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Unit 15 Learning-Lesson4.根据已知情景填写单词。1If you a_ something such as a skill or a habit,you learn it,or develop it through your daily life or experience.2R_ is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief,such as praying or worshipping in a building such as a church or temple.3If you i_ someone or something,you pay no attention to them.4If you u_ someone to do something,you try hard to persuade them to do it.5If someone or something i_ you to do something new or unusual,they make you want to do it.6A s_ is a dark shape on a surface that is made when something stands between a light and the surface.7A k_ is a country or region that is ruled by a king or queen.8If you say that something is v_,you mean that it is necessary or very important.9If you have an i_ of something or someone,you have a picture or idea of them in your mind.10If you a_ something is true,you imagine that it is true,sometimes wrongly.用所给词的适当形式填空。1To my way of _(think),they should have done that years ago.2Manchester United were _(worth)winners of the competition.3The immune(免疫的)system is the bodys _(defend)against infection(感染)4Most people here are _(willing)to give up their cars.They dont want to use buses instead.5At that time we had to make the _(assume)that the disease was spreading and took action to stop it.6Acupuncture(针灸)may work,but I still believe in a more _(convention)approach to medicine.7The book explores the relationship between religion and _(civil)8Exercise is extremely _(benefit)to health.翻译下列句子。1联合国敦促巴以双方停止交火。The United Nations _ Israel and Palestine _ _ fire.2这里冬天往往会变得很冷。It _ _ _ very cold in winter here.3我希望参加冬令营会对你有益。I hope joining the winter camp will _ _ _ you.4他的父母不同意他独自旅行的决定。His parents didnt _ _ his decision to travel on his own.5她是那种习惯每晚睡八个小时的人。She was a person _ _ _ eight hours sleep a night.选择正确的关联词补全下面的短文。Boys and girls,have you ever had a dream of being a great poet?You should.Many people are afraid of writing stories or poetry._ its easy for you to be a good poet in real life.Do you want to express your happiness _ sorrow?Do you want to share your feelings with others?Do you want to write about your anxiety _ fear?Do you want to describe your dreams?_ you are beginning to live in this world as a poet.Sometimes you have a very exciting picture of your life in your mind._,you dont consider writing a poem.Dont lose any chance to write a poem.With a dream of being a poet,you are beginning to live in this world as a real poet.任务型阅读:Alan等5个语言学习者都有条件通过计算机辅助学习来提高语言水平。下面是六个最新开发的语言辅助学习软件。请根据不同学习者的特点和要求,选出最合适他们使用的软件。其中有一项选择是多余的。(浙江省高考题型)AOxford Phrase Builder GenieThe Phrase Builder Genie sits on top of your word processor while you are writing or on top of a webpage you are reading.When you come across a word you are not sure of,you click on it and the meanings will appear in the Genie,taken from the Advanced Learners Dictionary.Theres a lot more too:theres a massive exercise bank of over 4000 exercises drawn from the Advanced Learners Dictionary,which are excellent for vocabulary development.The program also includes study pages which can be printed out and photocopied.BWord InvadersIn this version,the aliens(外星人)are in the form of words,which come down towards you in groups of four,in a line.Three of them are similar,one is either different,or incorrect English.You must choose which one and destroy it.If you choose correctly,you gain points;if you choose incorrectly,you lose them.There are six levels,from beginner to advanced,and five different sections to overcome.The program has a word store of 2400 different vocabulary items.CVocabulary BuilderUsing Vocabulary Builder is a fun way for young children to learn basic vocabulary.The program combines pictures,text and sound to make an interactive flash card system which teachers can use to help in basic language teaching.Students can choose whether to learn vocabulary,play vocabulary games or record their own story using the vocabulary theyve learned.DBeat the ClockThe name says it all!This is a game designed to improve students vocabulary levels by giving a definition of a word,which they must type in the box.However,they dont have time to sit and think for ever about the word,because they are playing against the clock.The quicker they can guess the word,the better the score.The program is divided into six levels,from beginner to advanced,and tests all parts of English vocabulary.EExercise GeneratorThe generator is for busy teachers who want to produce really professionallooking,paperbased reading and vocabulary activities,tests,homework and exam practice material for their students.It enables you to do it in minutes!Its als
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