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Unit 2Period ,The United KingdomWarming Up & Reading,默读文章两次并完成下列任务。,Task 1:快速浏览课文“Puzzles in Geography”并回答下列问题。1What does this text mainly introduce?,_,2How many countries does the UK consist of? What are they?,_,This text mainly introduces the UKs foundation and development,based on geography, history, politics, and culture etc.,The UK consists of four countries.They are England, Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.,Task 2:仔细阅读课文“Puzzles in Geography”并填写下表。,,,Wales,England,Scotland,Southern,Northern,England,UK,largest,South,Midlands,North,续表,,,historical,museums,collections,buildings,Vikings,【探究】阅读课文“Puzzles in Geography”并填空。,England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Republic,of Southern Ireland,1The countries that make up Great Britain are_,_.,2If we speak of England we mean _.,England, Wales,and Scotland,England and Wales,3The United Kingdom includes_,_.,4 The part of Ireland that separated from England is called,_.,5London is the capital city of _.,England, Wales, Scotland,and Northern Ireland,Republic of Southern Ireland,England,Task 1:快速阅读课文“Puzzles in Geography”,以约 30 词概括文章的大意。,提示:本文主要介绍了大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国由哪几个部分组成,以及如何形成,并着重介绍了英格兰和伦敦,同时解释了英格兰的文化如何受到侵略者们的影响。,_,The passage tells us how England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland joined together and formed the United Kingdom.It gives us a brief introduction of England and London, and explains how the culture of England was influenced by its four sets of invaders.,Task 2:仔细阅读课文“Puzzles in Geography”,选择正确答案。1.What is the passage mainly about?_A.England is the centre of Great Britain.B.A brief introduction of the United Kingdom.C.London is the greatest historical treasure.D.The United Kingdom is made up of four countries.2.Which invaders influenced London with their language?_,A.The Anglo-Saxons.C.The Vikings.,B.The Romans.D.The Normans.,B,A,3.What can be inferred from the second part of the passage?_A.The Midlands and the North of England have some,historical architecture.,B.The Midlands and the North of England have famous,football teams.,C.The Midlands and the North of England have most of the,population.,D.The South of England is the most developed part.,B,4The flag shown by the UK to the world is called the _.,A.Cross of St GeorgeC.Cross of St Patrick,B.Cross of St AndrewD.Union Jack,5.These industrial cities built _ do not have historicalattraction for visitors.A.in the 17th centuryB.in the 18th centuryC.in the 19th centuryD.in the 20th century,D,C,Task 3:根据课文内容,完成下列表格。,the UK,England,three,London,Task 4:复述课文,根据课文内容完成下面语篇。,It is not necessary to debate anything more about the UnitedKingdom.It (1)_ of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland,and (2)_In spite of the different (3)_ (education),and legal systems, the four countries work together in some areas.England, whose (4)_ is London, is divided(5)_ three parts for convenience. Most population live inthe south and most industrial cities (6)_ (locate) in theMidlands and the North of England.Go to (7)_ (old) butsmaller towns, (8)_ you will find more about Britishhistory and culture convincing you that (9)_ United,Kingdom is well worth (10)_ (visit),consists,Wales,educational,capital,into,are located,older,and,the,visiting,Task 5:课文佳句背诵。,1 People may _ why different words are used todescribe these four countries. 对于用不同的词语来描述这四个国家,人们或许会感到奇怪。,2However, the southern part of Ireland was _ and_ to form its own government.然而,爱尔兰的南部却不愿意而分离出去了,并建立了自己的政府。,wonder,unwilling,broke away,3 England is the largest of the four countries, and_ it is divided roughly into three zones. 在这四个国家中,英格兰最大,为了方便起见, 它大致被分为了三个地区。,4 You must _ if you are going to,make your trip to the United Kingdom _.如果想使你在英国的旅程愉快而值得,你必须睁大双眼。,for convenience,keep your eyes open,enjoyable and worthwhile,1consist of 由组成,How many countries does the UK consist of? (教材 P9) 英国,是由几个部分(国家)组成的?,consist ofbe made up ofbe composed of,consist in (liein) 存在于;在于(不能用于进行时态),consist with 符合;与一致,The Group of Eight _,the eight influential countries in the world.,
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