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Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?Section CTeaching aims and demands1.Words and phrases: technology, renewable, disadvantage, require, German, wheel, guide, deep, run out, source, worldwide, producefrom, not onlybut also, tooto2.Sentences: However, nuclear power can be very dangerous. It can not only protect the environment but also save energy. Its too small to hold many people.3.Grammar: compound sentence Teaching procedures:Stage 1 RevisionLet the Ss make a survey and report to the class to finish 4 in Section B.Stage 2 Pre-readingPresent the pictures in 1a, 1b and 2a to learn the new words.Stage 3 While-readingStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a, and match the pictures in 1a and 1b.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again and complete the table in 1c. Check the answers. Stage 4 Post-readingStep 1: Let the Ss guess the meanings of “best-known, German, efficient, guide, path” and then learn them with the help of the vocabulary list.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a, and discuss in groups to find the compound sentences and other difficult points.Step3: Deal with the difficult points.Stage 5 Finishing Task 2aStep 1: Let the Ss look at the pictures in 2a to learn the new words.Step2: Let the Ss read 2a and match the pictures with the sentences.Step3: Let the Ss discuss in detail about the use of one kind of energy sources.Stage 6 Summarizing and Assigning homeworkStep1: Let the Ss retell the main content of 1a according to the table in 1c. Step 2 : HMKT: You have discussed and taken note in 2a. After class, you should write a short passage with the notes. You may follow the example in 2b.南洋兄弟烟草公司是以粤商简照南、简玉阶兄弟为主体,南洋华侨集资创办的在旧中国最大的一家民族资本烟草企业。简照南、简玉阶兄弟原在香港经营怡兴泰商号、贩运土洋新货于日本、香港、泰国之间,数年后积余资本3万多元。2
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