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学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号: _ 二一九年春期中学业水平检测六年级英语试题(满分100分 60分钟完卷)题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分得分听力测试(40分)I、 听辨词语(10分)一、听音,选出与词语相符的图示(5分)( )1. A. B. C.( )2. A. B. C.( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C.二、听音,从A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词(5分)( )6 A.round B.ground C.around( )7 A.art room B.classroom C.music room( )8 A.pie B.tie C.die( )9 A.opposite B.beside C.behind( )10 A.eat fruit B.eating fruit C.eats fruitII、 听辨话语(15分)一、听音选择,使下列话语完整(10分)( )11.Were _for Miss Yang.A.waiting B.waitting C.wait( )12.Im_.Id like some water.A.thirsty B.thirty C.thirteen( )13.May I_?A.comes B.coming C.come in( )14.The library is on the _floor.A.fifth B.five C.fiveth( )15.Oh, Peter,you _too much.A. drank B.drink C.drunk二、听辨句子(5分)( )16. A.How did you come here? B.How did you get there?( )17. A.What are you doing? B.What are they doing? ( )18.A.The school is beautiful. B.Our school is beautiful. ( )19. A.She is making the bed. B.She is making a card.( )20. A.Id like some Coke. B.Id like some milk.、听音理解(15分)一、听音,为你所听话语找到相应的答语(10分)( )21. A.Id like some juice. B.Id like some rice.( )22. A.She is doing sports. B.He is doing sports.( )23. A.Its in the bedroom. B. Its beside the study. ( )24. A.We send cards. B.We send carnations.( )25. A.Youre welcome. B.Thank you .二、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的图示(5分)( )26. A. B. C.( )27. A. B. C. 基础知识与语言运用(60分)IV、书写(10分)Jj28.写出相邻字母的大小写(2分)EeEeEe29.把下列话语正确地抄写在四线三格内(2分) The pupils in Class 5 are cleaning the blackboard.30.连词成句,并把句子正确抄写在四线三格内(注意标点符号的运用,6分)(1)Our is the third on floor classroom (.)(2) What you class in are (?)(3) school beautiful What a (!)V、单项选择题(请将答案的番号填在题前括号内,10分)( )31.Its very kind you.A of B for C off ( )32.This is our bathroom,we_here.A.eat B.take a bath C. sleep( )33._, Tingting. Where is the toilet? A.Excuse me B.Im sorry C.Thank you( )34.I _ here by bus yesterday.A.come B. came C. comeing( )35.Where is the _?A. teachers office B.teachers office C.Teachers office( )36.Im new here . _ about you ? A.How B.What CA and B ( )37.I _ to play computer games . A.wants B.want C.wanting ( )38.I came here _.My home is not far. A.by plane B.on feet C.on foot( )39.Im hungry. Id like some_.A.rice B.water C.tea( )40.Let me_you around. A.show B.showing C.to showVI、情景对话(10分)( )41.Take a seat ,please. _.A. Thank you. B.Sit down. C.Stand up( )42.Where is your classroom? .A. Its on the second floor B .Its over there. C .A and B.( )43.-What are you doing,Sam ? - A .We are having a party B .Im cutting the cake C. A and B( )44.-_? -Its on September 10th.A.When is Teachers Day B.What is Teachers Day C.When is Mothers Day( )45.-What would you like to eat? - .A. Id like some bread B. Coke, please C.Some waterVII、判断题(请找出下列各题错误的一项,并将其番号填在题前括号内,5分)( )46.Rose is listening music in the room. A B C( )47. Id like some meats. A B C( )48. Its too cold. May I open the window ? A B C( )49.Lele and Tingting is watching TV. A B C( )50.My sisters are puting away the clothes. A B C、阅读理解(20分)(一)(Tingting is a Chinese and Sam is an American)Ting Ting :Hi, can I help you?Sam Smith:Yes, Im new here.I cant find my classroom.Ting Ting :What class are you in?Sam Smith:Im in Class 3 ,Grade 6.How about you?Ting Ting :Were in the same class.May I know your name?Sam Smith:Im Sam Smith.Ting Ting :My name is Wang Ting.Nice to meet you!Sam Smith:Nice to meet you,too.
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