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Module 1 Life in the future (一)对于未来世界生活的猜想Today, the world is rapidly urbanizing. With half of the world population expected to live in cities by the early part of the 21st century, the Shanghai 2010 World Expos focus on a better city bears profound meaning. 当下,全球城市化进度迅猛。在城市人口超过全球人口总数一半的21世纪初叶,城市成为上海世博会的主题别有深义。What might future cities look like 28 years from now? Here are some scenarios: things to come, things to go. 28年后的城市生活又将会是什么样子?这里是一些假设:一些事物即将出现,另一些则将消失。 Zero waste 洁净世界Waste disposal is one of the biggest headaches for cities. Apart from recyclable waste, everything is buried or incinerated, only to pollute the environment. Plastic waste remains underground for several decades. The world produces much more garbage that it can dispose of. 垃圾处理是许多城市的顽疾之一。除一些可循环利用的垃圾之外,其余废弃物都是通过填埋或燃烧的方式进行处理,这样一来势必污染环境。塑料垃圾被深埋地下几十年都无法降解。全球垃圾产生的速度要远远超过垃圾处理的速度。 Now at the Expo, all waste is delivered to a compression station where the waste is sorted, filtered, decontaminated, deodorized and compressed before finally being disposed of at designated spots. In Beijing, people living in the Asuwei area turn their household waste into organic fertilizers which are used to grow plants at residence communities. 如今在世博会上,所有垃圾都被送到压缩站,经过分类、过滤、净化、除臭、压缩后,最终排放到指定地点。在北京阿苏卫地区,人们将厨房垃圾转化成有机肥,用于小区绿化。 No more transportation problems during Spring Festival 春运将成为历史The Spring Festival, the most important Chinese holiday when everyone returns home, has caused headaches for millions of Chinese. More than 2 billion people travel at the same time, making obtaining travel tickets and the journey difficult.春节是中国人最重要的节日,人们纷纷返家过年,无数中国人为春运头疼不已。超过20亿人次出行,造成买票难,返乡难,返工难的局面。But in several years, Spring Festival travel may not be a problem at all. China plans to have more than 120,000 kilometers of railway and a rapid transportation network that will serve over 90 percent of the population by 2020. And because most of China will be cities, people will not have to go to other places to find a job, so migration will no longer be so large-scale. 但几年后,春运不再是难题。到2020年,中国铁路营运里程将达到12万公里以上,形成一个覆盖全国90以上人口的快速客运网。到那时,中国大部分地区都已经是城市,人们不必到别处就业,这样一来就不会出现这样大规模的人口流动了。 Newspapers to disappear 报纸将消失 American scholar Philip Meyer predicts that newspaper will come to an end in 2043. Utagawa Reizou, former editor-in-chief of The Mainichi Daily News, believes that the newspaper will be gone in 2030. 美国学者菲利普迈耶预言,2043年将成为报纸的末日。日本每日新闻原总编歌川令三则确信报纸将于2030年消失。 This kind of prediction may worry those in print news business. In the U.K., the circulations of national newspapers are declining. Major Japanese newspapers have gone into debt. In the U.S., declining circulations and ad revenues have forced several newspapers to stop printing paper editions. 这些预言可能使得新闻出版业忧心忡忡。英国国内报纸发行量普遍下滑。日本各大主流报纸纷纷负债。美国的报纸发行总量和广告收入双双下降,这使得数家报纸停止印刷。Media tycoon Murdoch thinks the future of media relies on interaction through the Internet. In the future, digital newspapers will be sent to portal web terminals through wirelessly. Readers can discuss issues with journalists and editors. Information will move faster. 传媒大亨默多克认为,未来媒体势必依靠网络互动。将来,电子报可以直接通过无线网络到达用户的手持终端上。读者将与记者和编辑深入交流。信息传播速度更为快捷。Oil to run out 石油消失In August 2009, Fatih Birol, chief economist of the International Energy Agency, said that oil is running out faster than expected and that the world will likely feel the tightness in supply in the next five years. 2009年8月,国际能源署首席经济学家法蒂赫比罗尔表示,全球石油枯竭的速度已超出预期,未来5年全球可能面临石油供应紧缩的局面。 But if oil runs out, the petrochemical industry will suffer the most. More than 5,000 products are made with oil, and the industry exerts a vast and profound influence on peoples lives. If it is affected by oil, the impacts will be relayed to society as well. 但受石油枯竭影响最大的是石化行业。现存以石油为原料的产品超过5000种,石化行业对人类生活有广泛且深远的影响。一旦该行业受到石油的影响,势必波及社会生活的方方面面。 Glasses to disappear 近视眼镜将退出视野The heritability of myopia is as high as 89 percent, indicating that myopia is determined by genetics. Scientists have found the genes for myopia and by controlling them, may be able to cure myopia. 近视遗传率高达89%,也就是说近视主要由基因决定。科学家们已找到近视的基因,并通过对此基因的控制来治疗近视。(二)东芝推出极具真实感的美女机器人Toshiba created a very realistic looking android named Junko Chihira to work in a new tourist information center in Japan. The bot can speak Japanese, Chinese, and English and made her debut a few weeks ago in Aqua City Odaiba, a shopping center on Tokyos waterfront, according to a press release. Currently, Junko Chihira is greeting visitors as they walk in, but in December, the android will be able to provide tourists with information on events occurring in the area.Junko Chihira is the successor to another Toshiba android named Aiko Chihira, who served as a receptionist in a department store in Japan in April. Aiki Chihira was created using technology developed by Hiroshi Ishiguro, a robotics researcher at Osaka University in Suita, Japan, according to a YouTube video.Like Aiki Chihira, Junko Chihira can so far only res
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