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上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 基于E-Learning的自组织学习社区构建 姓名:熊俊 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:计算机软件与理论 指导教师:申瑞民 20090101 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 I 基于基于 E-Learning 的自组织学习社区构建的自组织学习社区构建 摘摘 要要 基于因特网技术的远程教育现在越来越普及, 逐渐成为人们接受高等教育和职业培训的 一种新方式。参与远程教育的学习者在地理上隔绝,只能通过网络来交流。和现实教学环境 不同, 网络学习者希望能从学习网站上寻找到自己需要的学习资源, 并寻求自己想了解的问 题的最佳解答。 然而网络上的知识载体已呈现爆炸增长的趋势, 要在海量的信息中找到真正 需要的资料并不是一件容易的事情。 目前,国内外相关领域的研究屡有创新的进展。从基于内容的过滤到协同过滤,研究者 们意识到信息过滤不应该单纯的依赖信息本身,而应该从信息的使用者、传递者“人” 出发,分析其偏好和行为等特性,同时有效的挖掘和利用用户之间的相互关系。 本文的目的就是为参与远程教育的学习者推荐 “人” , 而不是单纯的 “资源” 。 与此同时, 远程教育的缺陷也要求我们为学习者推荐“人” ,这是因为在远程教育环境中的学习者缺乏 现实教学环境中学习者之间的那种互助关系, 这种关系对于学习的效果有很大影响。 造成这 种现象的一个重要原因就是学习者不能有效地发现适合自己的互助对象, 从而导致发生的互 助行为次数较少。 本文以提高参与远程教育学习者的学习效果为目的, 深入地分析了为远程教育学习者构 建学习社区的重要性, 以便推荐最佳互助对象, 同时提出了一个新的构建自组织学习社区的 策略以及详细的系统设计方案。 在该设计方案中社区的构建过程分为两个阶段。 第一个阶段是利用获取到的学习者显式 信息来静态地构建“互助社区” 。此时学习者尚未开始学习过程,所以他们的历史互助行为 我们无法获知, 也就无法构建基于互助行为的自组织社区。 于是利用学习者显式信息构建一 个静态社区作为初始状态供第二个阶段使用。 第二个阶段是根据学习过程中学习者的互助行 为动态地实现学习社区的重建过程,即自组织学习社区的构建。 在构建静态社区的时候, 从提高学习者之间互助行为发生可能性的角度出发, 将先验知 识水平差异较大的学习者定义为具有更大的相似性, 并对一种已知的高效聚类算法进行了算 法改进和参数选取以实现静态社区的划分。 在实现学习社区自组织的时候, 充分重视学习者 对自己所处社区归属感的下降,并在一个合理的条件下实现整个社区结构的重建。 整个构建系统被设计成分层结构, 总共分为四个层次, 除第一层之外的每个层都为其上 层提供一定的服务。第一个层次是学习者层,它也是处于位置最高的层次。这一层是参与远 程教育的学习者直接可见的层, 主要包括针对每个学习者定制的个性化页面, 内容包括个人 摘 要 第 II 页 基本信息、学习资源发布和下载的历史信息、问题提出和解答的历史信息等。其余层都是对 学习者透明的。第二层包括了系统的主要功能模块,如“静态社区构建模块” 、 “自组织社区 构建模块” 、 “自组织社区重建判定模块”等;第三层是具体的算法实现,包括构建静态社区 的聚类算法、网络社区结构发现算法以及社区重建判定算法;第四层是底层数据库,存储学 习者信息以及当前社区结构信息。 关键词:关键词:远程教育,自组织,E-Learning 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 III SELF-ORGANIZING COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION BASED ON E-LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ABSTRACT Distance education is now becoming more and more common; its becoming a new way for people to get higher education or professional training. The learners are isolated from each other geographically, they can only communicate with each other throught internet. Its different from the real teaching environment that the learners want to find useful study resources and valuable answer to his problem from the study website. However, since the knowledge in the network increases explosively, it is not easy to find the resources we need in the masses of information. Recently domestic and foreign researches on such area have achieved a lot. From the content-based filtering to collaborative filtering, it is recognised that the information filtering should not only depend on the information itself, but also on the transmitters and users of the information. By analyzing the preferences and behaviours and making effective use of relationship of users, more accurate and efficient information filtering would come true, which is known as personal recommendation. The purpose of this thesis is to recommend the learners itself not only the resources. At the same time, the demerit of distance education requires us to recommend learners. This is because that the learners in distance education environment dont have an interactive relation as their counterparts in real classrooms, which affects the performance of study significantly. One most important reason for this environment is that the learners cant find the suitable partners effectively, which causes a less amount of interactions. This thesis aims at improving performance in distance education, deeply analyses the importantce of constructing communities for learners in order to recommend the best interactive partners and proposes a new method and system design to construct the self-organizing learning community. The whole communities construction process consists of two stages. In the first stage, we use the pre-knowing evident information of the learners to construct communities statically. In the second stage, we make the constructed communities previousely to reconstruct based on the interactions among the learners during learning processs. During the process of constructing static communities, we define a larger similarity measurement between the learners who have a larger diversity in knowledge capability and make a modification to an effective cluster method and its parameters to obtain the initial communities. ABSTRACT 第 IV 页 During the process of constructing self-organizing communities, we adequately think much of the rationality of the current communities and reconstruct the communities on certain condition. The whole system is designed into four levels; except for the highest level each level provides some services for its direct upper level. The first level is learners level and its the highest level. This level is interactive with the learners directly. Other three levels are opaque to the learners. The second level contains the main function modules, the third level contains the main construction algorithms, and the fourth level is the database which stores information of the learners and the current communities structure. Keywords: distance education, self-organizing community, E-Learning 上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版, 允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位论文的 全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫 描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 保密,
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