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河北省秦皇岛市抚宁县台营学区2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 说明:把选择题答案写在第8页上面对应处。听力部分(听力材料读两遍)一. 听句子,选择句子所包含的信息。(5分)1.A Last weekend B Next weekend C. This weekend2.A guitar B piano C violin3.A How long B How much C How often4.A Tom is taller than Sam. B Sam is taller than Tom. C Sam is as tall as Tom.5.A I laughed. B I didnt laugh. C I didnt stop working.二、听句子,选择正确的答语。(5分)6. A Im Eric. B Nice to meet you , too. C I dont mind them.7. A No, I bought nothing. B Everyone was on vacation. C I often play volleyball.8. A I read books twice a week. B I always exercise. C On Thursday.9. A My father is taller. B My mother has longer hair. C My mother is smarter.10. A I can learn a lot B I watch them on weekends C Theyre OK.三、听下面5段对话,选择适当答案。(5分)11. Where did Tom go on vacation? A To the beach B To the mountains C To the park12. How often does Lisa drink coffee? A Two or three times a week. B Four times a week. C Four times a day.13.Whats the difference between Lucy and Lily?A Lily likes sports better than Lucy. B Lily has shorter hair than Lucy. C Lily is heavier than Lucy.14.Which clothes store may they go to? A Dream Clothes B Blue Moon C Sun Flower15 What does the woman think of the room?A Quiet B Noisy C Hot四、听下面对话,回答第16至第17两个小题。(2分)16. How often does Ted watch the news?A. Every day. B. At night. C. Three times a week.17. Why does Ted like watching the news? A. He wants to travel all over the world. B. He can learn more about the world. C. He is interested in all kinds of news.五、听下面一段对话,回答18至20小题。(3分)18. What are the speakers talking about?A. Their vacation plans B. A piano lesson C. Anns family19. When are Williams family going to Qingdao?A. On June 15 th B. On June 25 th C. On June 23 rd20. Which is NOT right?A. William doesnt know how long he is staying in Qingdao.B. Ann makes her plan to babysit and have violin lessons.C. Williamuncle is going to Qingdao on June 23th. 六、听下面一篇短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(5分)21. Did Disney join the army?A. Yes, he was. B. Yes, he did. C. No, he didnt.22. Who named Mickey Mouse?A. Disney B. Disneys brother C. Disneys wife 23. Why did Disney build the Disneyland? A. To make money. B. To help parents spend time with their children more happily. C. To win peoples respect(尊重).24. When did the first Disneyland appear?A. In 1928. B. In 1932. C. In 1955. 25. How many Disneyland parks are there in the world now?A. Two. B. Five. C. Six.笔试部分七、单项选择:(20分)26. He didnt _ to do _ .A. want;something B. want;anything C. wanted;anything D wanted; anything27. They took _ photos in Beijing . A. quite a few B. quite a lot C. quite few D much28. Everyone in my class _ a bag with some food last Friday.A. take B. takes C. taking D took29. The Greens arrivedNew Yorka sunny day. A. in; inB. at; inC. at; onD. in; on30. What a nice watch! Whenyouit? Three days ago. A. do; buyB. did; boughtC. were; buyD. did; buy31. Doing exercisegood for your health. A. beB. amC. isD. are32. Id like a ticket to The Sound of Music. Sorry, there isleft. A. someB. noneC. anyD. many33. How do you like the short play? Funny, the music of it is not so good. A. soB. thoughC. orD. because34. Both of the T-shirts are in style this year. But I think this one is. A. popularB. much popularC. more popularD. the most popular35. The teachers in that school speak either English or French, or even. Thats so cool!A. allB. bothC. neitherD. none36. In the school talent show, Linda performed well and Ann did even. A. wellB. betterC. moreD. worse37. Our hometown is becoming. A. beautiful and beautiful B. more beautiful and beautifulC. more beautiful and more beautiful D. more and more beautiful38. Mike hurt his back seriously and can _ get out of bed without help.A quickly B easily C nearly D hardly39. How about _ out for walk.A. go B. to go C goes D. going40. Lily _dancing than her sisterA. is good at B. is well at C. is better at D. does better at41. Though he is only an 8-year-old boy, he can play_ piano well.A. a B. an C. the D. /42. You can buy tickets the quickly there. A.most B. much C. more D. many43. How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school _A. by my bike B. by bikes C. by bike D. by a
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