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必修 1,Unit 2 English around the world,Part A模仿朗读,Part B角色扮演,角色:Li Ming and Zhang Hua情景:李明想专修英语,他向张华了解英语的发展简况。任务:请你扮演李明,根据中文提示提出问题;请你的同桌扮演张华,根据课文内容回答你的问题。1英语为什么会随着时间的推移而发生变化?_,2在16世纪末,大多数讲英语的人都住在哪里?_3谁比以往用了更大的英语词汇量?_4新的移民丰富了英语这门语言吗?英语是何时定形的?_5现在,英语在哪个洲被当作外语或第二外语?_,答案:1Q:Why has English changed over time?A:Because actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.2Q:Where did most of the English speakers live at the end of the 16th century?A:In England.3Q:Who made use of a wider vocabulary than ever before?A:Shakespeare.,4Q:Did the new settlers enrich the English language?When was English settled?A:Yes,and by the 19th century,English was settled.5Q:In which continent is English now spoken as a foreign language or a second language?A:In South Asia.,Part C故事复述,请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文提示词:change,16th century,new settlers,Shakespeare,in many countries_,答案:Like any other language,English has changed and developed when it communicates with other languages and cultures.At the end of the 16th century,most English speakers lived in England.Later,new settlers like German and French influenced English greatly.Shakespeare had a great effect on English changes because he enlarged the English vocabulary.Now English is spoken in many countries.,.写出下列必考单词1本地人,本国人;本地的n.&adj._2命令,指令,掌握v._3词汇,词汇量n._4辨认出,承认,公认v._5使用,用法,词语惯用法n._6请求,要求n.&v._ 7.航行,航海 n_,8口音,腔调,重音 n_ 9.中西部的 adj._10公寓住宅 n_11实际上,事实上 adv._12街区,块,木块,石块 n_答案:1native2.command3.vocabulary4.recognize5.usage6.request7voyage8.accent9.midwestern10.apartment11.actually12.block,.写出下列单词的变化形式1统治 v_;统治者n._;政府n._2流利的adj._;流利地adv._;流利 n_3表达v._;词语,表达,表情n._;富有表情的,有表现力的adj._.4丰富,富饶n._;富裕的adj._;富丽堂皇地adv._;使富裕,充实,改善 v_5频繁的,常见的adj._;频繁地,常见地adv._;频率n._,6逐渐的adj._;逐渐地adv._7办公室 n_;军官n._;官方的,正式的 adj._;政府官员n._答案:1govern;governor;government2fluent;fluently;fluency3express;expression;expressive4richness;rich;richly;enrich5frequent;frequently;frequency6gradual;gradually7office;officer;official;official, 活学活用,用所给单词的适当形式填空1It can be _ to write a short summary after reading a passage,because it will be of great_ to your writing.(usage)2The band played many songs,_ some of my favorites.(include)3He is a strong _ and he _ the whole nation with an iron hand.(government),4He _ in his _speech that he will support us and the _ on his face suggested that he meant what he said.(express)5Mr.Wang,a teacher with _ experience,encouraged us to _ our life by joining in all kinds of activities after class.(rich)6Mr.White has two sons.One is an _in the army.The other is an _in government department.They both have their own _.Yesterday,the officer was _ approved that he could have two months holiday and he said he would spend his holiday with his old father.(office),答案:1useful;use2.including3governor;governs4expressed;expressive;expression5rich,enrich6officer;official;offices;officially,.翻译下列必背短语1在中担任角色,在中起作用_2充分利用_3因为,由于_4信不信由你_5走近,上来,被提出_6例如,像这种的_7以为基础_8与不同_,9即使;尽管_ 10大量的,许多_答案:1play a role/part in2make good/full use of3because of4.believe it or not5come up6.such as7be based on8.be different from9even if/even though10a (large) number of, 活学活用,根据句后的解析,用适当的短语完成句子1Many questions _ in todays maths class,which was more than the new teacher had expected.(to be mentioned or discussed) 2Im going to see the doctor anyway _ my sleeplessness.(on account of;by reason of)3Wild animals _ tigers and pandas are becoming rare.(like;for example),4Especially in Brazil,the Negroes have _ the development of the nation.(make a contribution to sth.;have a share in sth.)5_ every chance you have to speak English.(use or benefit from sth.)6The theory_ his long research on the wildlife.(to give a reason or start point in)7Although they are twin brothers,they _ each other in personality.(not the same)8Before the rain,_ ants are moving their homes from a lower place to a higher one.(a lot of;many),
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