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Section ,Writing,原句 1,At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450,and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. 一 开始,大约在公元 450 年到公元 1150 年间在英国讲的英语和今天讲的英语是很不相同的。,点评,这个长句是由两个简单句合并而成:,The English was spoken in England between about AD 450,and 1150., At first the English was very different from the English,spoken today.,合并:句和句有共同的主语“the English”,可以用过去,分词作后置定语将其合并。,仿写,建于 1911 年的清华大学培养了一大批杰出人士。,(提示:清华大学 Tsinghua University; 培养 educate; 杰出,人士 outstanding figures),_人们期待着从全国各地挑选出来的运动员能在今年夏季,的赛事中给我们带来荣誉。,(提示:期待 expect; 挑选 select; 给带来荣誉 bring.,honor),_,Tsinghua University, founded in 1911, has educated a great number,of outstanding figures.,The players selected from the whole country are expected to bring,us honor in this summer game.,原句 2,As we know, British English is a little different from American,English.我们知道,英国英语和美国英语有一点差异。点评,这个长句是由两个简单句合并而成:,British English is a little different from American English.We know it.,合并:句中的 it 指代的是句的内容,故可以用 as 来引,导非限制性定语从句将其合并。,仿写,我们都知道,吸烟非常有害。(提示:有害的 harmful),_,玛丽,你们知道,是一个优秀的老师。(提示:优秀的 excellent),_,As we know, smoking is harmful.,Mary, as you know, is an excellent teacher.,原句 3,This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported,the news were expected to speak excellent English. 这是因为在无线电发展初期,人们希望那些播报新闻的人英语讲得很好。点评,这个长句是由三个简单句合并而成:This is the reason., In the early days of radio, those were expected to speak,excellent English.,Those reported the news.,合并之第一步:句的内容就是句中的 reason,所以可以用 because 引导表语从句直接代替句的 reason 来将其合并。合并之第二步:句和句有共同的成分 those,可以用定,语从句来将其合并。仿写,这是因为昨天下午,一个戴蓝色帽子的年轻人送给我一,封信。,_,This is because yesterday afternoon, a young man who wore,a blue cap sent me a letter.,这是因为在去年夏令营中,那些英语讲得很好的学生都,受到了奖励。,(提示:夏令营 summer camp; 奖励 reward),_,This is because in the last summer camp, the students who spoke,excellent English were all rewarded.,英语学习本单元出现的相关词汇:official (adj.官方的;正式的;公务的), native (adj.本国的;,本地的,n本地人;本国人),vocabulary (n.词汇;词汇量;,词表), make use of (利用;使用), spelling (n.拼写;拼法), fluent(adj.流利的;流畅的), make use of (利用;使用), usage (n.使用;用法;词语惯用法), expression (n.词语;表示;表达), accent (n.口音;腔调;重音), because of (因为;由于), first/second/foreign,language (第一语言/第二语言/外语), English learners (英语学习者), actually (adv.实际上;事实上), gradually (adv.逐渐地;逐步地), standard English (标准英语)本单元出现的相关句式:,1 Which country do you think has the most English,lear-ners?你认为哪个国家拥有最多的英语学习者?,2Today, more people speak English as their first, second or aforeign language than ever before.如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。,3.has a very large number of fluent English speakers.,拥有众多讲英语很流利的人。,4 During that time English became the language forgovernment and education.在那期间英语成为官方语言和教学用语。,5 Today the number of people learning English in.isincreasing rapidly.如今在学习英语的人数正在迅速增加。,本单元的写作话题在高考中较为常见,常围绕英语学习的方法、策略、心得,或在英语学习中遇到的困难及解决经历来命题。该话题与学生的日常学习紧密相关,是学生较为熟悉的写作话题之一。,Why Should We Learn English,Now a large number of people are working hard at,English.Why should we learn English ? The reasons are asfollows:,English is one of the most widely used languages in theworld.There are many English-speaking countries, includingEngland, the United States, Canada and many other countries.It isone of the working languages at international meetings and is,more often used than the others.It is said that most business,letters are written in English.Millions of books and magazines arewritten in English, too.,English is really a bridge to knowledge.With the help ofEnglish, people in developing countries can learn a lot of advancedexperience, modern science and technology from the developed,countries.Only in this way can we serve our country better.And whats more, learning English is also great fun.So lets,learn English hard!,结构分析:,第一段提出问题,第二至四段分别从三个方面来说明学习,英语的理由:,第二段英语的使用范围广泛;,第三段学好英语我们可以更好地为祖国服务;第四段学习英语本身也很有趣。,亮点点评:,1 使用了高级短语和被动语态,如with the help of,advanced experience, a bridge to。,2使用了高级句型“It is said that.”,如句。3使用了 only 倒装句,如句。,4动名词短语作主语,使句子形式多样,如句。,英语学习是每个学生都会面临的问题,因此该话题对于学生来说相对熟悉,也有话可说。在写此类话题的作文时,学生可以联系自己的实际来写,常用第一人称和一般现在时。若描述自己的经历则要用过去时态。由于该话题对于学生来说太过熟悉,为避免作文平淡无奇,学生应在平时多积累一些有关英语学习方面的高级词汇及句式(如 not only.but also,名词性从句,非谓语动词等)来给文章润色,增加亮点。,必背词汇,grammar (n. 语 法 ), knowledge (n. 知 识 ), enlarge onesvocabulary (扩大某人的词汇量), look up. in the dictionary (查字典), go over (复习), focus on grammar learning ( 强调语法学习),form the habit of reading ( 养 成 阅 读 习 惯 ), readingskills/strategies/abilities ( 阅读技能/ 策略/ 能力), keep on listeningto some programs on VOA and BBC (坚持听 VOA 和 BBC 的节目),
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