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Unit 2Witnessing time句型否定词加比较级表示最高级的含义语法Overview of noun clauses写作介绍古迹建筑考点否定词加比较级表示最高级名词性从句The Great WallThe Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.It winds its way westward over the vast territory of China from the bank of the Yalu River and ends at the foot of snowcovered Qilianshan and Tianshan mountains.It is seldom that we see such a gigantic project in China or elsewhere in the world.Its size is better seen on a map or from an aerial photograph.According to astronauts who looked back from the moon,of all projects built by man,the Great Wall of China is the most conspicuous seen in space.The construction of the parts which later made up the Great Wall began during the Spring and Autumn Period and lasted into the Warring States Period.Many feudal states built hundreds of li of wall fortifications(防御工事) as boundaries.These unlinked walls were the embryonic form of the Great Wall.The construction work lasted for over 2,000 years,through such dynasties as the Northern Wei,Northern Qi,Eastern Wei,Northern Zhou,Sui,Liao,Kin and Ming.It was during the Ming Dynasty that the Wall took on its present form.The Great Wall is a miracle in human history.No other ancient buildings in the world have been constructed for so long a time,on such a grand scale and at so tremendous a cost.Neil Armstrong,the first man who set foot on the moon,reported that there are only two manmade works that can be identified from space and the moon.One is the Great Wall of China;the other is the dykes of Holland.Former US.president Nixon said,that only a great nation could build such a great wall.The Wall well deserves its place on the World Heritage List.The Chinese government has attached great importance to tourism,which is supported by wonderful scenery,rich historic sites,and the various cultures and arts of different ethnic minorities.Today,the Great Wall has lost its strategic importance and has become a worldrenowned tourist attraction.The laboring people of different dynasties demonstrated their intelligence and wisdom while building this great project.They left behind a precious heritage deserving our everlasting care.Badaling Section,Juyong Pass and Cloud Terrace were listed as important historical monuments under special preservation by the Chinese government in 1961.The Great Wall was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as one of the world heritages.诱思探究1Which of the two manmade works can be identified from space and the moon?2Which parts were listed as important historical monuments under special preservation by the Chinese government?答案:1.One is the Great Wall of China;the other is the dykes of Holland.2Badaling Section,Juyong Pass and Cloud Terrace.词汇拓展1_vt.联想,联系adj. 非正式的;副职的_ n联盟;交往;协会答案:associate;association 2_adv.部分地,局部地_ n部分答案:partly;part3_n争端,分歧;摩擦 _ adj.摩擦的答案:friction;frictional4_vt.任命,委任;指定(时间、地点)_ n任命;选派;职位答案:appoint;appointment 5_n评估,评价 _ vt.评价;评估答案:assessment;assess6_n灵感;启发灵感的人(或事物)_ vt.激发答案:inspiration;inspire7_ vt.& vi.离婚;使分离_ n离婚;分离答案:divorce;divorce 8_vt. 判刑 n. 判决,宣判_ (同义词)答案:sentence;condemn9_n管理,管控;规章制度,条例_ v管理;控制答案:regulation;regulate 10_ n帮助,援助_ v帮助,援助答案:assistance;assist.短语互译1_ 对有影响答案:have an influence on2_ 取得很多进步答案:make many advances3_ 把A和B联系起来答案:associate A with B4_ 祭祀某人的庙宇答案:the temple to sb.5_取得的控制权答案:seize control of6under the title of_答案:以的名义7bring.back to its former glory_答案:恢复往日的光辉8be open to the public_答案:对公众开放9in the five centuries that followed_答案:在接下来的5个世纪里10in terms of_答案:在方面,从方面来说.重点句型1_ _has had a _ influence on Western civilization _ the ancient Greeks.古希腊人对西方文明的影响无人可及。答案:No one;greater;than2They _ _ _ in philosophy,science,mathematics,art,architecture,theatre,politics and sport.他们在哲学、科学、数学、艺术、建筑、戏剧、政治学和体育方面取得了很多的进展。答案:made many advances3_ _,we _ ancient Greek civilization _the capital city of Athens,the greatest symbol of which is the Acropolis.我们尤其将古希腊文明与其首都雅典城相联系,而雅典最伟大的标志就是雅典卫城。答案:In particular;associate;with4_ _ _the Acropolis,there are three main temples to Athena.在雅典卫城的顶部,有三座主要庙宇祭祀雅典的守护神雅典娜答案:On top of5They are still shown there _ _ _ _Elgin Marbles它们仍然在那里展出,被冠以“埃尔金大理石雕塑”。答案:under the title of6_ _ _ _help preserve history,the Greek government _ a committee in 1975 to undertake a complete repair of the Acropolis.为表示其帮助保存历史的意愿,希腊政府于1975年任命了一个委员会来负责卫城的全面修复工作。答案:In a gesture to;appointed7_ _Shisanling,the most famous Ming Tomb is Xiaoling,in Nanjing.除了十三陵之外最著名的明陵是坐落于南京市郊的明孝陵。答案:Apart from8It is apparent _the Qing Tombs are influenced by
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