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河北省秦皇岛市卢龙县2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期中试题说明:1.本试卷共八页,满分120分。2. 听力材料读两遍。3. 选择题答案写在第六页答题处。听力部分一、选出你听到的选项。(10分)1. A. Yy B. Mm C. Dd2. A. brother B. cousin C. father3. A. three B. four C. five4.A. English books B. Chinese books C. Notebook5. A. yellow B. blue C. black6. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon7. A. watch B. ring C. pencil8. A. think B. see C. know9. A. In our room B. In the picture C. On her bed10. A. Thank you for your help B. Have a good dayC. Hes my brother. 二、听句子,选择适当的答语。(5分)11.A.Good evening! B. Good morning! C. Good afternoon!12. A. Its OK B. Im Bob. C. Im fine, thanks.13.A.Its my book. B. He is my father. C. No, it isnt.14. A. Its a pen. B. Its red. C. Thanks15. A. Its green. B. Yes, it is. C. On the table. 三、听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)16. Is this Alans eraser? A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt.17. Whats Lindas telephone number?A.235-1695B. 235-2783 C. 235-618518.What color is Mikes ruler?A. OrangeB. WhiteC. Blue19. Where is the girls hat?A. On the table.B. In the drawer. C. Under the sofa. 20. Is Tom the girls brother? A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isnt C.Its Cindys.四、听下面一小段对话, 回答21-22两个小题。(2分)21.What is not mentioned (提及) in the conversation?A. a watch. B. An ID card. C. A pencil case.22. Who lost his|her watch? A. Linda. B. The man. C. Mary.五、听下面一小段对话,回答23-25三个小题。(3分)23. Where is the computer game? A. On the table. B. In the bookcase. C. On the chair.24. Wheres the pencil box? A. Under the sofa. B. Under the chair. C. Under the table.25. What are on the table? A. The ruler. B. Moms keys. C. The schoolbag.六、听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,听力材料读三遍。(5分)26. Toms grandparents are in _. A. England B. China C. America27. Lucy is Toms _. A. mother B. aunt C. grandmother28. Tom has a brother. His name is _. A. Joy B. Jim C. John 29 .Toms family name is _. A. Jim B. King C. Tom30. There are _ people in Toms family. A. six B. seven C. eight七、单项选择(20分)31.下列小写字母占格相同的是_A.f l k B.h o s C.x z v D.n k b32.当上午有人对你说“Good morning!”时,你应该说:_ A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon C. Hello. D. Good evening.33.- _. -My name is Frank. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Whats your name? D. Hello!34.This is _ ruler. _ ruler is yellow. A. the; A B. a; A C. an; the D. a; The35.当你的老师向你介绍一位新同学时,你应该对你的新同学说:_ A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. C. Thanks. D. Good night.36. 对方帮了你的忙后,你应该说:_ A.OK. B. Thanks. C. Hello! D. Morning!37. What color is it? Its _.A. H B. green C. good D. a pen 38My mother is Alice Johnson. _ phone number is 2546809. AHis BYour CHer DIts39I _ Ken. My family name _ Martin. Aam,am Bis,is Cis,am Dam, is40-Sit down,please. - _ AFine BThank you CThanks you DYes41“Whats this? ”“ _. ”AIts pen BThis is pen CIts a pen DThis is an pen42Whats this _ ? Its a hat. Ain the English Bin English Cfor English Dat English43.This is _.A . ball B. my a book C. Eric D. photos 44. Your mothers sister is your_.A. grandmother B. brother C. aunt D. sister45. Bob, is this_ cat? A. you B. your C. he D. his46. That is a photo _ my family.A. at B. of C. in D. on 47. _your phone number? -Its 367-2456.A. Is B. Is it C. What D. Whats48. -How is your brother? -_. A. How do you do? B. Hes fine, thanks C. Thank you very much. D. Im sorry.49. -Where are the pencils? - Are they on the table?A I dont know. B No, they arent. C Yes, they are. D. I know.50. Im tidy, my brother is not.A and B so C but D do八、 从栏中选出适合栏的答语。(5分) 51. Whos she? A. Youre welcome.52. Whatre those? B. Shes my sister.53. Are you Grace? C. OK.54.Thank you for your help D. They are pencils.55. Could you bring my English books to me? E. Yes, I am.九、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Here is a photo of my family. 56 are my grandfather and grandmother. T
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