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密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20090495 文学硕士学位论文文学硕士学位论文 余 阙 诗 歌 研 究 学 位 申请人:孔庆利 导师:王素美 教授 学 位 类 别:文学硕士 学 科 专 业:中国古代文学 授 予 单 位:河北大学 答 辩 日 期:二一二年六月 Classified Index: CODE:10075 U.D.C: NO: 20090495 A Dissertation for the Degree of MLitt A Study on Yu Ques Poems Candidate: Kong Qingli Supervisor: Prof. Wang Sumei Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Literature Specialty: Ancient Chinese Literature University: HeBei University Date of Oral Examination: June, 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 有元一代是一个各民族大融合、大统一的社会,也是一个各民族文化相互碰撞与交 流的时期,尤其在元代后期,一大批少数民族诗人登上了诗坛,他们在发挥自己创作才 能的同时,又融入了本民族的民俗风情,在具有悠久诗歌传统的中原大地上,留下了独 特光辉的一页,余阙就是重要的一位代表诗人。 本文立足于中国古代文学诗人个体研究的基本思路, 主要论述了生活在元代末期的 余阙他的人生经历以及诗歌创作成就。文章首先对余阙的生平和著述进行了详尽的介 绍,将他的一生分为了三个时期:青年时他躬耕读书于青阳山中,学习汉族文化,学问 日进;三十一岁开始进入官场,几度沉浮,曾两次辞官返乡;晚年余阙出任淮东都元帅 副使,驻守安庆城,并与红巾军鏖战数年,终因孤城兵败,自刎而死。 余阙诗歌的内容亦非常广泛,其中主要包括了社会讽喻诗、山水诗、送别诗、题画 诗四类题材,最有现实意义的当属他的社会讽喻诗,这类诗歌真实地再现了战争中百姓 的生活状况,体现出了诗人以民为本的儒家思想和嫉恶如仇的品质性格。他的山水诗多 采用白描手法,托物言志、借古抒怀,表达了诗人渴望回归自然怀抱的愿望。余阙的送 别诗按主题倾向的不同,一类直接抒写离别之情,凄切哀婉,另一类则重在勉励友人或 者自己。其题画诗则包含了人物、山水、花鸟等多个画科,他以诗写画,再现画境,进 行着诗画融通的艺术再创造,为其诗增添了更为深刻的文化内涵。 余阙诗歌的艺术特色主要表现在五个方面。体裁结构上他的诗歌诸体皆备,但以五 古为主。叙事描写艺术上,余阙多借助典故和托物言志的表现手法,丰富了诗歌内容, 增强了诗歌的艺术感染力。艺术风格方面,余阙取法汉魏,推崇古朴典雅,又追求六朝 的清新明丽,成就突出。语言艺术方面,余阙追求质朴平淡的风格,同时又注重文字色 彩的选择和搭配,尽显语言的张力。此外,他还非常关注西夏人的生活习俗,并将汉族 文化中的精华与其民族奔放犷悍的个性结合起来,创作出许多佳篇。 综上可以看出,无论在题材内容方面,还是在艺术特色角度,余阙的诗歌都达到了 较高的水平,并成为元代后期诗坛上不可或缺的一人,我们在赞美余阙高义的同时,对 其文学创作成就和地位影响,也应给与高度的关注和肯定。 关键词 元代 余阙 诗歌题材内容 艺术特色 Abstract II Abstract Yuan dynasty was characterized by national fusion and unification as well as cultural collision and interaction between different ethnic groups. It was especially notable that a legion of minority poets entered the world of poetry in late Yuan dynasty. These poets integrated folk custom of their own ethical origin into their poetry compositions while exerting their talents and capacity, thus adding a brilliant page to the earth of China that was already blessed with an time-honored tradition of poetry. Yu Que was one significant representative among them. This dissertation, based on basic ideas of individual study on poets in the field of ancient Chinese literature, expounded the life experience and poetic achievements of Yu Que, who was active in late Yuan dynasty. Firstly, information about his life experiences and writings is covered, which includes the division of his life into three periods: He spent his greed days on farming and reading in Qingyang Mountain, during which he learned about Han people culture and eventually became erudite. After he turned 31 year old, he entered politics. In the rises and falls of the political life, he resigned his rank and returned to his native land twice. In his late years, he was appointed the aide-de-camp to the marshal of the military area of east of Huai river and garrisoned the city of Anqing where he engaged in fierce battles with the Red Turban Rebels. Out of isolation of his garrison, he was finally defeated, when he died by his own sword. The connotations of Yu Ques poems, including allegorical, scenery, apopemptic and ones on Chinese paintings, covered a wide range of topics. The allegorical poems were richest in practical values, which realistically represented the life status of people during the war, revealing his Confucius people-oriented thoughts and abhorrence of the sins. The poems on sceneries mostly written by the technique of plain description, in which he expressed his feeling and thoughts via things and history, manifested his intense longing for returning to nature arms. Yu Ques apopemptic poems were categorized to two groups by themes. One group directly expressed the sentiments caused by departure, thus being saturated by Abstract III lamentation and sadness, while the other mainly delivered encouragement to his friends or himself. The Chinese paintings he composed poems on included figure paintings, landscape paintings as well as flowers and birds paintings. In these poems, the imagery of the paintings were represented by poetry, in which artistic recreations combining poetry and art was realized, thus enriching his poems with more profound cultural connotations. The artistic features of Yu Ques poems were mainly demonstrated in five aspects. On type and structure, his poems were of all types, whereas most of them were with five characters in a line. As to the narrating technique, Yu Que leaned much on the artistic expression of allusions and expressing feelings by objects, which broadened the coverage and enhanced the appeal of his poems. In terms of artistic style, Yu Que imitated poets in Han and Wei dynasty out of his reverence towards the traditional, simple and elegant manner of poetry, while fresh and bright style of poems in the Six Dynasties was also sought. On the linguistic level, Yu Que was in pursuit of unsophisticated configurations of words, whereas he did not ignore the selection and matching of colors of words, showin
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