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Unit 1 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life一背诵单词get by 过得去frustration 挫折;令人失望suburban 郊区的suburb 郊区contentment 满足honey 蜂蜜make it 成功canoe 独木木舟sunset 日落(n)sunrise 日出(n)hawk 鹰cornfield 玉米田haul (用马车,卡车)搬运firewood 木柴sled 雪橇retile 重新用瓦盖longoverdueoverdue 早该有的;早该发生的improvement 改进supplement 补充;增加indoor 室内的spray 喷;洒orchard 果园barn 谷仓chick 小鸡typewriter 打字机freelance 自由撰稿人pursue 努力去获得,追求household 家庭的;普通的;家庭oversee 看管beehive 蜂窝organ 风琴;器官stack 一堆wicked 邪恶的;坏的overflow 溢出;泛滥swamp 淹没;压倒freezer 冰柜cherry 樱桃raspberry 悬钩子;树莓asparagus 芦笋bean 豆;豆形果实canned-goods 罐装品cupboard 食橱;碗橱plum 李子;梅子jelly 果子冻squash 南瓜属植物pumpkin 南瓜gallon 加仑at that point 就在那时decidedly 肯定地;无疑地blessing 祝福bless 为祝福on balance 总的来说den 兽穴illustrate 举例说明hitch 用-具套住dogsled 狗拉雪橇monster 怪物;妖怪digest 文摘;摘要boundary 边界;分界线widerness 荒野;荒地generate 形成;产生dental 牙的;和牙有关的insurance 保险;保险费policy 保险单;保险契约pick up 付(帐)minor 较少的;较小的premium 保险费;奖金;奖品aside from 除了cut back 减少;削减appreciably 能够感到地,可观的lower 降低;减少dine out 外出吃饭patronize 光顾;惠顾ballet 芭蕾舞extravagant 奢侈的;浪费的suspect 怀疑solitude 孤独budget 预算requirement 要求,必要条件scale 规模on a small /large scale 小规模地resist 抵制temptation 诱惑(n)device 设备,装置machinery 机器,机械horsepower 马力rotary 旋转的cultivator 耕耘机rotary cultivator 旋转式耕耘机profit 利润(n&v)invest 投资primarily 主要地;起初二句子翻译三词组背诵四段落背诵12 I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude. Because we are so busy and on such a tight budget, we dont entertain much. During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway. Jim and Emily are involved in school activities, but they too spend most of their time at home. 我想,不是所有热爱乡村的人都会乐意过我们这种生活的。这种生活需要一些特殊的素质。其一是耐得住寂寞。由于我们如此忙碌,手头又紧,我们很少请客。在作物生长季节,根本就没工夫参加社交活动。吉米和埃米莉虽然参加学校的各种活动,但他俩大多数时间也呆在家里。 13 The other requirement is energy - a lot of it. The way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices. Instead, you do the work yourself. The only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw. 另一项要求是体力相当大的体力。小范围里实现自给自足的途径是抵制诱惑,不去购置拖拉机和其他昂贵的节省劳力的机械。相反,你要自己动手。我们仅有的机器(不包括割草机)是一台3马力的小型旋转式耕耘机以及一架16英寸的链锯。 14 How much longer well have enough energy to stay on here is anybodys guess - perhaps for quite a while, perhaps not. When the time comes, well leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what weve been able to accomplish. We should make a fair profit on the sale of the place, too. Weve invested about $35,000 of our own money in it, and we could just about double that if we sold today. But this is not a good time to sell. Once economic conditions improve, however, demand for farms like ours should be strong again. 没人知道我们还能有精力在这里再呆多久-也许呆很长一阵子,也许不是。到走的时候,我们会怆然离去,但也会为自己所做的一切深感自豪。我们把农场出售也会赚相当大一笔钱。我们自己在农场投入了约35,000美金的资金,要是现在售出的话价格差不多可以翻一倍。不过现在不是出售的好时机。但是一旦经济形势好转,对我们这种农场的需求又会增多。 15 We didnt move here primarily to earn money though. We came because we wanted to improve the quality of our lives. When I watch Emily collecting eggs in the evening, fishing with Jim on the river or enjoying an old-fashioned picnic in the orchard with the entire family, I know weve found just what we were looking for. 但我们主要不是为了赚钱而移居至此的。我们来此居住是因为想提高生活质量。当我看着埃米莉傍晚去收鸡蛋,跟吉米一起在河上钓鱼,或和全家人一起在果园里享用老式的野餐,我知道,我们找到了自己一直在寻求的生活方式。 unit 2 The Freedom Givers一单词背诵slender 苗条的;细长的settlement 新拓居地;confident 有信心的;确信的give up 放弃creator 造物主,上帝devotion 深爱的,挚爱cabin 小棚屋ironically 具有讽刺意味的是symbolize 象征,标志racial 种族的sellout 背叛者;背叛unwilling 不愿意的;勉强的stand up (for) 支持historic 历史上有名或有重要意义的site 地方,位置,遗址slavery 受奴役的状态;奴隶制mission 特殊使命,任务courageous 勇敢的,无畏的forge 建立,伪造forge a signature 伪造签名underground 秘密的;地下的web 网状物;网状组织liberate 解放authorize 批准,委托civil-rights 民权的civil 公民的exploit 功绩,业绩unsung 未赞颂过的intent 坚决的be intent on(sth./doing sth) 热中于,坚决要做pistol 手枪decade 十年foundry 铸造车间,铸造厂on the side 作为兼职;秘密地capture 抓捕;捕获chilly 冷的,寒飕飕的fugitive 逃亡者watchman 看守人;警卫员helplessly 无能为力地pursuer 追赶者;追捕者close in (on/around) 接近;包围hurriedly 仓促地wagon 四轮运货马车painful 疼痛的religious 宗教的conviction 坚定的看法或信仰Quaker 公谊会教徒Bible 圣经clothe 给衣服naked 裸体的,赤条条的converge 会合;集中terminal 终点,终端机magistrate 地方行政长官;执法官impose 把强加于jail 监狱imprison (vt) 关押;监禁stripe 鞭打;抽打as for 至于cake 覆盖powder 粉;粉末bonnet 女帽veil 面纱transport 运输runaway 逃跑的(人)、disguise 伪装,假扮funeral 葬礼;丧失procession 行列;队伍abolish 废除virgin 未开发的harshly 严厉地,苛刻 的diligently 勤奋地compel 强迫,强求plantation 种植园salvation 拯
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