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Sz.谭志松(中铁隧道集团有限公司, 河南洛阳 471009)K1:T.lK1oB,T.I5bT.H1a=a,?Z3Yb1T.i5b1oM:;.;ms|: G206. 2DSM: CHow toMake Enterprise PropagandaMoviesTAN Zh-i song(China Railway Tunnel Group Co. , Ltd. , Luoyang 471009, H enan, China)Abstract: M ak ing enterprise propaganda movies is one of the most important approaches to spread enterprise images.How tom ake good enterprise propagandamovies is a top ic to wh ich much attention shou ld be paid. In themak ing of theenterprise propaganda movies, the aim must be clear, the contentmust be correct and the orien tation must be accurateso that the movies can be helpful to the development of enterprises. In the paper, the issues to wh ich special attentionshou ld be paid in the mak ing of the enterprise propagandamovies are presented.Key words: enterprise; propaganda; cu lturenull nullaZUa.l,K=/Bz,/YaB8,?Z11bMvK(/eM)S=/55h,/BzA1b.TB*;*ebT.K.l+b1pa=3,1p?dB+b8.+gl,salb2bM7,.o1:aZaSaqb.V=s1,B,6Bgb-1,dB,.,.lbVs,9,V7bMdB,nullaaanull*,.PM,4,34vTL$b7g1YVCLc,43ZU3Val?+PZEbV7hng?1,/zgrbMM7,y/,hAA/:5SEyZ9,SEr!S?v7,SE2a4b1g4,/z?ZbS.n51bI1S.bT.46?T46*Sb1&il,=1&BdBM,hn9YMb?ZEsb*1|1&,4BdBbT1Sg,B,+?91b,?8Cl: 2007- 10- 15Te:( 1964- ),3,C8W:g, 2003M8nfq65,S,=,CVY.Tb27null52007M10null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null隧道建设TunnelC onstructionnull null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null27( 5): 108 109Oct. , 2007ZUaVb1o,FZq,.1pbqp5,1L,.lbTsBQ(,1=W,lbTCdB,*Ss,B,.1b9,%S.-1-%s1&,Sob?S.7S.bMdB*,91-,.1Y$am1bC,8TVT8a.bl4S.,y1bV/,t5b7.8/B;TbBZTb1s,7ib7v8T!LbyN,4S.H10In4B!g?,P8T,9VSs,8SbL=,S.,V?|.gTz?b6,ugP.9bgguY,g)ZB,S.1|Cd,dBb7g,1|?+.r,5Vsb1M1BggM,SH1.ZUL,.*,ZCM,N4bf/?4.&b,T.,?B*Z,Bf;u?/b9.zbVoS+*Z,null7*null,.1:,B,*bVQj$,B*?L
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