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,考前给力20天,考前第17天,记一记单词识记appropriate 合适的approval 赞成approximately 近似;大约argument 争辩arrangement 安排,(2009年高考湖北卷)The questionnaire takes approximately ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.完成这个问卷调查需要大约10到15分钟,能被安排面试。arrest 逮捕ashamed 惭愧的assessment 评价,associate 联想association 联盟,交往My association with him goes back to our days in high school.我和他的交往可以追溯到我们的高中时代。assume 假设assumption 假定astonish 使吃惊atmosphere 大气层;气氛attach 缚上;系上,(2010年高考江西卷)Parents attach much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.父母亲非常重视教育。他们会尽自己最大的努力给孩子们无价的馈赠。attack 攻击;抨击;侵袭attain 达到;获得attempt 试图;尝试attend 出席;照顾attention 注意;注意力,He passed his driving test at the first attempt,which made us very happy.他汽车驾驶执照一次就通过了,这使我们非常高兴。,短语有约1come across 被理解,(偶然)遇见,碰见come out出现,开花,出版,发表,说出come to 恢复常态,共计,达到(某状况,尤指坏的局面)come up 破土而出,升起,发生,被提及come up with 找到(答案),拿出(一笔钱等)He spoke for a long time but his meaning didnt really come across.他讲了很久,但并没有人真正理解他的意思。,2in favour of 赞成in place of 代替in honour of 向表示敬意on behalf of 代表On behalf of the students present at the party,I would like to thank you for your wonderful evening.代表出席晚会的学生,我想感谢你们美好的晚会。,佳句诵读1as the saying goes常言道“There is no smoke without fire”,as the saying goes.常言道:“无风不起浪。”2Word came that.有消息传来说Word came that our team won the first place in the school basketball match.有消息传来说,我们队赢得了校篮球比赛第一名。,3A story goes that.有个故事说的是A story goes that how he took off in his career as a physician.有个故事说的是他作为一名医生是如何在事业中取得成功的。,练一练(2011年济宁模拟)假如你是一名中学生,名叫李华,请你用英语给健康报社编辑写封信,反映这些年我国普通老百姓就医难的问题,呼吁社会关爱弱势群体,呼吁国家加快医疗改革,以便社会全体公民都享受幸福而健康的生活。,注意:1.词数:120150;2书信格式已写好。Dear Editor,Im a senior student.Im writing to you for your help._Im looking forward to your advice!Yours,Li Hua,One possible version:Dear Editor,Im a senior student.Im writing to you for your help.As we all know,ordinary people in our country have contributed much to our society.However,when they have serious diseases,they often find it difficult for them to 1.seek for medical treatment (求医治疗)in hospital.That is,2.Because the medical costs are too high(因为医疗费用太高) for them.Therefore,many of them have to give up medical treatment.It is really a big and serious problem.I hope the whole society 3.cares about them (关心他们)and offers them as much help as possible.Meanwhile,the government must conduct faster reform of medical care systems so that ordinary people can benefit from it and,4.Live a happy and healthy life(过健康幸福的生活)Im looking forward to your advice!Yours,Li Hua,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,
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