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合同号: BG170005Agreement number: BG170005钢材订货合同Steel Purchase Agreement 工程名程:巴基斯坦信德省塔尔煤矿II区块燃煤电站工程Project Name: Thar Block II 2330MW Coal Fired power Project Sindh Province Pakistan甲方: Party A:乙 方: Party B:签订地点:巴基斯坦Signed at: Pakistan日期:2017年 3 月20日DATE :March 20, 2017钢材订货合同Steel Purchase Agreement 甲方: Party A: 合同编号:BG170005Agreement number: BG170005乙方:Party B: NTN: 1. 订货明细及合同价格 1. Details of Goods and Agreement price 1.1 物资名称、规格、单位、数量、单价、总价、执行标准等见下表:1.1 Goods name, specification, unit, quantity, unit price, total price, and executive standard .etc:No.Material NameSpecification and modelQuantityUnitUnit price (rupee)TotalExecutive standardRemarks1Square Steel Pipe40*40*4200m2Square Steel Pipe20*20*2100m3Seamless Pipe133*5.524m4Welded Pipe159*4.562m5Acid proof abestes rope322442mTotalRs.1.2 合同价格Agreement Price1.2.1 本合同为总价合同,支付金额以实际到货为准。This contract is a lump-sum contract. The payment amount shall be subject to the actual delivered quantity of Goods.1.2.2 合同单价包括乙方将本合同货物送达甲方指定地点的全部费用(包括但不限于运费及各种税费)。合同单价在合同有效期内不变,结算数量以实际验收数量为准。The unit price of the Agreement shall include all the cost of the Goods delivered by Party B to the place designated by Party A (including but not limited to freight, all kinds of taxes and charges). The unit price shall not be changed during the Agreement period. The settlement amount shall be subject to the actually inspected and accepted quantity of Goods.1.2.3 卸车由甲方负责,费用自理。Party A is responsible for unloading at its own cost.2. 交货方式、地点2. Type, Time and Place of Delivery2.1 交货方式:乙方负责将货物运到甲方指定的施工现场特定地点。Delivery type: Party B shall deliver the Goods to certain place on the Site designated by Party A.甲方联系人:爱Contact person of Party A:2.2 交货地点: Delivery place: 3、技术标准及质量要求Technique Standards and Quality Requirements3.1、执行标准:参照条款1.1;Executive standard: contract clause 1.1;3.2、货物到达现场时应随车携带以下资料:送货清单、并负责提供必要的材料质量证明资料,例如出厂报告或第三方检测报告。When the Goods are delivered to the Site, the following should be delivered concurrently: the delivery list and some necessary quality document about the materials s supplied, such as manufacturers report or the third party lab. testing report.3.3、经验收的不合格的材料,乙方应负责及时清除出场,费用自理,甲方对该等不合格的材料不予确认计量。Party B shall be responsible for clearing all the unqualified Goods out of the Site at its own cost and expenses, and Party A will not confirm and measure such unqualified Goods.4、付款Payment 4.1、付款条件:乙方依据验收数量及每批采购单价开具发票。付款按每10,000,000卢比付一次或30天结。Payment Terms: Party B shall issue an invoice according to the accepted quantity and purchasing unit price of each batch of Goods. Payment shall be made for each time when the amount reaches 10,000,000 Rupees or on a per 30 day basis.4.2、发票客户名称: Customers Name of Invoice: 4.3、付款单位:Payment by: 4.4、收款账户信息:Receiving Account Information:户名/ Name of:开户行/ Opening BANK:账号:Account: A/c NO: 5、双方权利与义务 5、Rights and obligations between the parties 5.1、乙方提供足够的性能且好的材料以满足客户规定的供应数量。Party B should provide sufficient and good material to meet the regulated quantity requirements of Party A.5.2、乙方在运送货物期间所发生的车辆、人员等各类事故及违规罚款、意外伤害和损失,均由乙方自行解决处理,所发生的一切费用由乙方负责。During the period of materials shipment, injury or loss of vehicles, personal, other accidents, violation fines and accidental shall be beard by Party B itself, and all expenses herein shall be paid by Party B.5.3、乙方在为甲方提供材料期间,因甲方以外的原因导致不能正常供货,耽误甲方现场使用时,甲方有权终止合同。During the period of materials supply, if there is any delay of site utilization of Party A due to the unsatisfactory supply which is not caused by Party A, Party A shall have the right to terminate the contract. 5.4、甲方有权根据乙方供应情况调整乙方的供货数量,乙方不能因此提出价格调整,并不得降低供货质量。Party A shall have the right to adjust the quantity of materials according to the supply situation of Party B, however Party B cannot subsequently require adjusting the price.5.5、如果乙方的材料出现任何质量问题,甲方将拒绝接收,乙方应付全责,并将被罚款20000 巴基斯坦卢比。If Party Bs material appears to be of any quality problem, Party A will refuse to accept, and Party B should take the full responsibility and shall be fined 20000 Pakistan rupees.6. 乙方权利与义务 6. Rights and Responsibilities of Party B1、运输设备完好、运行正常,各项证件齐全有效,确保材料及时供应至仓储地点。Transp
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