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Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab,PART 1,技法点拨,PART 2,写作训练,Period Five WritingDescribing a simple scientific experiment,PART 1,技法点拨,文体分析 把握写作动脉,本模块的写作是学习描述一次实验报告。如何来设计实验、做实验和写实验报告呢? 1.此类写作要求从实验的目的、需要的器材、实验的步骤、实验的结果以及实验结论等方面,把实验的整个过程做详尽的叙述,让读者对所涉及的实验有一个完整的了解。 2.客观描述即可,不用发表个人见解。 3.时态使用一般现在时;介绍实验目的用不定式;介绍实验步骤用祈使句。 4.描写实验常用词汇: 实验目的:aim,purpose,discover,if,happen,reaction,condition,degree,change,make sure,prove,find out,写作指导,实验器材:bottle,match,clamp(夹子),beaker(烧杯),test tube,alcohol lamp(酒精灯),thermometer(温度计) 实验步骤:tie,mix,add,put,light,keep,watch carefully,leave,heat,put into,give off,keep out of 实验结果:burn,violently,heat,temperature,start,rise,rust 实验结论:conclusion,conclude,in a word,in conclusion,1.Below is a description of a simple scientific experiment. 2.It aims to show us. 3.To find out if.,we carried out this experiment. 4.Leave the tube for one week. 5.Boil the water for three minutes. 6.Put.at the bottom of the test tube. 7.Half-fill.with. 8.Put two or three nails in the water. 9.Add some oil to the water. 10.This will keep air out of the water.,常用表达,PART 2,写作训练,弄清文络 写作妙笔生花,化学课上学习了关于溶解的知识后,请你根据下表做一个化学实验,比较橘子汁和食用油在水中的溶解情况,然后用英语写一份实验报告,给出结论。,注意:词数100左右。,写作要求是写实验报告,写作时应注意下面几点: 1.确定文体:这是一篇实验报告,一般按照实验步骤和顺序来写。 2.主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主。 3.主体人称:实验报告要求客观描述实验目的、步骤、现象、结论等,不用发表个人见解,所以人称应该以第三人称为主。,审题谋篇,必备词汇 1.发现 _ 2.把倾倒在里面 _ 3.确保 _ 4.一勺 _ 5.同时 _,遣词造句,查看答案,find out,put/pour.into.,make sure,a spoonful of,at the same time,关键句式 1.Make sure the water level is equal in each tube. 确保两个试管内的水位相等。 2.Put a spoonful of orange juice into one tube. 在一个试管内放入一勺橘子汁。 3.Put a spoonful of oil into the other. 在另一个试管内放入一勺油。,查看答案,句式升级 根据要求连接句2和句3。 1.Put a spoonful of orange juice into one tube, put a spoonful of oil into the other.(用并列句合并) 2.Put a spoonful of orange juice into one tube. ,put a spoonful of oil into the other.(用meanwhile合并),and,Meanwhile/In the meanwhile,用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇100词左右的英语短文。,组句成篇,查看答案,Aim:To find out whether oil and orange juice dissolve in water or not. Apparatus:test tubes;spoons Method:(1)Pour water into two test tubes.Make sure the water level is equal in each tube. (2)Put a spoonful of orange juice into one tube,and put a spoonful of oil into the other at the same time. (3)Leave the tubes for five minutes. Result:Five minutes later,the orange juice has dissolved,but the oil remains on the surface. Conclusion:Orange juice dissolves in water quickly while oil doesnt.,
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