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,welome,Unit 4: He said I was hard-working,Section A (1a-2c),1a GROUPWORK Talk about these questions,1:What is a soap opera? Its a TV show . 2:Do you ever watch soap operas? Yes, I do. Such as 3:What are some things that happen on soap operas? Some good and bad things that happen to friends and family members .,What are some soap operas you know?,2,4,1b Listen and number the statement(1-4) What did Maria say? She said she was having a surprising party for Lana on Friday night.,1,3,1,Pairwork: Ask and answer questions about what the people in the soap opera said.,A: What did she say? B: She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. *make conversations according to the below picture,Age: 26 Can: Sing and dance In the future : make a movie,Zhang Shaohan said,I play the piano every day.,I get up at 10 oclock every day,I dont know what to do,I live on a space station,I take the rocket to the moon,A : What did he say?,B: He said he ,Name: Jay Age:29 Like: sing Sport: basketball In the future: write some pieces of music Can: play the piano,Zhou Jielun said,1 Ben told Lana that Marcia was going true false to have a surprise party for her 2 Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia true false anymore. 3 Lana said that she wouldnt go to true false Marcias house on Friday night. 4 Marcia called everyone and told them true false she wasnt going to have the party. 5 Lana told Marcia she would bring true false some books to her house on Friday night.,2a listen and circle true or false,would,drinks and snacks,Lets have fun!,Welcome our little reporter, she will report Marcias Calendar(日历)To us, lets appreciate(欣赏)it!,Marcias Calendar日历,March,B : Marcia said she would on March ,A: What will Marcia do?,A: Can he ?,B: Yes, he can. He said he could/,No, he cant. He said he couldnt,My name is Wang Baoqiang and I am very happy.,His name was Wang Baoqiang and he was very happy.,I do lots of interesting things every day,He did lots of interesting things every day,I am looking at my friends,He was looking at his friends,I will be more famous and make a lot of good movies,He would be more famous and made a lot of good movies,I can sing a few songs,He could sing a few songs,He said,Exercises,1 Please dont be mad me. 2 she said “ Im not going to her house.” she said not going to her house. 3 Jane said “ Mary thinks shes coming to my house to study.” Jane said Mary she coming to her house to study.” 4 I will bring some snacks your house,at,she,was,thought,was,to,Exercises,1 Please dont be mad me. 2 she said “ Im not going to her house.” she said not going to her house. 3 Jane said “ Mary thinks shes coming to my house to study.” Jane said Mary she coming to her house to study.” 4 I will bring some snacks your house,at,she,was,thought,was,to,Change into reported speech,1 he said “ I am not mat at Jim.” 2 she said “ I am having a party for Lana.” 3 He said “ I go to the beach every day.” 4 He said “ I will call you tomorrow.” 5 Mr Green said “he can speak three languages.” 6 Linda said, “Im helping Tom with his lessons.”,Thank you for your listening,My name is Jay and I am very cool,He said,His name was Jay and he was very cool.,I play basketball every day,He played basketball every day,I can write some difficult pieces of music,I will make a new movie,I am thinking how to win this game,He was thinking how to win this game,He would make a new movie,He could write some difficult pieces of music,
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