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微生物感染的实验诊断,诊断的理念: 诊断的原理 诊断的策略 诊断的技术方法,Laboratory Diagnosis of Microbial Infection,What is a Diagnosis?,医学的理念: 诊断的理念:,Evolvement of Medical Mode,Biopsychosocial mode,预防,I 病因控制 减缓发生 减少危害,预防性诊断:监测,早期诊断:早发现,康复性诊断:功能,治疗性诊断:病因、药物、,治疗,康复,健康诊断:预测、监控,What is a Medicine and Diagnosis? 医学与诊断的理念,健康科学/医学:通过包括生物学、心理学和社会学在内的系统手段,最大限度地维护人类的健康。 诊断:是健康科学中的一个重要环节,提供维护人类的健康所需的各种信息。,What is a Diagnosis in Biopsychosocial medical mode?,诊断的理念:提供人体解剖、生理、病理等,也就是与健康或疾病相关的各种信息 诊断的原理:通过表象分析推断内在状态 诊断的策略:分析的逻辑与思路 诊断的方法:技术措施,Categorization of Diagnosis,按诊断目的分类: 健康性诊断(Healthy diagnosis ) 预防性诊断(preventive diagnosis) 治疗性诊断(therapeutic diagnosis) 按诊断方法分类: 物理学诊断(physical diagnosis ) 生理学诊断(physiologic diagnosis ) 影像学诊断(imageologic diagnosis ) 病理学诊断(pathologic diagnosis ) 实验室诊断(laboratory diagnosis) 按诊断信息种类: 生物学诊断( Biological diagnosis ) 心理学诊断( psychological diagnosis) 社会学诊断(sociological diagnosis ),诊断的目的提供哪些信息?,生理状态信息 预测疾病发生及条件 确定病因 制定治疗方案 追踪治疗效果 药物监测 判断预后 制定康复方案 其它,预防 治疗 康复,医学的内容,遗传易感性 病因(病原微生物) 治疗药物(药敏试验) 追踪疗效 药物监测 判断预后 制定康复方案 其它,诊断,感染的诊断,医学诊断的基本原则,预测与推测判断的重要性:假设是进行检查的必要前提 逐步检查与分析:每次检查方法的选定与结果的分析判断均依赖于上一次的检查方法与结果 综合各种因素进行分析判断:单一指标得出的判断要慎重,Basic Principles of Medical Diagnosis -3 elements of medical laboratory science,Indicators -presentational phenomena of diseases: core (golden), peripheral, associated Indicators according to the significance such as Symptomic and signic, physiologic , iconographical, histopathological, cytological, biochemical, molecular biological changes, etc Methods: sensitivity, specificity, simplicity, speediness Explanation - intrinsic mechanisms of diseases: Status of human body, Etiological factors, Process of evolvement,Basic Principles of Medical Laboratory Diagnosis - Selection of Indicators,Specificity of indicators: core (golden) and peripheral, direct and indirect, specific and non-specific Detectability of indicators: Combination of multiple indicators,Basic strategies of Laboratory Diagnosis for Infectious Diseases,On detecting targets Pathogenic Diagnosis Serologic Diagnosis,On diagnostic aims Primary diagnosis Confirming diagnosis Complementary diagnosis,On needed time General diagnosis Rapid diagnosis,微生物学诊断的基本策略 感染性疾病的标记,病原学诊断(病原微生物相关标记 ) 活病原体(分离培养与鉴定) 病原体(形态学检查) 相关产物 Ag检测(免疫学技术) 核酸检测(分子生物学技术) 其他成分检测:酶、特殊成分 血清学诊断-特异性Ab的检测 机体反应标记 非特异性反应标记 :症状体征、生理生化指标、免疫学指标 特异性反应标记 : Ab的检测,微生物分离培养与鉴定,基本原理:Kochs Postulates Golden standard for the diagnosis of infectious diseases Disadvantages: 程序繁琐,费时费力 Development trends:automatic cultivation system,Procedure of microbial isolation culture and identification,Specimen,Isolation culture,Identification,Drug sensitivity test,Supplementary test,将病原微生物从病灶中分离出来,获得纯培养,确定病原微生物的分类学地位:科、属、种、群、型,筛选敏感药物,形态学检查,利用不同微生物或其感染病灶的形态学特征的差异对其进行识别、确认或区别 不同标本以及不同微生物采用不同技术方法 简便快速,但可靠性不高,通常不作为独立检查方法,Ag检测(免疫学技术),检测微生物的Ag来确定其种属 简便快速,可靠性较高,可作为独立检查方法,但应注意非特异性反应 IFA:胞内微生物Ag ELISA:游离微生物Ag 其他:RIA、凝集试验、沉淀试验、补体结合试验、病毒血球凝集试验等 蛋白质芯片:高通量检测,核酸检测(分子生物学技术),检测微生物的核酸来确定其种属 简便快速,可靠性较高,可作为独立检查方法,但应注意非特异性反应 DNA:PCR、Southern blotting RNA: RT-PCR、Northern blotting 基因芯片:高通量检测,其他成分检测:,酶试验:快速脲酶试验(HP)、 特殊成分检测:真菌多糖,细菌LPS、胞壁酸、 吡啶二羧酸(DAP芽抱)、分枝菌酸(分枝杆菌属、诺卡氏菌属、棒状杆菌属和红球菌属等)。,Regularities of antibody responses and serologic diagnosis,Ag1,Ag2,2-16w,IgG1,IgG2,潜伏期,症状期,恢复期,康复期,Titer of Abs,IgM1,IgM2,Serologic procedures,Detection of specific IgM by single serum for early diagnosis of primary infections Detection of total specific Abs or IgG by paired sera for retrospective diagnosis: antibody titer in the convalescent phase serum sample is at least 4-fold higher than the titer in the acute-phase serum sample, the patient is considered to be infected,Methods Of Serologic Detection,ELISA/RIA IFA/EIA Complement fixation assay Hemagglutination inhibition Neutralization Latex agglutination Western blotting Protein chip,Basic Principles of Medical Diagnosis - Methods,Sensitivity: 最小检出量 Specificity: 真实性 Simplicity: 简便实用 Speediness:快速,Selection of Strategies and methods,Purposes of diagnosis Suspected pathogens Type of Specimens State of patient: in biopsychosocial medical model,诊断技术方法的发展,单一指标检测:ELISA、IFA等 多种指标联合检测: 多种指标同时检测:Northern blot 、Western blot等技术 高通量检测(基因组或蛋白质组检测): Biochip 技术 DNA芯片 蛋白质芯片,Procedure of Westhern blot,Labeling Immunoassay,Extraction of Proteins,SDS-PAGE,Blotting,Protein marker,例:SLE抗核抗体普检测,Procedure of Southern blot,Restriction enzyme Digestion,Probe DNA,Labeling,Hybridization,DNA Extraction,Electroph-oresis,Blotting,Agarose,Membrane,Denaturation,Denaturation,例:肝活检细胞中整合HBV DNA 检测,Procedure of Northern blot,Probe preparation,labeling,Hybridization,RNA extract,电泳,Blotting,变性,Agarose,Membrane,Basic Principles of Medical Laboratory Diagnosis - explanation of results,Summarization of all factors including clinic and other indicators based on the examination Communication between Lab and clinic Recom
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