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Unit 02 雲端作業系統基本架構,M. S. Jian Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Formosa University Yunlin, Taiwan, ROC,雲端運算上的服務,著重於透過網際網路服務並連接大量的運算資源 並非就真的可以不考慮硬體資源 基於網際網路提供服務的架構 存在著伺服器端與使用者端的硬體設備,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,U02- 2,雲端伺服架構,提供使用者預先選定之硬體設備需求與等級(Infrastructure) 選擇所要使用的作業系統平台(Platform) 建構或選取使用者所需要使用的服務(Application/Software),Infrastructure,Server,Platform,Application/Software,Client,Hardware,Software,Service,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,U02- 3,整體雲端運算的架構,實體伺服器群組(Servers) 雲端環境中的資料中心 基礎建構即服務(Infrastructure as a Service) 以虛擬硬體的方式透過網際網路提供運算資源與硬體環境租用服務 平台即服務(Platform as a Service) 結合虛擬化的硬體配備,建立使用者所需要的虛擬化作業平台供使用者在網路上操作使用 軟體/應用即服務(Software as a Service) 利用已經建構的虛擬作業平台建構出各個軟體服務,再利用網路將軟體服務內容呈現在使用者的設備上,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,U02- 4,雲端服務架構圖,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,U02- 5,Infrastructure IaaS,Server,Platform PaaS,Application/Software SaaS,Client,將運算應用軟體於網路上作為服務,使用者無須額外安裝 Microsoft Office/Livemesh,將運算平台環境作為服務Googles AppEngine,Hardware,Software,Service,將運算資源與硬體環境作為服務(i.e. virtual machines, storages, networks) as a service over the Internet Amazon Web Service (EC2, S3),資料中心(Datacenters) Donate/lend your hardware resources,使用者端(Smart devices) Browse the Web,U02- 6,多重虛擬機器之雲端服務架構,Infrastructure,Server,Platform,Client,Hardware,Software,Service,Infrastructure,Platform,Application/Software,Application/Software,Application/Software,Application/Software,Client,Virtual Machine,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,Top Level: 雲控制器Cloud Controller (CLC), 儲存控制器Walrus Storage Controller (WS3) Middle Level: 叢集控制器Cluster Controller (CC), 儲存區塊 Elastic Block Storage (EBS) End Level: 節點控制器Node Controller,雲端伺服系統的組成,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,U02- 7,雲端伺服系統的組成,Cloud Controller (CLC),Cluster Controller (CC),Cluster Controller (CC),Cluster Controller (CC),Cloud OS,Cloud OS,Cloud OS,Node Controller Interface,Node Controller Interface,Node Controller Interface,Node Controller,Node Controller,Node Controller,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,U02- 8,雲端的特徵,依照使用者需求,當使用者需求時才存取 僅當使用者有需要使用到雲端的服務或運算資源時,才需要連接雲端 儲存空間的持續擴大 分散式儲存 處理龐大的資料,便須要考量分散式系統的應用,供平行處理 Hadoop/MapReduce,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,U02- 9,商業運作模式,虛擬機器與硬體的租用 虛擬作業平台租用 線上軟體服務租用 網頁暨網站服務,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,10,相關GOOGLE應用,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,11,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,12,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,13,何謂作業系統? A set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide common services for application software. (wikipedia) Managing system resources: Process management Memory management Input/Output (Device) management Data management,建構雲端的基礎作業系統,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,14,Basic Components of Operating System: Kernel Device drivers File system Application supporting libraries Command processor (Shell),基本的作業系統組成,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,15,Linux的作業系統架構,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,16,Operating system types related to this Cloud Computing: Distributed Operating System Network Operating System Cluster Operating System,Computer Operating System,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,17,Cloud Computing The shared pool of configurable computing resources Examples: Networks Servers Storage Applications Services,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,18,The operating system responsible for managing the low level cloud resources hiding the cloud infrastructure details from application programmers coordinating the sharing of the resources,What is Cloud Operating System?,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,19,相似處 Resource management Provides Computing services Storage services Communication services,與一般作業系統比較,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,20,相異處 Large scale Manages cloud infrastructure Supports a very large number of users Provides computing power in the forms of virtual machine Mapreduce for cloud computing environment Eventual consistency,與一般作業系統比較,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,21,permit autonomous resource management continue operating despite loss of nodes be operating system and architecture agnostic support multiple types of applications provide decentralized and scalable management support accounting on resource usage,作為雲端作業系統的條件,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,22,A virtual machine is a software implementation of a machine (computer) that executes instructions like a physical machine,虛擬化技術,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,23,CPU虛擬化 記憶體虛擬化 I/O 虛擬化 儲存虛擬化 網路虛擬化,伺服器虛擬化虛擬機器virtual machine,11/10/2019,Cloud Operating System - Unit 02: 雲端作業系統基本架構,24,虛擬化23就是在一個實體主機可以同時運行多個作業
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