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Unit 9 The Ninth Unit Do you want to go to a movie?,Words,movie,go to a movie,go to watch a movie go and watch a movie,go and see a film go to see a film,The kinds of movies,Action movie Comedy Documentary Thriller Tragedy,a comedy,a documentary,a thriller,an action movie,action movies,comedies,documentaries,thrillers,Sentence patterns,Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to see a comedy.,2. Does she want to go to a movie? Yes, she does. She wants to see an action movie.,3. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies.,Do you like movies?,What kind of movies does she like?,Listen and repeat,Do you want to go to a movie? Yeah,I do. Do you want to go to an action movie? No, I dont. I want to go to a comedy.,Listen and number the kinds of movies,_ comedies _ action movies _ documentaries _ thrillers,Listen and repeat,Do you like to go to an action movie? No, I dont like action movies. What kind of movies do you like? I like documentaries. What kind of movies do you like? I like documentaries, too, and comedies. I dont like thrillers. You dont? No, theyre scary.,Language Recycling,Make a survey.,2. Make your own sentences. Eg: Ben likes comedies and action movies, but he doesnt like documentaries.,“Do you like ?”,Work in groups of four, and find what movies your partners like or dislike, and ask for the reasons,then fill in the form and give reports.,e.g. Linda likes comedies. She thinks theyre But she doesnt like documentaries or thrillers. She thinks they are,Pair work,Exercises,A. Write the plural form. comedy_ 2. thriller_ 3. movie_ 4. action movie_5. documentary_ 6. family_ 7. tomato_ 8. boy_,singular form,comedies,thrillers,movies,action movies,documentaries,families,tomatoes,boys,B. 按要求答题。 He wants to go to a movie. (变一般疑问句) I want to see a comedy. (变否定句) 他喜欢悲剧,不喜欢记录片。(翻译) 我喜欢动作片,也喜欢恐怖片。,Fill in the blank with the right verb. 1. She _ ( want ) _ ( see ) the movie. 2.I _ ( like ) _ ( watch ) TV. 3. He _( have ) some ice cream every day. 4. _ you _ ( have ) chicken for supper? 5.We _ ( give ) a concert each year. 6.My father _ ( watch ) TV in the evening. 7. He often _ ( go ) to movies. 8. They _ ( stay ) at home on Sunday. 9. They _ ( not like ) comedies. 10. _ they _ ( sell ) the shoes ? 11. She _ ( not watch ) TV every day. 12. Ann _ ( go ) to school every day. 13. Tom _ ( do ) his homework in the evening.,Keys :,Does he want to go to a movie? I dont want to see a comedy. He likes tragedies, but he doesnt like documentaries. I like action movies and I also like thrillers. I like action movies. I like thrillers, too.,Thats all for today. Thank you for coming!,
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