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Unit 13 People-Lesson3.根据句意和首字母提示写出单词。1Why should I say sorry when its not my f_?2No one was hurt,and we all breathed a sigh of r_.3We sat in the shade,s_ from the sun.4The birds had gotten into the cabin through a b_ window.5The children were educated at home by a succession of t_.6The lightning and t_ seemed to have moved away,but the rain continued to pour.7Hes become interested in a_ and want to be an astronaut.用适当的介词或副词填空。1I love watching magic shows _ TV.2We took a wrong way and we got lost _ the mountains.3Although horses do not generally mind the cold,shelter _ rain and wind is important.4The illness caused him to fall _ the rest of the class.5_ the top of the page,the teacher had written my grade.6One summer evening Newton sat quietly _ a bench in the garden.7It was great to hear _ your recent promotion.8Only people _ plenty of money can afford to shop here.用表示猜测的情态动词改写下列句子。1There is no reason to be anxious about an unknown result.There _ _ no reason to be anxious about an unknown result.2It is quite probable that he has forgotten when we shall meet.He _ _ _ when we shall meet.3You look tired after a long journey.You _ _ tired after a long journey.4Perhaps the letter will come today because it was sent five days ago.The letter _ come today because it was sent five days ago.单项填空1Mike,I cant start the car.Let me have a look!Oh,there _ be something wrong with the engine.AmustBshallCcan Dwill2Why were you driving so fast?You _ somebody.Amight hurt Bmight have hurtCmust hurt Dmust have hurt3_ Henry have left already?He _,for he always has good manners.AMust;neednt have BMight;couldnt haveCMay;mustnt have DCould;cant have4Who _ it be there that is standing under the tree?It _ be my uncle,but Im not sure.Acan;may Bmust;canCmay;must Dmust;should5I didnt hear the phone.I _ asleep.Amust be Bshould have beenCshould be Dmust have been.翻译填空1这个病人应该与其他病人隔离开。This patient should _ _ _ others.2我告诉他我是多么害怕一个人独处。I told him how scared I was of being _ _ _.3我真不愿意想如果你没有报警的话会发生什么。I _ _ _ what would have happened if you hadnt called the police.4令我欣慰的是,那笔交易非常顺利。_ _ _,the deal went through without any problems.5我晚归了,父亲训斥了我一顿。My father _ _ _ for my getting home late.完形填空(2009四川高考)I was successful at my job.I worked very hard,but it _1_ me and my family a fabulous(极好的) lifestyle.Id worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director._2_,one afternoon last May,I was called to the office,and it was _3_ explained to me that they were letting me go.I just sat there _4_ they talked on and all I could think was,“Ive _5_.”Id been so well respected;_6_ I was of no value.For six weeks,I was in a very _7_ place.I wandered around my house like a zombie(僵尸)I could _8_ things needed doing,but would not do anything.My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive(积极的) in everything _9_ me.Then,in late June,my youngest sons football team made the city cup final.The year before,hed been very sad when I _10_ the same final,so he was _11_ when I told him Id go.Not only did they win,but the look on his face as he saw me _12_ him on was unbelievable.From then on,I spent the summer enjoying my sons and their passions(激情)I attended match after match and performances of my elder sons bandI _13_ went to another city to watch him play.These moments were so_14_.My life had been so much devoted to _15_ for so long,and I felt _16_ that my sons were happy to welcome me into their world._17_,being unemployed gave me back a sense of purposeI was someones mum!I felt a sense of being _18_ again.Now I feel more positive about my professional _19_ and Im getting on better with my family than I ever have.Losing my job made me realize just how _20_ it is to achieve real balance in life.1A.promised Bafforded Cshowed Dleft2A.Therefore BAnyhow COtherwise DHowever3A.quickly Bgently Cpartly Deasily4A.until Bafter Cas Dso5A.failed Bfinished Ctried Dchanged6A.suddenly Bfinally Cimmediately Dshortly7A.secret Bquiet Clonely Ddark8A.see Bget Csuggest Dunderstand9A.defended BdirectedCdeserted Ddisturbed10A.watched Bmissed Clost Dwon11A.disappointed BworriedChonoured Ddelighted12
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