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Unit 19 Language-Lesson2.单词拼写One of my relatives has c_1_ on hairdressing.He has been working for a_2_.Every day,he eats bread and c_3_.He goes home in a c_4_.He only uses his r_5_ to cut the hair.短语填空confuse withmatch withvariety ofcatch onfor ages1There are _ books for you to choose from.2This idea cant _our policy.3We havent seen them_.4Have you _to what our teacher said?5Im afraid you have me _someone else.单项填空1The more alternatives there are,_ difficult they are to choose from.Amore and moreBthe moreCmore or less Dless or less2I want a tie that will match_this suit.Afrom Bin Cto Dwith3I always _ the sisters because they look like each other very much.Ainform BtellCconfuse Dthrill4He tried to make fun of me at first but I soon _ his tricks.Acaught on Bcaught toCcaught up with Dcaught on to5Proper diets and exercise should also be _ attention to so that you wont easily put on weight.Apaid BspentCbought Dcost.短文改错You can find all kinds information in just 1._a few minute on the Internet.Its like going to a 2._huge library without have to walk around to find 3._your books.Recently even though,many people 4._have been discussing the dangers of the Internet. 5._They have been reports in America about people 6._trying to steal person information for bad purposes. 7._Finding information on the Net is easily.For example,your 8._information are good to society.For example,you 9._can find such information like how to kill people. 10._The problem will become more serious in the future.参考答案.答案:1.caught2.ages3.cream4.cab5.razors.答案:varieties of答案:match with答案:for ages答案:caught on答案:confused with.解析:根据句意“选择的余地越大,就越难选择”,结合The more alternative看出空白处应该表示“越越”。答案:B解析:根据句意“我想要一条领带,和这套西装相匹配”,从a tie和 this suit看出,空白处应该填入“匹配”。match with“与相匹配”。答案:D解析:从原因状语从句“她们看起来很相似”,推出空白处要填入“迷惑”,A、B、D项与look like无关。答案:C解析:根据句意“一开始,他企图取笑我,但是我很快就明白了他耍的花招”,结合make fun of和tricks看出,空白处应该填入“识破、理解”。只有catch on to表示“理解”。答案:D解析:从attention to看出,空白处应该填入“paid”,构成pay attention to 的被动语态。只有A项符合句意“适当的饮食与运动也应受到重视,这样你就不容易胖起来”。答案:A.答案与解析:1kinds后加ofall kinds of 后加名词,表各种各样的。2minuteminutesa few 后需接名词的复数形式。3havehaving介词后必须接名词、代词或动词的ing 形式。4去掉even根据上下文可知,此句与上句是转折关系,而不是让步关系。even though (即使,纵然) 表让步,though表转折,意思是“然而”。56TheyThere本句是there be 结构。7personpersonal修饰information,应用形容词作定语。8easilyeasy一般的副词不能作表语,而应用形容词。9are isinformation 是不可数名词,它作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。10likeassuch 通常与as连用。任务型阅读在江苏高考英语试题中占有较大比重,考题形式以表格形和树状形为主,文章体裁以议论文、说明文为主,文章篇幅往往较长,阅读量大,但结构清晰。该题型综合性很强,思维含量较高,答案既要忠实于原文,又要不局限于原文,原词填空题和词性、词形变换题在逐渐减少,通过归纳总结得出答案的题逐渐增多,另外还有推断作者意图和态度的考题,这必将增加该题型的难度,所以得分一直偏低3
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