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Central BankCentral BankFirst, I would like to introduce the names of the central banks in different countries in the world. Bank of Japan,(日本银行)Bank of Canada (加拿大银行)Bank of Mexico (墨西哥银行)Bank of France (法兰西银行)Bank of England(英格兰银行);Peoples Bank of China中国人民银行Bank of America 是美洲银行,而不是美国的央行美国的央行是美国 “联邦储备系统”简称“美联储”英文是“Federal Reserve System”, 简称 “Fed” or FRS德国的央行为:“德意志联邦银行Bundesbank。 下面让我们一起看一下英文中对各国“财政部”、“财政部长”、“和央行行长”的称呼 的用词的不同。财政部: In Britain and America, they say “ the Treasury; the other countries say “ the Ministry of Finance”; 翻译成中文都是“财政部”,而不是“金融部”。财政部长:In Britain, it is called “ Chancellor of the Exchequer, 财政大臣;In the United States, it is called “ Treasury Secretary (secretary of treasury); the other countries say “ Finance Minister”.央行行长:Usually, in English, they say “governor”, because he has the responsibility to govern or regulate the other banks. 因为他有监管(govern or regulate)其他银行的职责,副行长是:deputy governor,而其他的银行的行长呢则称为:President. 副行长是vice president.But, the States, this superpower always has his own characteristic美国的央行是多层次的“联邦储备系统”Fed has 12 districts in the States. 意思是 美联储在全国分设12个储备区,每区设立一个“地区联邦储备银行”(regional Federal Reserve Bank)为该地区的央行,其下是会员银行(member banks).Federal Reserve (美联储)的最高决策机构是联邦储备委员会(Board of Directors), 委员会的成员叫董事(governor),注意他们不是央行的行长,行长一般由总统从中挑选,英文用chairman(主席)一词。那么在全国12个区的地区联邦储备银行其行长称为:president. 为了加深印象我们来看business week商业周刊上的两句话:1. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is a conductor with a style all his own. 意思是美联储主席格林斯潘是一个独具风格的指挥。2Greenspan and Dallas Fed President Robert D. McTeer Jr., are New Economy enthusiasts. 格林斯潘和达拉斯储备银行行长罗伯特是崇尚新经济者。 从上面的介绍,我们了解了中央银行在各个国家的名称,及各国对中中央银行行长、财政部及部长的用词,称呼。Ok, next lets do some exercises to find out the functions of the central bank.Complete these sentences about Central Banks using the words in the box:Central Banks, such as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Board in the US, and the Bundesbank in Germany: 1 function as banks for the government and for other banks. 政府的银行和其他银行的银行。2 implement monetary policy - either the governments, as in Britain, or their own, if they are independent, as in Germany and the USA. 执行货币政策- 或者是政府的货币政策,例如:英国;或者是中央银行自己的货币政策,如果央行是独立的,例如:德国和美国。 Well, maybe you would ask why in Britain Central Bank implement the governments monetary policy, while in the USA and Germany they implement their own monetary policy. Well, this is decided by the types of central bank in different countries. Here I would like to introduce to you the types of central banks in the world. Usually, there are two types of central bank; one is subservient central bank. That means when they formulate a monetary policy, they have to take the intentions of the Treasury or the Ministry of Finance into account. The person who have the right to decide which monetary policy should be adopted is the Chancellor of the Exchequer, not the governor. 多数国家的中央银行都是从属型央行(subservient central bank)一,即中央银行在制定货币政策时需要考虑政府(主要是财政部)的意图,二者意见相左时,最终决定货币政策的是“财政部部长”,而不是“中央银行行长”。The Bank of England is the typical subservient central bank. 英格兰银行 是典型的从属型中央银行。Another type is: independent central bank; it is independent of the Treasury, they can formulate their own monetary policy, in this way to avoid the monetary policy just service for the short-term politics. 它独立于财政部,制定货币政策时主要着眼于长期的价格稳定,可以不考虑财政部长甚至政府首脑的意愿,因此避免了货币政策为短期政治目的服务。The Fed in the USA, Bundesbank in Germany, Newsiland Reserve Systerm and European Central Bank are all belong to this type.3 control the money supply控制货币供应量,4 fix the minimum interest rate. 限定最小利率5 act as lender of last resort to commercial banks with liquidity problems. 为资金流动有问题的银行充当最后贷款人。最后贷款人的英文表达是:lender of last resort. 在英文中,of last resort: means used when everything else has failed. 表示最后一招。例如:weapon of last resort.:使出最后的武器。As a last resort: 作为最后的手段:as a last resort, we could borrow more money on the house. 实在不行,我们可以用房子做抵押来多贷些款。6 issue coins and bank notes. 发行硬币和银行券7 influence (floating) exchange rates by intervening in foreign exchange markets.通过干预外汇市场来影响浮动汇率。8 supervise the banking system. 监管整个银行系统。 下面我们来看一下中央银行的这些职能的发展过程,及一些经济学家对这些功能的看法。Central banks are key economic policy institutions in most modern economies. But around the world, the role and functions of central banks have been under challenge from changing fashions in monetary policy and from the deregulation and globalisation of financial markets. Lets see some important words in this part.First, deregulation: 这个单词是有前缀:de +词根regulation构成。Regulation: 管理,管制。de: =remove, so deregulation: means remove the regulation of sth. 取消的管制。Under challenge from: 来自.的挑战。在大多数现代国家的经济中,中央银行是一个重要的机构。但是世界各国中央银行的角色和功能一直受到货币政策不断演变以及金融市场取消管制和全球化的挑战。 现在让我们来看下面一段话:The central banks usually began their existence as a banker that dealt exclusively with the national government, that really provides credit to the government of the country and in return for so doing, gets particular privileges which q
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