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实训五Part I VocabularyLearn the new words from the table below and choose the best answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.词汇音标词性中文释义例句nightmare/naItmeE/n.噩梦;可怕的情景Travelling on those bad mountain roads is a nightmare.在那崎岖的上路上旅行真是件可怕的事。noble/nEUbl/a.高尚的,崇高的;贵族的People admire him for his noble character.人们因他高贵的品质而敬爱他。nominate/nXmIneIt/v.提名;任命;指派She has been nominated as candidate for President.她已经被提名为总统候选人。nonsense/nXnsns/n.胡扯;愚蠢的行为Reports that he has changed his nationality are nonsense.关于他已经更改国籍的报道是无稽之谈。 norm/nO:m/n.标准;规范You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in.在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。normal/nO:ml/a.正常的;正规的The two countries resumed normal diplomatic relations.两国恢复了正常的外交关系。noticeable/nEUtIsEbl/a.显而易见的;显著的There has been a noticeable improvement in her dancing.她的舞蹈有了明显的进步。notify/nEUtIfaI/v.通知;告知He notified us that he was going to resign.他通知我们说他要辞职。notion/nEUSn/n.信念;观念;理解He had a notion that Im cheating him.他以为我欺骗他。notorious/nEUtO:riEs/a.臭名昭著的The area is notorious for drug deals.该地区因毒品交易而臭名昭著。nourish /nVrIS/v.滋养;养育Most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots. 多数植物是靠着根吸收水分来维持生命的。novel /nXvl/a.新颖的;新奇的We were deeply impressed by the novel designs.新颖的设计给我们留下了深刻的印象。nowadays/naUEdeIz/ad.现在,当今Nowadays, people prefer sending emails to writing letters.如今比起写信来,人们更喜欢发送电子邮件。nowhere/nEUweE/ad.任何地方都不This kind of forest exists nowhere else in the world.在世界其他地方找不到这样的森林。nuclear/nju:kliE/a.核能的;原子能的Barack Obama struck a deal with Russia to reduce the two countries nuclear stockpiles.奥巴马与俄罗斯达成了削减两国核武器储备的协议。nuisance/nju:sns/n.讨厌的人(或东西);麻烦事The noise was so loud that it was a nuisance to the neighbours. 那声音大得让邻居讨厌。numerous/nju:mErEs/a.很多的;数不清的He had numerous excuses for being late. 他对迟到有无数的借口。nursery/nC:sEri/n.托儿所;育儿室Her company ran its own workplace nursery.她的公司开办了内部的托儿所。nurture/nC:tSE/v.养育;教养Parents want to know the best way to nurture their children.父母们想知道养育孩子的最佳方法。nutrition/njutrISn/n.营养;滋养;营养的补给A balanced diet provides adequate nutrition for the body.均衡的饮食给身体提供充足的营养。1. The _ plays an important role in the prevention of shortsightedness.A. fiction B. rendition C. nutritionD. fashion2. The U.S. usually uses dual _ to judge the human rights in other countries.A. normal B. norms C. forms D. laws 3. Last night I had a/an _ about being drowned in a lake, and lost sleep.A. nightmareB. view C. experienceD. accident4. Its the first time a woman has been _ for Best Director in the 50-year history of the Academy Awards.A. interviewed B. nominatedC. assignedD. promoted5. Ihave _engagementsnextweek. A. number B. much C. lots D. numerousPart II ListeningSection AChoose the right answers for the 5 short dialogues from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.1. A. Hell be able to clean the house in time.B. He doesnt have time to take the woman home.C. It should be easy for the guests to find the house.D. He needs time to relax before the guests arrive.2. A. If the game is held there the team will lose.B. If the game is held there the team will win.C. It makes no difference since the team will lose.D. It makes no difference since the team will win.3. A. Her sons health. B. Her sons studies.C. Her sons poor grades. D. Her sons competence for the job.4. A. The shops are not crowded in December.B. Many people go shopping despite the cold weather in December.C. People dont like to go shopping in busy shops in winter.D. In December people stay at home because of the cold weather.5. A. The exam questions were too difficult.B. The questions had little connection with the course.C. He couldnt finish the questions within the time allowed.D. He found the questions confusing.Section BChoose the right answers for the 2 long dialogues from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.Dialogue 11. A.Music. B. Painting.C.Reading.D.Go to the gym.2. A.Autobiographies. B.Love stories. C.Science fiction.D. Best-sellers.3. A. Go bicycling. B.Sit in front of the computer.C.Go to the gym. D.Have a picnic.Dialogue 21. A.TomakepreparationsforanewTV program.B. Tolearnhowcouplesspendtheirweekends.C.Tomake a survey for an advertisement.D.Toinvestigatewhatpeopledoattheweekend.2. A.Hegoesouting.B. Hegoessailing.C.Hegoestothecinema.D.Hestaysathome.3. A. Friday.B.Saturday.C.Sunday. D.Anyweekday.4. A.Surname.B.Jobtitle.C.Address.
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