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20172018学年度上学期第一次月考八年级英语试题 (满分:100分)一. 基础知识与运用(单项选择5分)( )1. I eat _ of fruit and vegetables every week. A. a large number B. a large amount C. a lot D. the number ( )2. I have _ to tell you, Sam. A. some things impotant B. important something C. somethings important D. something important( )3. It is my _ birthday today. A. nineth B. ninteenth C. twentieth D. twevlth( )4.I didnt go to school yesterday. , I went to the park. A. Sudddenly B. Finally C. Instead D. But( )5.Two eight equals sixteen. A. plus B. minus C. multiplied by D. divided by( )6. There are many people in the park. Some are swimming in the lake, _ are playing basketball.A. the other B. rest C. others D. another( )7. thirteen million, one hundred and two thousand, five hundred and sixty-nine is _. A. 13, 102, 569 B. 131, 002, 569 C. 13, 120, 569 D. 131,200, 569( )8. I want to challenge _. A. a computer game to you B. you to a computer game C. you a computer game D. a computer game with you( )9. _ of my classmates come to school by school bus. A. fourth five B. four fifths C. five fourth D. fifth four( )10. I _ the first of May, 2004. A. am born on B. was born in C. was born at D. was born on二完形填空。(每小题1分, 计15分)Once upon a time,a rich man wanted to make a trip (旅行)to another town. He wanted not only to take things to sell but also wanted to take money to 11 things with. He 12 to take ten servants(仆人) with him. He wanted them to 13 the things to sell and the food to 14 on their trip. Before they started,a little boy servant came to 15 and asked to let him 16 with them.The rich man said to the little boy,“Well, 17 may go with us. But 18 you are the smallest,the thinnest and the weakest of all my 19 , you cant carry a 20 load (担子). You must choose the lightest one to carry.” The boy 21 his master(主人) , but he chose(选择) the biggest load to carry. That was bread.“ How 22 you are !” said his master,“That is the biggest and the heaviest one!” But the boy said 23 and lifted(挑起来) the load gladly.On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town. _24_ the servants were tired except(除了) the little servant. Do you know 25 ? Most of the bread was eaten(被吃掉) during the trip and only a little was left(剩下) when they arrived at the town. 11. A. eat B. buy C. change D. get 12. A. decided B. liked C. hoped D. tried 13. A. make B. get C. carry D. borrow14. A. cook B. eat C. buy D. drink15. A. them B. the servants C. the road D. the rich man16. A. stop B. stay C. go D. talk17. A. you B. he C. I D. they18. A. However B. If C. Because D. /19. A. family B. guests C. servants D. things20. A. heavy B. light C. small D. difficult21. A. thanked B. thanks C. likes D. understand22. A. brave B. right C. clever D. foolish23. A. sorry B. nothing C. angrily D. good-bye24. A.Some B. Most C. Many D. All25. A. who B. him C. that D. why三阅读理解。( 每小题1分, 总计15分)Long, long ago there was no zero. To write the number sixty-three people wrote 63.To write six hundred and three, people wrote 6 3.The space(空隙,空格) between six and three was there to mean. not any tens(十位). Sometimes people did not remember the space because the space was hard to see and read.Later people used a dot(点,圆点) to hold(占) the space. Six hundred and three looked like this 6 3. But the dot was hard to see. So people put a circle(圆圈) around it like this 63. Then people could see the dot. They remembered the space. At last , only the circle around the dot was used. It was like a zero. This is the story of how the zero was invented.Now zero has many important uses .Zero tells how many. Can you tell some other ways of using zero?( )26. Long,long ago people didnt know how to _.A. write B .write zero C. write numbers D. write sixty-three( )27. Long,long ago if they wrote two hundred and eight , people wrote_.A.28 B.28 C.208 D. 2-8( )28. Before zero was used, _ was used to mean space.A. not any B.letter0 C. zero D. a dot( ) 29. People used circles _.A. to remember ways B. to remember the whole numberC.not to forget the space D. to mean nothing( )30. The story tells us _.A. how zero was invented B. how to write zeroC.whatsthe use of zero D. that zero means a dot, a circle or space(B ) A man had four sons. The sons never stopped quarelling(争吵,吵架) with each other. He was always telling them how much easier life would be if they worked together. But they just didnt listen to him.One day, the man decided to show them what he meant. He called all the sons together and put a tightly(紧紧地) tied bundle(一捆) of sticks on the floor in f
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