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六年级英语(上)快乐英语阅读专项练习 课外阅读专项(建议完成时间:40 分钟)家长签名: 班级姓名 一、读一读,选择相应的图片。 (每小题 2 分) (一)() 1The ugly duckling stays away from his brothers and sisters, because they dislike him. () 2. It is spring. The ugly duckling grows up and becomes a beautiful swan. He swims happily with his new friends. () 3.Autumn comes. The ugly duckling sees some swans flying south. They are so beautiful. (二) () The old lady took out a violin from her bag and gave it to John. ()John distributed the money to the poor. () While John was playing the violin, the man couldnt help dancing. (三) () 1.The Grasshopper came to the queen Ants home and asked for some food. () 2. The Queen Ant said to the Grasshopper, “You should also gather some food. Or, you will starve in winter.” () 3. The Grasshopper looked around for food in the cold. He was freezing and starving to death, but he couldnt find any food. () 4. The grasshopper and his guitar had already frozen like ice. (四) ()Aprince charming went to save the princess. ()Alarge green ogre saved the princess () The fairy godmother asked the king and Queen to lock the young princess away in a tower. () the king and the Queen were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. () They are the same person. Because of the enchantment. a c b a b c d e (五) () 1. We were in our seats on the plane, flying west. It was a long trip () 2 I saw a cow at eh mall. But it wasnt real. () 3 Dads new job was inArizona. We had to move. () 4 The house on our new street were all brown. The yard was wide and sandy. 二选择。 (每小题 2 分) ()1,InThe ugly duckling ,who takes good care of the duckling? A. the old woman and her cat.B. the farmer C.Ahunting dog.D. The wild ducks. ()2,Inthe golden touch ,What didnt the king touch to become gold.? A. GodB. flowersC. foodD. his daughter ()3. InThe magic violin ,John realized the violin was not common. It was a _violin. A. magicB. bidC. nice () 4.InThe magic violin ,The landlord is a _ man. A. goodB. kindC. bad () 5. InThe Grasshopper and the ants ,The Grasshopper_ more than theAnts. A. workedB. preparedC. played () 6.TheAnts_ more than the Grasshopper. A. workedB. playedC. sang () 7. The Grasshopper asked theAnts to_ him some food. A. lendB. borrowC. give () 8. The Queen Ant thought the Grasshopper should _ in the summer, then it can_ all winter. A. work; singB. sing; danceC. work; work () 9. What can we learn from this story ofThe Grasshopper and the ants ,? A. Do not play all summer. B. Do not forget to prepare for bad times, even during good times. C. Do not borrow things from others. () 10. What does Mother buy at the ration shop inThe Grasshopper and the ants , A. Wheat, rice, sugar and dal.B. wheat and rice. C. Sugar and dal. () 11. Does Mother buy a saree at the cloth shop? A. Yes, she does.B. No, she doesnt.C. We dont know. () 12. Fiona is a/an _. A. orgeB. princeC. princess () 13.According to the story of An ogre, Shrek looks_. A. CharmingB. beautifulC. intimidating 三、排序。 1,() God gave Midas the Golden Touch. () God helped him turn everything back. () Midas liked gold very much. () King Midas has learnt his lesson that gold could not bring happiness. () Everything the King touched changed into gold. ()King Midas asked God for help. 2 () The Grasshopper had frozen like ice at last. () The Grasshopper asked the Queen Ant for food. () The Grasshopper sang and danced in the summer. ()TheAnts prepared the food in the summer. () The Grasshopper talked to the Queen Ant. 四、判断正误(用 T/F) (每小题 2 分) 1. The old lady gave John a guitar in the magic violin() 2. John distributed the money to the poor in the magic violin.() 3.At first, Midas was satisfied with what he had in the golden touch.() 五、联线。 (每小题 2 分) 1. We can set off fireworks on that day.Joke Day 2. We can hug the trees on that day.Fireworks Day 3. We can tell jokes all day.Hug-a-Tree Day 4. We neednt to do any cleaning on that day.Lucky Messy Day
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