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Module 1 Europe经典欧洲旅游六大最佳目的地Europe has a rich history in its backdrop and a scenic geographical heritage that makes it a no.1 vacation destination among tourists from all over the world. Be it for a romantic getaway, a family picnic or a teenagers world tour, Europe holds an indispensable position among travel locations. Enlisted below is a list of the 6 best places to visit in Europe.欧洲有着悠久的历史,其广袤的地理环境造就了优美的风景,是吸引了来自世界各地的游客最多的旅游胜地。无论是作为适合情侣旅行的浪漫之地,抑或作为全家人一起野炊的地方,还是青少年环球旅行的去处,欧洲是绝不可或缺的一处旅游胜地。以下搜罗了欧洲6大最适合旅游的城市。London 伦敦The capital of the United Kingdom, London is a beautiful city that offers a plethora of scenic meadows, spectacular cathedrals, astonishing palaces and close-to-impossible architectural feats like the London Eye. Besides that, it has several museums and historic houses that recite the tale of this citys past. If you are a literature buff, then London is a must visit for you.英国的首都,美丽的伦敦拥有延绵的美丽草坪,雄伟的大教堂,令人瞠目结舌的宫殿以及像伦敦眼这样不可思议的建筑奇观。除此以外,那里也有记载着这座城市历史传奇的博物馆以及历史建筑。如果你是个文学爱好者,那么你一定得去伦敦。Paris 巴黎Paris, the haven of fashion, culture and entertainment, is the most visited city in the world. It is also held as a numero uno tourist destination due to the presence of the Eiffel Tower and several other historic buildings, museums, cathedrals and churches. Apart from that, Paris is also a perfect place for those who love the solace that parks, gardens and cemeteries provide.巴黎,时尚、文化、娱乐的天堂,也是世界上游客最多的城市。同时,因为埃菲尔铁塔以及其他的历史建筑物、博物馆、教堂的存在使得巴黎成了大多数游客的梦想之地。除此以外,巴黎也是那些喜欢静谧的公园以及想要参观公墓之人的好去处。Rome 罗马A talk about Europe is incomplete without a mention of Rome. Held as a place where one of the oldest civilizations of the world prospered, Rome is where youd get to see numerous castles, palaces, archaic edifices, fountains, squares and well-manicured parks. Several tourists come here especially to have a look at the Renaissance architecture that the buildings of this city boast.如果说到欧洲,但没有提到罗马那就是不完整的。那是世界上一个有着最古老文明的城市,罗马有众多你想看的城堡、宫殿、古色古香的建筑物、喷泉、广场,以及精心修剪的公园。一些游客到那里就是为了看看这座城市引以为豪的文艺复兴时期的建筑。Barcelona 巴萨罗那Barcelona, a major city in Spain, is regarded among the 10 best beach cities of the world. The citys coastline has clear waters and a temperate climate which makes it a favorite destination among sun bathers. Besides that, Barcelona has a glorious past to flaunt. You must stroll through its bustling streets and take a look at the historic buildings, castles, churches, parks and museums.巴萨罗那,西班牙一个重要的城市,被认为是世界上拥有10大最美丽海岸的城市之一。这个城市的沿海有着干净的海水、温润的气候,这就使之成为热爱日光浴的人最喜欢的地方。另外,巴塞罗那有着辉煌的过去。在那里你可以在忙碌的街道上闲逛,去看看这些历史悠久的建筑物、城堡、教堂、公园以及博物馆。Berlin 柏林Berlin holds a reputable place among the most visited places in Europe. This is because, just like several other European cities, Berlin has a rich and varied history and culture. A visit to this city will acquaint you with stately castles, exquisite palaces, museums, zoos and some of the best universities of the world. Berlin is also known for the several beach bars that dot the banks of the river Spree.柏林是众多欧洲旅行中久负盛名的地方。这是因为,就像欧洲的其他几座旅游城市一样,柏林有着丰富而悠久的历史和文化。在这座城市旅游可以参观到雄伟的城堡建筑、精美的宫殿、博物馆、动物园以及参观世界上最好的几所大学。同时,柏林也因几个圆形河岸上的狂欢会而为人熟知。Vienna 维也纳If you are a music lover and a steadfast devotee of Beethoven or Mozart, then a visit to Vienna is like going on a pilgrimage. This is because Vienna is the birthplace of these revered artists. Youd find their houses there and also find their memorial graves. Besides that, Vienna is known for castles, palaces, museums and historic monuments. If you are an ardent art lover, Vienna is the place for you. It has nearly hundred museums dedicated to art!如果你是个音乐爱好者,是贝多芬、莫扎特的忠实粉丝,去维也纳就像是朝圣一样。这是因为维也纳是那些备受尊敬的艺术家的出生地。你可以去他们的故居,也可以去看看他们的墓碑。除此以外,维也纳也以城堡,宫殿,博物馆以及历史纪念碑而闻名。如果你是个狂热的艺术爱好者,维也纳就是那个最适合去的地方。那里有近百座与艺术有关的博物馆!Intrigued by whatever you read? Well, that gives you a reason to head to the European quarter and visit these places! Go, travel and have an experience of a lifetime.你已经被你所读到的内容迷住了?好吧,给自己一个理由去欧洲的这些地方走走,看看这些美丽的地方!走吧,在你的有生之年去走走,去体验体验。. 核心单词1. _ prep. 横过;穿过2. _ vt. 面向;面对3. _ n. 山脉4. _ n. 象征;符号5. _ prep. 在对面6. _ n. 特点7. _ adj. 坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的 _ n. 情境8. _ adj. 位于 _ n. 位置9. _ adj. 古代的 _ adj. 现代的10. _ vt. 签署 _ n. 签名11. _ n. 协议;契约 _ n. 分歧12. _ vt. 统治;治理 _ n. 政府13. _ n. 代表 _ vt. 代表. 重点短语1. 作为而出名/闻名 _2. 自从一直 _3. 离海岸不远(的海上) _4. 与有共同点 _5. 就而言 _6. because of _7. on the other hand
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