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云南财经大学 硕士学位论文 云南经济结构调整的成效研究-基于“十五”与“十一五”期 间数据对比分析 姓名:焦丽荣 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:国民经济学 指导教师:董棣 2011-04 摘要 I 摘要 摘要 西部大开发战略、泛珠三角区合作、中国-东盟自由贸易区的成立以及桥头 堡建设等,对发展中的云南来说是千载难逢的历史机遇。但这些机遇也对云南落 后的产业结构和滞后的经济发展提出了严峻的挑战。 如何进行地区的经济结构的 调整对实现云南经济的健康发展具有深远意义。 经济结构调整是一个长期的动态过程, 包括所有制结构调整、 区域结构调整、 产品结构调整、产业结构调整和城乡结构调整等。本文对经济结构调整的研究主 要从产业结构调整和区域经济结构调整两方面进行研究。 产业结构的变动对经济增长具有重要影响。 由于产业结构的变动在很大程度 上决定了资金、技术、劳动力等生产要素的资源配置,而这些资源的配置又决定 了经济的增长。如果产业结构变动合理,与资源配置、技术进步相适应,则会促 进经济的发展。反之,则阻碍经济的发展。 区域经济差异的存在与变化在不同程度上激发了各个区域经济主体发展的 积极性,但区域经济差异过大又给区域经济发展带来了很多负面影响。如地方保 护主义盛行、 区域市场分割、 区域经济之间无序竞争、 区域发展经济短期行为等。 区域经济发展的悬殊差距,如果长期得不到有效控制,势必造成社会不公平性加 剧、不安定因素增加,以致最终可能影响到区域经济发展的持续性,降低了经济 的整体效益。 本文通过数据,结合产业经济学和区域经济学的理论,运用计量经济学和统 计学的方法, 有针对性的揭示云南省 16 州市在 2001-2009 年间经济发展的规律。 通过比较研究,寻找云南省“十五”与“十一五”期间经济结构调整的重点、方 向、 方式等方面的差异性, 审视相应的经济政策的实施成效, 并对其做出了评价。 本文第一章主要介绍云南经济结构调整的研究背景、论文研究内容与结构、 论文的研究方法和技术路线。第二章研究经济结构、产业结构和区域经济理论及 相关理论述评。第三章主要研究“十五”与“十一五”期间云南经济结构调整的 状况,包括云南经济结构调整实施的政策,云南支柱产业结构变动分析,云南 16 个州市产业结构比较分析。第四章主要是对“十五”期间与 “十一五”期间 云南经济结构调整成效的比较分析。从产业结构调整对经济增长的贡献,产业结 摘要 II 构调整的效益,产业结构调整的协调性三方面对产业结构调整的成效进行分析; 采用因子分析方法对区域经济差异进行实证分析。 第五章主要从支柱产业经济结 构调整的成效, 区域经济结构调整的成效以及产业结构调整成效的国内比较三方 面进行研究。第六章主要分析对“十二五”期间云南经济结构调整的启示,并提 出经济结构调整的政策建议。 关键字关键字:产业结构;区域经济;成效 Abstract I Abstract Abstract The develop-the-west strategy has been implemented, the cooperation of the Pan-PRD regional has completed, China - ASEAN Free Trade Area has established and construction of the bridgehead has carried out, which are the very rare historical opportunity of developing Yunnan. However, backward industrial structure and economic development that these very rare historical opportunities lagged behind to Yunnan have proposed the severe challenge. How to adjust the economic structure of the region to achieve healthy economic development of Yunnan Province has far-reaching significance. Economic restructuring is a long-term dynamic process, including the ownership restructuring, regional restructuring, product structure adjustment, industrial restructuring and structural adjustment, urban and rural areas. This paper mainly considers of two aspects, which are the industrial restructuring and the regional economic restructuring. The changes of industrial structure have an important influence on economic growth. Because the changes of industrial structure largely determine the capital, technology, labor and other production factors allocation of resources, which in turn determines the allocation of resources of economic growth. If the industry structure is reasonable, and the allocation of resources, adapt to technological advances, it will promote economic development. On the contrary, it will drag on economic growth. The existence of regional economic disparities and changes in varying degrees, stimulated the development of the regional economic body positive, but large regional economic disparities and gave the regional economic development has brought many negative effects. Such as the prevalence of local protectionism, the segmentation of regional market, the disorder competition of regional economic, such as short-term regional economic development. Regional economic development disparity, if long-term lack of effective control, will inevitably result in increased social inequity, Abstract II increasing factors of instability, which may ultimately affect the sustainability of regional economic development, reducing the overall efficiency of the economy, or even endanger social stability and national security. In this paper, data, combined with industrial economics and regional economic theory, econometrics and the use of statistical methods, targeted reveal the economic development law among sixteen Cities of Yunnan Province in 2001-2009. The comparative study, looking for Yunnan, “fifth“ and “during“ the focus of economic restructuring, direction, methods and other aspects of diversity, examine the implementation of appropriate economic policy effectiveness, and the evaluation made. The first chapter introduces the study background of economic restructuring in Yunnan, content and structure of thesis, dissertation research methods and technical routes. The second chapter mainly studies the economic structure, industrial structure and regional economic theory and related theories reviewed. The third chapter studies the situation of economic restructuring in Yunnan in “fifth“ and “during“, including the implementation of economic structural adjustment policies, structural changes of the pillar industries in Yunnan Province, the comparison of industrial structure among sixteen Cities of Yunnan Province. The fourth chapter studies the effectiveness of economic restructuring in Yunnan comparative analysis in “fifth“ period and “during“. Changes in industrial added value from the three major trends, structural deviation, economic restructuring and employment growth for the correlation analysis of the effectiveness of industrial restructuring; using factor analysis on the empirical analysis of regional eco
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