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Module 2 A Job Worth DoingThe Worthwhile Job 有价值的工作There were five brothers who wanted to do something important.有兄弟五个,都想干点大事。They had their own certain jobs that they wanted to do.他们都有自己想做的工作。Each thought his job was the best.每个人都觉得自己的工作是最好的。I will be a great man. I want to make bricks.我会成为大人物的,我想造砖。The oldest brother wanted to be a brick burner and make bricks.老大想做个烧砖的去造砖。But the second laughed at him, Making bricks is a laborers worthless job.可是老二嘲笑他造砖是件毫无价值可言的体力活。The second oldest brother wanted to be a bricklayer, and he thought the bricklayer was much more important than a brick burner.老二想当个砌砖的工匠,他认为砌砖比烧砖更重要。He wanted to have a much more valuable job than his older brother did.他想找份比他大哥做的事更有价值的工作。Then, the third brother laughed at his two brothers after he listened to their dream jobs.听了两个哥哥的理想工作,老三嘲笑他两个哥哥,Hum! They are all unimportant jobs. I will be a great architect and wear a rimless hat.哼!这些工作都不重要。我要当一名建筑师,戴无沿的帽子。His dream was to be an architect and to leave his name in posterity.他梦想成为一名建筑师,流芳百世。The third oldest brother said he would build great buildings.老三说他要建许多伟大的建筑。He wanted to leave great buildings for the next generation after he died.他想死后给子孙们留下这些伟大的建筑。After listening to his brothers, the forth said that he wanted to design better buildings than his third brother.听了哥哥们的话,老四说他设计的建筑要比老三造的更好,I will design more advanced buildings than you will build.我要设计比你造的更先进的建筑。He did not like normal materials.他不喜欢常规的建筑材料。He wanted to have buildings made of rare materials so that he could have better buildings than his third brother did.他想用更稀有的建筑材料,这样他的建筑要比老三建造的那些更好。I will be a critic and will criticize my brothers work. Isnt it the most valuable job? 我要成为一名评论家,来评论哥哥们的工作。难道这不是更有价值的?The last promised to himself that he would never follow his brothers paths.老小暗自发誓,他不会走他哥哥们的路。He wanted to correct his brothers mistakes.他想纠正哥哥们的错误。As time went by, the oldest brother became a brick burner.时光流逝,老大成了一名烧砖工。The second brother became a bricklayer.老二成了一名砌砖匠。The third one became an architect, and the forth became an architectural designer.老三成了一名建筑师,老四成了一名建筑设计师。They all passed away after they did what they really wanted to do.做了他们真正想做的,他们全都成为他们想成为的人。The only one left is me.就只剩我了。The last one lived longer than any of his brothers, and he became a critic.老小活的比他的哥哥们都要长,他成为了一名评论家。I did the most important job.我做的工作是最重要的。The last still insisted that he had the most worthwhile job among his brothers.老小依旧坚持认为他做的工作比他的哥哥们做的都要有价值。After he died, even though he could go to Heaven only with his brothers help, he murmured to himself continuously in front of the Gate of Heaven.死后,即便凭借哥哥们的帮助他才来到天堂,在天堂的门口,他还是不停的叨念。I am the best. 我是最好的。Whatever your job is, they are all of the same importance.不管你的工作是什么,它们都是同样重要的。(二)The Most And Least Meaningful Jobs最有意义和最没意义的职业Each year, Forbes reports on PayScales list of the most meaningful jobs that also pay well. But when the caveat of income is removed, medical professionals, criminal justice workers, and youth ministers still find their way to the top of the list, while some highly-paid jobs are found to provide little meaning to those that hold them.福布斯每年都会对PayScale发布的最有意义的高薪工作的榜单进行报道。当剔除和收入相关的光环后,医学专家、刑事司法工作者和青年导师依然能够高居榜首,但有些从事高薪职业的人却发现其工作毫无意义。To create this list, PayScale asked workers in more than 400 jobs from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to provide compensation data and respond to questions about whether they feel their work makes the world a better place.为编制这份榜单,PayScale邀请职业信息网络(Occupational Information Network)中逾400种岗位上的员工分享了他们的薪酬数据,并回答有关他们是否认为其工作可以让世界变得更加美好等问题。Compensation, as listed here, factors in salary or hourly wages, bonuses, and additional compensation such as profit sharing, tips, or commission, but does not include the value of stock awards, retirement plans, or benefits such as healthcare. Median pay is defined as the 50th percentile of national earnings for a particular occupation half of all people in that job earn above the median while half earn below.此处提到的薪酬包含月薪或者时薪、奖金以及利润分成、小费或者佣金等其他现金收入,但不包括股权、退休金或者医疗等非现金福利。工资中位数是指对于某特定职业,在全美年薪排名第50位的水平在所有从事这项工作的人当中,年薪高出和低于那个中位数的员工各占一半。Topping the list for the most meaningful job is a three-way tie of jobs as different in compensation as they are in nature: orthopedic surgeon, police chief, and youth minister.在最有意义的职业榜单中,骨科医生、警察局长和青年导师并列第一,但他们的薪酬和工作性质不尽相同。Orthopedic surgeons, those who perform surgery to correct musculoskeletal issues, take home median pay of $337,800 each year, and 100% of respondents found strong meaning in their work. The field is heavily male-dominated, as is that of police chief. While these professionals dont bring in nearly the salaries of orthopedic surgeons, 100% found their work meaningful. The job pays a respectable median of $63,100.进行骨骼修复手术的骨科医生的年薪中位数为337,800美元,而100%的受访者认为其工作有深刻意义。该领域男性居多,警察局长也同样如
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