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Section ,Writing,原句1Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who didnot know them but talked as if they were close friends.一些不认识他们的人也在不断地讨论他们的私生活,好像就是他们的好朋友似的。,点评,这个长句是由四个简单句合并而成:,Their personal life was regularly discussed by people.The people did not know them.Their personal life was talked.They were close friends.,合并之第一步:句和句中的 people 所指相同,句是,对 people 进行的修饰,故两句可用 who 合并。,合并之第二步:句是句的方式,且是一种虚拟假设的,方式,故两句或用 as if 合并。,合并之第三步:合并之后的、句和、句存在转折关系,故用 but 合并,且两句主语均为 their personal life,故第二个句子可以省略掉主语和 be 动词。,仿写,一些刚刚入行的人做着这项工作,而且就像他们是有经,验的人一样。,_一个根本不懂音乐的人在教音乐课,而且就像他是一个,著名音乐家一样。,_,The work is being done by some people who are new in the,career but done as if they were experienced.,The music lesson was taught by a man who didnt know music,at all but taught as if he were a famous musician.,原句2,Im honoured that you would ask me for advice.你向我寻求建,议我感到很荣幸。点评,这个长句是由两个简单句合并而成:Im honoured.,You would ask me for advice.,合并:句是句中形容词所表示状态的原因,可用 that,合并两句。,仿写,抱歉我迟到了。,_他很高兴所有人都来拜访他。,_,Im sorry that I was late.,He was happy that all people came to visit him.,音乐本单元出现的相关词汇:classical (adj.古典的;古典文艺的), rock-and-roll (摇滚乐),rap (n. 说唱乐), folk (adj.民间的), jazz,(n. 爵士音乐), musician,(n.音乐家), instrument (n.工具;器械;乐器), perform (vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行), performance (n.表演;演奏), studio (n.工作室;演播室), broadcast (n.vi & vt.广播;播放), confident (adj.自信的;确信的), devotion (n.投入;热爱),本单元出现的相关句式:,1 Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street orsubway so that they can.有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者表演,以便能,2Of course they hope to make records in a studio and.当然他们希望在工作室里录音并且,3They were so popular that.他们如此流行以至于,4The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well asplay music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. 组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑,这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。,5The band broke up.but happily they reunited.这个乐队解,散但令人高兴的是他们又复合,6His most exciting invitation was to perform.他收到过最,令人激动的邀请是去,音乐有众多种类,也是很多人的兴趣所在。介绍音乐的种类、发展、特点以及自己喜欢的音乐人并说明喜欢的原因等是常见的写作题材。,Among all kinds of music, pop music is my favorite. Theterm “pop music” originated (起源) in Britain in the mid-1950s andimplies (暗含) “concerts appealing to a wide audience” or “the nonclassical music” , performed by such artists as the Beatles, the,Rolling Stones, Abba, etc.,Pop music has an interesting development.1960s and 1970s,saw a number of important changes in popular music, for instance,development of a number of new styles, including heavy metal,punk, soul and hip hop.In 1980s pop music picked upinstrumentation (编曲) from jazz and rock, vocal harmonies (和声),from gospel music and soul music, tempo (节奏) from dancemusic, support ( 伴奏) from electronic music and spoken passagesfrom rap.By 1980s MTV favored the artists like Michael,Jackson, Prince and Madonna who had a strong visual,appeal.Widespread use of the microphone, digital sampling were,the other technological innovations which were responsible for theincreasing popularity of pop music.,I think pop music can not only help relax tense in daily life,but also express our emotion more easily sometimes.To my,delight, pop music nowadays has deepened itself to carry moremeanings, paying more attention to social issue.,结构分析:,第一段首先点出流行音乐是最喜欢的音乐形式,并简要说明了“流行音乐”的概念;第二段则以时间为顺序,从流行音乐本身以及表现形式两方面来介绍其发展和变化;第三段说明了喜欢流行音乐的原因,及流行音乐可以带来的益处。,亮点点评:,1句使用了一个省略掉 which was 的非限制性定语从句。2句的主语为 1960s and 1970s,谓语为 saw,运用了拟人手法,这种方法常用于说明某个时代发生了什么变化,某个地区出现了什么现象等。,3句使用了 5 个 from,后边 4 个 from 为省略结构,,省略了与第一个分句相同的主语和谓语。,4句、均使用了定语从句。,5句使用了一个现在分词短语作状语。,介绍喜爱的音乐或音乐人时,一般首先对其进行简单介绍,可就其特点进行简要说明。第二部分可对其进行较为详细的说明,如发展历史、人物经历等等。第三部分一般为评论,如喜欢或不喜欢的原因,以及它能给人们带来什么益处或启发等等。,常用句式,1Some people like.because.while.others like.for.一些,人喜欢因为而其他人喜欢因为,2It appeared in.and developed into. in.它于出现,,在的时候发展成为,3 In one hand, it makes people.in the other hand, it. 一方,面,它使人们另一面它又,4 At the last but not the least. 最后也非常重要的一点,是,【小试牛刀】,以下是某校对学生是否喜欢音乐和音乐课的调查,请根据,以下内容写一篇短文。,写作内容,186%的男生和 94%的女生喜欢音乐;,236.3%的男生和 17.7%的女生不喜欢音乐课;,3不喜欢音乐课的主观原因是:认为自己没有音乐细胞,,对音乐不感兴趣,对考试没作用;,4不喜欢音乐课的客观原因是:内容枯燥,教法深奥,更,喜欢流行音乐。,写作要求,只能用5个句子表达全部内容。,参考范文:,86% boys and 94% girls are interested in music butsurprisingly 36.3% girls and 17.7% boy said they dont like musiclessons.There are two major reasons for it.The subjective reason isthat some students think they lack music talent or dislike music,and some students just regard it as useless for examinations.As forthe objective reason, students said the content was boring while theteaching was complicated.At the last but not the least, they like popmusic rather than those in the book.,
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