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Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year-Section.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1Long ago e_animals lived on the earth.2The h_ of our tour was seeing the palace.3A c_ person loves to win and hates to lose.4He r_ out his house while he worked abroad.5I dont think this coat really s_ me.6The_(图表)below shows our top 10 choices.7I think that we will live together_(永远)8The people of the Philippines have voted to _(选举)a new president.9His engaging personality made him popular with his _(同龄人).根据句意,选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空look back at have fun compare with be likely to continue to on the trip have a good time drive down 1This influence _ continue indefinitely unless we make concerted effort to stop it.2Living in a town cant _ living in the country in many respects.3This week,we will_ a major discovery in genetics.4I hope youll _during your stay in China.5Every so often we _ to Devon to visit my wifes parents.6After what had happened he could not _work there.7Six people are_ if you count the children.8It was such a success and we _doing it.单项填空1Now listen carefully,Ill tell you something _interesting.Awhich soundBthat soundCthat does sound Dwhich does sound2When are you going to get married and _?Asettle on Bsettle downCset up Dset out3How about six oclock outside the park?That _ me fine.Afits BmeetsCsatisfies Dsuits4_ to have a talk with those humorous persons!AWhat a fun it is BHow funnyCIts such a fun DWhat fun it is5He seems _ quite well in the examination since he feels so confident of passing.Ato do Bto have doneCdoing Dhaving done6That is not a match.Were playing football for_.Ahobby BgameCfun Dhabit7She has some problems _ English grammar.Awith BforCabout Don8The leaders of these factories _ the need for reformation.Astrengthen BhighlightCunderline Dreinforce.阅读理解Schooling is compulsory(被强制的)for all English children from the age of 5 to 16.The academic year in England runs from September to July and is divided into 3 terms.Each term is divided by a oneweek break called half term,usually at the end of October,midFebruary and the end of May.Autumn TermFrom the beginning of September to mid December.Known as the Michaelmas Term(private sector)Spring TermFrom the beginning of January to mid/late March(depending on the date of Easter)Known as the Lent Term(private sector)Summer TermFrom early/mid April to mid July.There are 2 parallel(平行的)school systems in England,the state sector and the private sector.The State SectorPFinanced(资助)by the government and administered through local education authorities,although many schools now manage their own finance and are known as Grant Maintained Schools.No financial contribution to a childs education is required of parents.Broadly speaking,secondary education(from age 11 onwards)is comprehensive (综合性的)Schools accept children of all academic levels,and are,in the main coeducational.There are still some grammar schools which select only the more academically gifted children on the basis of an examination and these tend to be single sex schools.All schools in the state sector are day schools.续表The Private SectorKnown as independent or public schools.Relying for finance only on fees charged parents.The majority are boarding schools,although there are some independent day schools,particularly in the London area.Children living at school during term time,only returning home at half term and during the main holidays(Christmas,Easter and Summer)Children may also spend one or two weekends per term at home(or,in the case of children from overseas,with guardian families)these weekend breaks are called exeats.Most schools have fixed dates for exeats,although some will allow children/parents to choose their own exeat weekends.1School students in the UK dont have to go to school in _.Aearly February Bearly JuneClate December Dlate November2Which of the following is NOT the difference between state schools and private schools?AFinance.BDay schools and boarding schools.CTerm time.DExeats.3What is the best title for this passage?AEducation System in the UKBThe School Life in the UKCDay Schools or Boarding Schools?DComprehensive or Grammar Schools?参考答案.1答案:enormous2答案:highlight3答案:competitive4答案:rented5答案:suits6答案:chart7答案:forever8答案:elect9答案:peers .1答案:will be likely to2答案:compare with3答案:look back at4答案:have a good time5答案:drive down6答案:continue to7答案:on the trip8答案:had fun.1解析:先行词是something,要由that引导定语从句,而B项sound形式不对,因此选择C项,does起强调作用。答案:C2解析:set
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