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初三(17)班 张萍,Unit3 Topic3 Section A Could you give me some advice on how to learn English well?,1 Did Wang Junfeng enjoy himself in Disneyland?,Yes, he did.,2Could Wang Junfeng make himself understood in the U.S.A.?,No, he couldnt.,Listen to 1a and answer questions.,3 Who is good at English?,Kangkang.,Read the passage and fill out the table.,They spoke too quickly for him. He couldnt have long conversations with the people there.,He dare not speak English in public. And he always feels sleepy in English classes. He is really afraid of the final exam.,Its difficult for him to remember new words. He is afraid of the final exam, too.,dare 敢于,dares daring dared dared,情态动词,实义动词,+ do,常用于否定句和疑问句,+ to do,可用于任何句式,常用于肯定句,无人称和时态变化,He dare not take drugs.(情态),David dares to sing English songs.(实义),feel sleepy,感觉困的,He felt_, so he went to _, and soon he fell _.,sleep,sleepy (adj.),asleep (adj.),sleepy,sleep,asleep,feel like 想要,doing sth.,=want to do sth.,sth.,1. I feel like an apple very much.,2. My mother feels like buying a new coat.,At times, I feel like giving up. =,sometimes,= once in a while,=would like to do sth.,Language Points,1. enjoy oneself 玩的开心 2. places of interest 名胜古迹 3. get into trouble 陷入困境 4. work hard at 在某方面努力 5. agree with 同意某人 6. give up 放弃 7. had better not do 最好不做 8. ask sb. for help 向某人求助 9. be good at 擅长于,Retell1a in roles.,Wang Junfeng: Li Xiang:,Ive been to many _. Could you make yourself _ in the U.S.A.?,Wang Junfeng:,Not really. Sometimes I _. I think I should work harder_English.,places of interest,understood,got into trouble,at,Li Ming:,I _English in public. And I always _in English classes.,dare not speak,feel sleepy,Li Xiang: Wang Junfeng:,But its too difficult _me _new words.,for,to remember,I dont know_. At times I feel like _.,giving up,Li Xiang:,Youd better_. Perhaps we can ask Kangkang for help. He is good at English.,not,what to do,d,b,a,c,Listen, check and match,( ) 1. cant read English news ( ) 2. cant pronounce well ( ) 3. forgets new words ( ) 4. cant always understand when people talk to him ( ) 5. isnt good at grammar ( ) 6. isnt good at writing compositions,_ _ _ _ _ _,a. take part in the English corner b. copy new words in a notebook and take it with him c. keep a diary in English d. listen to the tape e. sing English songs f. buy a grammar book,(录音),My is not very good. I cant Its difficult for me to I have trouble in I am not good at,中考链接,1.It is important _ the piano well. A. of him to play B. for him to play C. for him to playing 2.The old farmer felt like _ a big house very much. A. to get B. get C. getting 3.She _ walk at night. How brave she is! A. dare to B. dares to C. dare not,B,C,B,4.I usually go to the movies with my parents, but _ alone. A. some times B. at times C. sometime 5.If you want to make yourself _,you should speak clearly and slowly. A to understand B understand C understood 6.Jack felt _ the whole day yesterday. A asleep B sleep C sleepy,B,C,C,1.名胜古迹 2.陷入困境 3.在某方面努力学习 4.感觉困的 5.有时候 6.想要做 7.放弃做某事 8.写日记 9.敢说英语,Summarize,places of interest,get into trouble,work hard at,feel sleepy,at times,feel like doing,give up doing,keep a diary,dare speak English,dare to speak English,Homework,1. Do the exercises of the workbook.,2. Preview Section B.,Thank you!,
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