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姓名:苗栋飞 学号:1907100608 指导老师:黄智宇,工业设计专业英语,Lesson 22 Packaging Design,While exploding packages of the Unabomber variety have spiked mass interest and major news stories,a less volatile pair,which nonetheless explode convention,were awarded this years Best of Category in Packaging by jurors Carol Chen,Kenneth Cooke and CYlve Plercy,当“大学炸弹客”的各种爆炸性的包装激发起大规模的兴趣和主要的新闻素材时,一对爆炸性差一点但不落俗套的包装获得由评委Carol Chen、Kenneth Cooke和Cylve Plercy颁发的今年的最佳包装类别奖。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,The extraordinarily artful container for Conme des Car ons Eau de Parfum and the playfully subversive CD package for alternative New York band HPZinkers“Mountain of Madness”designed by Sagmeister Inc,share a will,if not a passion,to rethink packaging,由Sagmeister Inc.公司为Comme des Gar ons Eau de Parfum公司设计的格外巧妙的容器和为纽约的H. P. Zinker乐队的“疯狂之山”专辑设计的开玩笑的、破坏性的CD包装也分享了一个奖项,如果不是因为它有激情,就要重新考虑包装。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,For instance,the Conme des Eau de Parfum bottle,fashioned by vanguard clothing and fumiture designer Rei Kawakubo,is an elegant flask that lies resolutely flat,resisting the longstanding convention for perfume bottles to stand,be displayed and used in an upright position,例如,由处于领导地位的服装和家具设计师Rei Kawakubo设计(塑造)的Comme des Gar ons Eau de Parfum香水瓶是一个雅致的细颈瓶,它坚决地平躺着,打破了长期形成的香水瓶竖立并在竖直的位置展示和使用的惯例。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,An Austrian born designer Stefan Sagmeisters cherry redtinted CD jewel case both a package and a whimsically sardonic toy:when the inner booklet is removed from its case,the cover image abruptly changes,from benign to punkishly nasty,as does the text inscribed on the face of the disk,澳大利亚出生的设计师Stefen Sagmeister的樱桃红CD珠宝盒既是一种包装也是一个古怪的、讽刺的玩具:当其内部的小册子从盒中取出时,盖子上的图案突然改变,从温和的变成朋克式地令人讨厌,就象光盘面上的文字所说的,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,In fact,many of this years winners,chosen from among nearly 200 entries,exhibit similar qualities of irreverence,wit,quirkiness and originality,or possess what Chen dubbed an“antipackaging attitude,实际上,今年从近200项参赛作品中选出的许多得奖者展示了相似的不尊敬、才智、怪异和新奇的质量,或者具有Chen命名的“反包装态度”的东西。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,Speculating on the rise of such unorthodoxiesfrom the palpable rawness of a folder housing the paper promotion Four Views on intolerance,to the handmade look of the Stila Loose Powder bottle,which critiques the slickness of much cosmetics packagingChen posited a growing ambivalence among,designers one possible source of contentiousness,考虑这种异端的兴起从收藏提倡不容异说的“四论”纸的文件夹的明显的不成熟,到Stila Loose Powder瓶子的手工的外表,它批评过多修饰性包装的华而不实Chen假设其中有一种增长的矛盾情绪,而设计师则作为一种可能的争论的发起者。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,”Designers may be a bit ambivalent about packaging right now,and are expressing that ambivalence,because they have tom between a desire to consider ecological issues一issues about waste and plasticand market forceswhich frequently tend to prevent them from doing what they want,like downsizing packaging,“设计师现在对于包装也许有一点矛盾情绪,而且正在表达这种矛盾情绪,因为他们已经在一种考虑生态问题的愿望和常常趋向于阻止他们做他们想做的事的市场推动力这两者之间流泪”。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,”Although this yearS winners include a substantial number and diversity of both book and CD packaging,the jurors,noting the impact on book publishers of MTV and other kinetic forms of electronic media,deemed jackets an area of especially dramatic change“,虽然今年的获奖者包括大量的和各种各样的图书和CD包装,评委们由于注意到了MTV对图书出版商的冲击(影响)和其它电子媒体的动态形式,认为封面套纸是一个变化尤其引人注目的领域。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,Five or six years ago,book covers were the most conservative,under-market,yawnworthy category,”Cooke summed up“Now they are leading the way,Cooke总结说:“五、六年前,图书的封面是最保守的、受制于市场的、令人昏昏欲睡的类型”。“而现在,它们正在领导方向”,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,In the 90s,”observed Piercy,“more people appear to be exercising discretion and saying”,一个对于损耗的直率的考虑也充满了今年获奖的设计,它被再生材料的流行和简单的、巧妙的结构和图形的占优势所证明。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,In the 90s,”observed Piercy,“more people appear to be exercising discretion and saying”,Piercy评述说:“在90年代,很多人似乎正在锻炼判断力和正在说”。,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,Since Im only going to buy one thing,Im going to buy the one with the most integrityI think packaging design is also responding to that shift toward integrity,”he concluded“And one hopes it will continue to keep changing for the better.”,他做出结论:“因为我只想买一样东西,我就将买集成性最好的那件。我认为包装设计也正在对向集成性的转变做出响应,人们希望它将继续向好的方向发展,红色主语 蓝色谓语 绿色宾语,THANK YOU,
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