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Unit 4Law and order句型由定语从句、状语从句、非谓语动词构成的复合句语法Language styles写作Investigating and reporting facts考点negotiatesmoothhave ones luggage checkedremind.of.在当今这个信息时代,我们不可避免地要接触到网络,那么遇到网络犯罪,我们该怎么办呢?也许我们可以借鉴美国人的方法。Reporting Computer,InternetRelated,or Intellectual Property CrimeInternetrelated crime,like any other crime,should be reported to appropriate law enforcement investigative authorities at the local,state,federal,or international levels,depending on the scope of the crime.Citizens who are aware of federal crimes should report them to local offices of federal law enforcement.Reporting Computer Hacking,Fraud and Other InternetRelated CrimeThe primary federal law enforcement agencies that investigate domestic crime on the Internet include:the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),the United States Secret Service,the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),the United States Postal Inspection Service,and the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)Each of these agencies has offices conveniently located in every state to which crimes may be reported.Contact regarding these local offices may be found in local telephone directories.In general,federal crime may be reported to the local office of an appropriate law enforcement agency by a telephone call and by requesting the “Duty Complaint Agent.” Each law enforcement agency also has a headquarters (HQ) in Washington,D.C.,which has agents who specialize in particular areas.For example,the FBI and the US.Secret Service both have headquartersbased specialists in computer intrusion (i.e.,computer hacker) cases.导读诱思:1What should a citizen do when he or she meet Internetrelated crime?2What do the primary federal law enforcement agencies include?答案:诱思探究:1.Report them to local offices of federal law enforcement.2The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),the United States Secret Service,the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),the United States Postal Inspection Service,and the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).词汇拓展1_ vt.使成为必要;牵涉,涉及;(使)参加_ n卷入;牵连;包含2_ vt.& n下载;已下载的数据资料_ vt.上传3_ vt.评估;估算_ n评估4_ n& vt.嫌疑犯,可疑对象;怀疑(某人有罪);怀疑(某事属实或可能发生,尤指坏事)_ adj.可疑的5_ vt.& vi.商定;谈判,协商_ n谈判;协商6_ vt.使顺利;使光滑,使平坦_ n把东西弄平的人7_ vt.检查;视察_ n检查;视察8_ vt.& n进口,输入,引进_ vt.& n出口,输出9_ vt.& vi.补偿;弥补;给(某人)赔偿_ n补偿;弥补,赔偿金.短语互译1_ 把分类成2_ 在没有允许的情况下3_ 知识财产4_ 闯入5_ 国际合作6a key to dealing with._7join forces_8a guilty conscience _9put into effect_10pirated products_.重点句型1Fighting this kind of crime,which is called cybercrime,requires great effort and _ many countries _ together.打击这样的犯罪,即网络犯罪,要求极大的努力和各国协力工作。2Cybercrime _ _any criminal offence_ _the Internet.网络犯罪指任何与因特网相关的犯罪。3At the Council of Europe,we feel that it is important to_ such crimes,as it helps us _ the problem of cybercrime.在欧洲议会上,我们感到对这种犯罪进行明确的分类是必要的,因为它可以帮助我们评估网络犯罪。4A survey _ in 2010 by the Computer Security Institute,a private organization in the USA,showed that 45.6 per cent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies had had their security system _ _ in the previous year.一项由美国私人组织“计算机安全协会”在2010年进行的调查表明,351家最大的公司和政府机构中,45.6%的安全系统在前一年遭到入侵。5_ _,most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with _ from other countries who may have_ _.另外,大多数国家都没有如何对付实施网络犯罪的他国公民的手段。6One of the fathers of the Internet,Vinton Cerf,would_ _ agree that teamwork is a key to _ _ cybercrime.因特网创始人之一文特瑟夫无疑会认同团队协作是对付网络犯罪的关键7The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) _ intellectual property _ ideas that belong to a person,organization or company.世界知识产权组织(WIPO)认为知识财产是属于个人、组织或公司的智力创造成果。8One of the conditions of _ _ the organization is that these laws must be _ _ _by member countries.要加入这个组织的条件之一就是这些法律在成员国必须付诸实施。9.when you enter a country which is a member of the WTO,your luggage may be _ by customs to _ _ that you are not.当你进入世贸组织成员国时,你的行李可能会被海关检查,确保你没有10Remember that companies expect to _ _ _their material.记住,公司期待着它们的材料得到补偿答案:.1.involve;involvement2.download;upload3.assess;assessment4.suspect;suspectable5.negotiate;negotiation6.smooth;smoother7.inspect;inspection8.import;export9.compensate;compensation.1.classify.into.2.do sth.without permission3.intellectual property4.break into5.international cooperation6.解决的关键7.与合作,联合8.内疚;问心有愧9.使生效,实施10.盗版产品.1.involves;working2.refers to;related to3.classify;assess4.conducted;broken into5.In addition;suspects;committed cybercrime6.no doubt;dealing with7.re
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