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3892010M9NEW CHEM ICAL MATERIA LSVol.38 No.969Te:UU(1986-),o,V3,1VYs0。:y+,q,。AZ周亭亭杨建军吴庆云吴明元张建安(安徽大学化学化工学院与安徽省绿色高分子重点实验室,合肥230039)K1综述了有机硅改性水性聚氨酯的研究发展,主要包括有机硅、有机硅-环氧树脂、有机硅-丙烯酸酯和无机纳米SiO2 对水性聚氨酯改性的不同方法和特点,相应地介绍了这些改性水性聚氨酯在不同领域的应用进展,并对有机硅改性水性聚氨酯的未来发展前景作了展望。1oM水性聚氨酯,有机硅,纳米,改性,研究进展Research progress of silicone modified waterborne polyurethanesZhou TingtingYang Jianjun Wu Qingyun Wu MingyuanZhang Jianan(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Anhui University &Key Laborsatory ofEnvironment-friendly Polymer Materials of Anhui Province,Hefei 230039)AbstractThe waterborne polyurethanes modified by silicone including silicone, silicone-epoxy resin, silicone-acry-late and nano-SiO2 modification were summaried.The research progress of aboved materials applied in various fields basedon different features and methods were intruduced.Finally, the future on waterborne polyurethanes modified by siliconewas prospected.Key wordswaterborne polyurethane, silicone, nano, modification, research0、04、0K,4T41,+YA?Z.v。mj?,A?Z-|F,l.A/d#? J .%,2009,26(10):953-956. 24 Bai C Y,Zhang X Y, Dai J B,et al.Synthesis of UV crosslink-able water siloxane-polyurethane dispersion PDMS-PEDA-PUand the properties of the films J .J Coat T ech Res ,2008, 5(2):251-257. 25 S,+Y,n,.v-dp J .p,2008,38 (11):33-37. 26 Ceccia S , Turcato E A, Mafettone P L, et al.NanoeompositeUV-cured coatings:Organoclay intercalation by an epoxy resin J .Progress in Organic Coatings,2008,63:110-115. 27 f,C,.,.Bb=Aos8A J .?, 2009,1(40):126-129. 28 f_,r,5,.2?d,SiO2!#? J .SS/v,2010,32(1):51-56. 29 Chen Jing-Jing,Zhu Chuan-Fang,Deng Hong-Tao,et al.Prepa-ration and characterization of the waterborne polyurethanemodified with nanosilica J ,Polym Res,2009,16:375-380.l:2010-06-2371
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