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沈阳师范大学 硕士学位论文 以创作带教学的实践心得浅谈研究生阶段油画创作教学 姓名:郜汐 申请学位级别:硕士 专业: 指导教师:广庭渤 1 以创作带教学的实践心得 浅谈研究生阶段油画创作教学 摘 要 摘 要 油画艺术作为绘画艺术的一个重要的组成部分,由西欧到日本引入之后,在 我国本土经历了漫长的学习、吸收和成长过程,现在已经成为我国最重要画种之 一, 并被各大艺术院校作为重要的课程而开设。 油画专业教学在我国的起步较晚, 以往的油画教学课程设置往往伴随素描或是色彩的教学同时展开的。 油画艺术被 引入中国已有百余年的历史,并且早己成为中国现当代艺术的非常重要的部分。 经过几代油画家集体创作与教学于一身的艰辛耕耘和努力的探索, 油画教学在我 国当代出现了欣欣向荣的景象,并且正向着一个新的高度迈进。油画教学所取得 的成就,这是既对油画教育成果的肯定,也是新时期油画教学取得成绩的一个显 著标志。 综观我国各大美术学院研究生阶段的课程设置分为素描、 色彩、 创作三大类, 就油画专业而言,主要以景物、肖像、风景、人体等科目为主。可以看出这些课 程设置还是在重复本科的教学内容。大多数的研究生在学习期间还是以习作为 主,而创作课教学仅占整个课程设置的较小部分。本科阶段的教学以习作为主是 毋庸置疑,但研究生阶段的教学就要上升到一定的高度,而这里的高度就应该指 的是“创作” 。 “创作”的本意是创造出过去从来没有过的形态。绘画虽然是社会生活的反 映,但绘画作品也不能像镜子一样机械地反映社会生活。油画创作课教学的最终 目的是引发学生对自己专业理论和专业技能学习进行全面总结的基础上,在创作 实践中将自己独立的艺术思想、创造性思维、审美意识以及个人的艺术追求进行 最集中的体现和展示。 “艺术创作”也是艺术的最高阶段,学院教学归根结底就 是要训练研究生的这种创作素质,从而形成较为全面的文化修养,为长远的艺术 之路做好铺垫。 可以说,画家的生命就是“创作” ,也可以说“创作”是画家作画的最终目 标。同时, “创作”也是一门具有复杂性、直观性、集各门知识为一体的综合性 的课程。我们可以通过创作实践在作品中充分体现自己的艺术主张、创造能力和 艺术个性,充分表达自己的个性特点和艺术追求,抒发自己的精神和情感。然而 我们都知道以往的油画教学模式都是倾向单项的传授, 我们应该在以往教学的基 础上更加重视创作实践的培养,让学生在打好扎实的基本功的基础之上,更加关 注自身的规律和深厚的文化内涵, 所以应将培养学生的想象力和创造力的教学思 2 想贯穿整个的教学,只有这样,当学生毕业离开学校后才能够独立地搞创作。 关键字;油画习作,油画创作,油画创作教学,创作带教学理念 3 Creation under teaching practice On teaching of oil painting for postgraduates Abstract Oil painting has now become one of the kinds of new and important paintings from Western Europe and Japan. After the introduction to China it has experienced a long learning, absorption and growth process and has been the art institutions and higher institutions set as m. This is the exotic painting, oil painting education in our late start for the painting “course“ research is often accnied by sketches or color of teaching and started pae entire curriculum framework for the study are not many in the new historical conditions. This papers aims at Oil painting which was introduced into China has been over a hundred years of history, and the early modern and contemporary Chinese art has become an integral Part. Sub-Yan Heung-wing scene, and move towards a new height. The achievements of painting, is both an affirmation of the painting educational outcomes, but also success in the new era of teaching painting a prominent sign. “Creation“ was meant to create the form in the past never had. Although painting a reflection of social life, but the works of nonsense is not the same machine as a mirror to reflect social life. to lead students to their professional theories, professional skills, learn to conduct a comprehensive summary, based on creative practice in the art will be their own iendent thinking. Creative is also the art of the highest stage, college teaching is to train students in the final analysis of this creative quality, and the formation of a more comprehensive cultural cultivation. In this paper issues are that students enter the Academy of Fine Arts to study the final study should be “technical“ or “art.“ The artists life that is creative, it can be said that creativity is also the artists ultimate goal. At last, art academy is to train students in writing the quality of the resulting in the formation of this more comprehensive cultural enrichment for students the art of the long-term pave the way road. But we all know that the traditional model of art teaching is inclined to te ach theindividual events. The basic teaching emphases too much on technical train the students just can inhibit the motivation and the students play the main consciousness. Entrepreneurs role is to produce a good product, but as a painters duty is to be a good painting. So we put the past, this should be the creation of practice after graduation, moved ilassroom ahead of schedule. “Creative with teaching“ concept in the study period gave us the opportunity for 4 social interaction, we have experienced a work from start to finish the whole process. Eventually lead to originality has also been limited; the entire teaching seemed very tedious. It is difficult to gain the state of interaction among students. Therefore, we must change our idat students lay a solid foundation of basic skills. We should pay more attention to its own laws and profound cultural connotation, and always enlarge students imagination and originality of thinking throughout the teaching. Try new teaching ideas. Keywords: Keywords: painting instruction, painting exercises, oil paintings of teaching, oil paintings,creative with teaching 以创作带教学的实践心得浅谈研究生阶段主题:油画创作教学 3 第一章 引 言 综观我们以往研究生阶段的油画专业教学多是强调专业基础课, 油画基础课 在整个研究生油画教学中占据着大部分的时间, 而相对而言油画创作教学这一重 要的教学环节就要少了些。 从我国油画教育成材情况来研究油画创作教学会有很 大的启发。据我了解,我国以往油画专业毕业的研究生大体有这样几类:一类, 大部分研究生的创作作品为数不多, 能参展的作品和在报刊杂志发表的就更是少 了,一大部分的毕业生都随着毕业而销声匿迹了;二类,是一般需要多年的创作 实践和文化素养的沉淀,有部分学生会逐渐的在美术圈子中露出头角;三类,是 特殊情况,经过几年的创作实践,稍有名气后再拜名师深造,成为少之又少的人 才。从这些例子中,我们可以看到一个非常值得重视的环节就是“创作” 。最后 能成为“人才”的是要拥有创作实践的经验,这是个非常现实的问题。从规律上 看,在教学中强调培养学生专业课基本功训练,培养学生观察、表现、和分析的 能力,这都是无可厚非的,但这些都应在本科教学中已经完成了的,研究生教学 应在本科教学的基础之上注重创作的实践。毕竟,具备独立创作的能力才是能够 成为画家所必须具备的。 我们应该尝试新的教学理念,对于油画创作教学来说本没有现成的模式,但 是我们可以使以往的单一教学模式向多种风格上转变, 可以推动基础性教学向创 作型转变。本人
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