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Table Manners,Chinese dinner table,Western dinner table,Hosts often sit at the end of the table, the nearer to the hosts the more important the guests are,in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares.,Chinese Table Manners,Not rude to reach in front of someone to grab something Polite to reach for food with chopsticks Chinese host like to put food on your plate for you,Your host will fill up your dish if it is empty Never take the last bit from a serving dish begins with a set of at least four cold dishes,Business Table Manners in China,Banquets(宴会) start around 6:30-7:00 p.m. Last about 2 hours Arrive 30 minuets before your guests,Business is not always discussed during a meal Never eat before your host Return the favor,American Table Manners,Food is passed around the table If something is out of your reach, you ask politely for someone to pass it to you,Not rude to leave plate full Not rude to leave your plate empty Not rude to take last item off dish,Business Table Manners in America,Arrive early, especially if you are the host Pay for the meal in advance,Courteous(客气的) to hold the door open for male and female Business is discussed during the meal,Eating Habits in China,Dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares Give guests a taste of many different types of dishes Hostess like to put food into the plates of their guests. When eating rice hold bowl close to mouth Eat lightly at meals, could be up to 20 courses,Eating Habits in America,Food is passed to the right Have own plate of food Try little of everything Keep table cloth clean Food lifted to mouth Repulsive(令人厌恶的) to talk with mouth full No elbows on table Do not clean your teeth at the table, either with your finger or a tooth pick(牙签), not even with you tongue.,Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine(菜肴) and will do their best to show their hospitality.,What are good table manners ?,*how to use knives ,forks and chopsticks? when to drink a toast , how to behave at the table.,index finger(食指)hold the back of a knife,Cut stead into small pieces and use back of fork to stabbed into mouth,Utensils placement in the meal,Utensils placement after the meal,Chinas Chopsticks,Chopsticks for eating rice Polite if try to use chopsticks Bad luck in set parallel on top of bowl, or dropped rude to Point your chopsticks to sth. or sb. Dont tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.,Rude if chopsticks are stuck straight up in bowl ( this is that when somebody dies, the shrine to them) Impolitely to move your chopsticks around in the air before you decide what to get with your chopsticks.,Foods You Can Eat with Your Fingers,Artichoke Asparagus(芦笋的茎) Bacon Bread Cookies Corn on the Cob Chips, French Fries, Fried Chicken, and Hamburgers Hors dOeuvres, Canapes, Crudits Sandwiches Small Fruits and Berries on the Stem,Americans Utensils(餐具),Start with the outer utensils, and work in towards your plate Only spoon provided is soup spoon Salad fork has thicker tine at left,Fish fork and knife Most inner fork and knife are for meat If tea or coffee or going to be served a teaspoon will be brought out with it,8,9,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,1,1,Bread &butter plate,dinner plate,Water glass,Red wine glass,White wine glass,11,Champagne glass,Meat knife,salad knife,American Napkin,After meal fold the napkin and place it loosely near plate Napkin should not be crumpled(压皱) or twisted At informal occasion is used to clean up mess that occurred during meal,Once seated put napkin on lap(大腿),put napkin on the chair, when you leave the seat for a while,What are good table manners ?,Pray and keep silent for a moment .Then say “enjoy your meal”to each other and start eating . Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left . Never ask for a second bowl of soup. Use fingers when eating chicken or other birds. Finish eating everything on your plate . Speak quietly and smile a lot . Raise your glasses and take only a sip.(一小口),If youre not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.,
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