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3032010M9null null null null+4null null null Sed im enta ry G eo logy and T ethyan G eo logynull null nullV o .l 30 N o. 3Sept. 2010cI|: 1009null3850( 2010) 03null0065null06中上扬子上奥陶统五峰组含放射虫硅质岩与古环境刘null 伟, 许效松, 冯心涛, 孙媛媛(成都地质矿产研究所, 四川null 成都null 610081)l: 2010null06null09;: 2010null08null06Te:( 1981null),3,V,1VYbEnullm a i:l Lw_happy qq. comK1:+oFAcbF,V(WAZ=QZS0XY,70Bd+HWi3ZMYbsF$,YVcbAu1,bHuMF#(1,0u(Wb1nullonullM:b;A;F;oms|: P 512. 2DSM: Anull nullbB3aA 3bsVZ,ssZaaa!c#avaZyYe 1 (, 1999)bb-XC 2 (j, 1988)bSCaFa=b(, 1999;i,2001;, 2001, 2007;),M1Db-0u(dFAbSV 7 10 (, 1991;w+, 1992;, 1993;, 2003; ),F3F:M9X(p, 1999;, 2000; ) 11 12 ,cbAMilM1,8M0Y,V?XaRb3ib6BZ,0FA(#A:)sSl,uYb+HBdWiZ(3Z)Y,AZVYVYXY,7OZ/H9ZYb05q2di,F:aA:#A,iVnb;09N,AHKui,ZMYVCb02,A(#A:)vM,VZFbm5null0uFMF+1.x:#x; 2.x:a:; 3.:a:; 4.:; 5.A#C; 6.:CA; 7.A; 8.AC:; 9.b; 10.F ig. 5null Sedim entary fac ies and litho log ic assoc iations from the W ufeng Fo rm ation in the m idd lenullupper Y angtze area1= silty shale and ca lca reous siltstone; 2 = silty sha le and carbonaceous sha le; 3 = carbonaceous sha le and ca lcareous sha le; 4=ca rbonaceous sha le; 5= s iliceous rock and m udstone; 6= sha le intercalated w ith siliceous rock; 7= siliceous rock; 8= siliceous rockinterca lated w ith sha le; 9= radiolar ias; 10= stratial th ickness4null(WKZQD 17 M1$,VcbAm,sMuM,7)ub0XY:F%Y,1MF:BAnullA:null:F(cbA),=C:nullxC:FbN,02L8a,2rY,FcxnullCF,oF/9NMF,V?sdY,3FbFQZM+:Ac(d)9F,ZvFb8s,iB%(m6)bVm6Vn,0TZMYbHV?z,s682010M( 3)0(dFcbAm6null0u(WKZ1.xnullC; 2.C:nullxC:; 3.AnullA:-:; 4.dO|:nullA:; 5.H; 6.Ku; 7.wH; 8.ZSZ_F ig. 6null Sedim entary fram ewo rk of the sem inullrestr icted sea in the m idd lenullupper Y angtze a rea during theW u feng ian o f the La te O rdov ician1= calcareous siltstonenullca lca reous m udstone; 2= carbonaceous arg illitenullsilty arg illite; 3= siliceous rocksnullsiliceous sha lenullcarbonaceoussha le; 4= continenta l slope carbonaceous shalenullsiliceous sha le; 5= o ld up lift; 6= fo ssil denudation area; 7= in ferred boundary; 8=transg ression directionvW*hY7MNbnull nullZZ,0avuZM;02y:cK,TwZMY,Bb98,H0XYa+bZlt,4BFrK;Hvv,K,2U4/iHV?bcbA1K0ZubHZ,+HhIGa#tH;Bd#*Hh,Lu(1wH;0q2dHhbVQA,+Ha*H8i_u4Y;AdL8a,2rYu,HMbm6U,H0uiLa-aF,4BFVnlSK 18(x珣等, 1983)b湖北五峰前河a广元严家坝等9(1,KnT/SKb(1V(W98Z|t,
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