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Unit3 Look at me.,A Lets talk.,How are you?,Im fine.Thank you.,Fine, thank you.,我很好,谢谢。,你好吗?,Very well,thanks.,Lets play.,Lets paint.,Lets go to school.,让我们一起去学校。,Unit3 Look at me.,A Lets learn.,face,Touch your face.,摸摸你的脸.,This is my face.,这是我的脸.,nose,Touch your nose.,This is my nose.,ear,Touch your ear.,ears,This is my ear.,mouth,Open your mouth.,张开你的嘴.,This is my mouth.,eye,eyes,Close your eyes.,闭上你的眼睛.,This is my eye.,Lets say and do.(让我们一起说和做). 用Look at me. This is my facenoseeyeearmouth. 来介绍自己的身体部位。,Make new sentences.(造句) This is my ,ear 嘴 mouth 鼻子 nose 眼睛 eye 脸 face 耳朵,Match连线,下面的动物缺了什么?,Whats missing.少了哪一个?,Guessing.猜一猜。,Read and count.,2,1,2,2,1.Listen to and read “Lets learn”. 2.Introduce the words that weve learned today to your parents.,Homework,Sum-up(总结) 请同学们说说我们今天学了什么?,养成教育:养成讲卫生的好习惯。 安全教育:不吃腐败变质的食物。,Goodbye !,Unit3 Look at me.,A Lets talk.,( ) A 1.b ( ) G 2.a ( ) C 3.e ( ) H 4.h ( ) D 5.f ( ) F 6.g ( ) B 7.i ( ) E 8.d ( ) I 9.c,2,9,4,8,5,1,3,10,6,How are you?,Im fine.Thank you.,Fine, thank you.,很好,谢谢。,你好吗?,Very well,thanks.,我很好,谢谢。,非常高兴,谢谢。,Thank you.,Thanks.,谢谢,Lets play.,Lets paint.,让我们一起做木偶.,puppet,Lets make a puppet.,Lets go to school.,木偶,make,制作,Hi,Mike! How are you?,Very well, thanks.,Lets make a puppet!,Great!,非常高兴,谢谢。,让我们一起做木偶.,Unit3 Look at me.,A Lets learn.,ear 嘴 mouth 鼻子 nose 眼睛 eye 脸 face 耳朵,Match连线,head,This is my hand.,摸摸你的头,Touch your hand.,hand,This is my hand.,Clap your hands.,鼓掌,hands,arm,This is my arms.,Wave your arms.,挥挥你的胳膊,arms,leg,Shake your legs.,This is my leg.,抖抖你的腿,legs,body,This is my body.,Shake your body.,摇摇你的身体,foot,This is my foot.,Stamp your foot.,跺跺你的脚,Good.,Good idea!.,好主意,First,好,首先,第一,First,make the head.,首先,做头。,then,然后,with,和,Lets play with the puppet.,让我们和木偶一起玩吧。,知识回顾Knowledge Review,
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