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Listen and read the words,Unit 1,How often do you exercise ?,Section A Period 1 (1a2c),What do they usually do on weekends ? a, shopping b, reading C, exercising d, watching TV e, skateboarding,1a Look at the picture.,What do you usually do on weekends ? Do you often do sports ? Do you often do your homework ? Do you often watch TV ? Do you often play computer games ?,A survey about exercise,1b,Listen and fill in the blanks: always(100%) go shopping usually exercise often go skateboarding sometimes watch TV hardly ever watch TV never(0%) go shopping,1b listening,Reporter: What do you usually do on weekends? Boy 1: I usually exercise. Girl 1: I always go shopping. Boy 2: EeeeewI never go shopping. I cant stand shopping.,Tapescript,Girl 2 : I often go skateboarding. Boy 2 : And I sometimes watch TV. Reporter: How about you? Girl 3: I hardly ever watch TV. I love reading. Reporter: Oh, why is that? Girl 3: Oh, I dont know. I guess I just like books.,
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