ted carbon filterweresummarized, and thusgiving areference to thedesign, operation andmanagementof the resemblingprojec.tKey words: activated carbon; activated carbon filter; operation andmaintenance1 工程概况M,TZTgTBvBs,3()/?)/),B!9?8 104 m3 /d,?)$9)#), 2002M77, 2003M5/g;=!9?7 104 m3 /d,B*)/?)/), 2003M87, 2004M7/gbgFVr-,L=fgF13mg/L,(HW15minbrs10,B71. 5mm,638 30,=12 40bQ!rQ!,YVQ!D7eQ! 50%,(q70%; 1. 5mmrWd#v,)rTYvbIBf,=P12 40,la,51P,)rTzbV1 1STab. 1 Main indexes ofactivated carbon?/(mg# g-1 )J/(mg# g- 1)l,y7rMv,)P,/(byNPBHW,M(b=r9Fd,H)n,#1(b414 9F?3|%aa%)iaQ!ZTQ!#bgFv9F,iOP=B,31bVgFVPr-12 15 mg/L(),P3T?b415 Q!eQ!Hnq,5/,!;nqVv5gl,r!rTbnq!,i(PxFB),;3YbyN,Q!r1b rQ!,Kzr,!$z,;VP!1,#100#第 10期 中国给水排水 第 21卷E!Vrb !Ha!T,E5?3,5Nb5 结论 4aAZT#r,P#1ob Gkb AVraaQ!,P)KDb r$aoe,iM(bID:1 ,f.3rQ!ZT J.S, 2002, 19(2): 14- 17.: (0573)8233831.: (0573)8233831E- mail: zhangjie19 sina. coml: 2005- 04- 30#101#第 10期 张 捷,等:活性炭的选型及炭滤池的运行维护 第 21卷
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